
  • 网络CUSTOMER;customer information;client information
  1. 一种基于Web的客户信息获取模型框架

    Model framework for customer information captures based on Web

  2. 要存储客户信息,用户首先需要访问Web界面,然后在字段中键入信息。

    To store customer information , the user first accesses the Web interface and types information in the fields .

  3. 基于Web的模具企业客户信息交互平台设计

    Design of Client Information Interactive Platform Based on Web for Die & Mould Company

  4. 它需要一个包含客户信息的Customer对象。

    It requires a Customer object containing customer information .

  5. Customer类代表客户信息,Account代表客户的帐户信息。

    The Customer class represents customer information and the Account represents the account information for a customer .

  6. 基于J2EE的客户信息处理技术的研究与设计

    Research and Design of Client 's Information Treatment Technique Based on J2EE

  7. 研究了CRM中的客户信息获取问题。

    This paper investigates problems on customer information captures in CRM .

  8. CRM:作为客户信息的主要来源

    CRM : Acted as the main source of customer information

  9. 在CRM系统中,客户信息数据仓库具有关键性的作用,因此针对客户信息数据仓库的具体实施进行了研究。

    In CRM system , Customer information Data Warehouse is the key to success .

  10. 充当外部与IBMRational通信的管道,促进客户信息的分发。

    Act as a conduit for external communication to IBM Rational , facilitating the dissemination of information to the customer base .

  11. 这个JSP页面将显示如下所示的客户信息摘要。

    This JSP page will display a summary of customer information as follows .

  12. 现在,她可以操纵数据库,盗取Bob的客户信息。

    Now , she can manipulate the database to steal Bob 's customer information .

  13. CustomerService实用程序(可在本文的下载部分获得)是一个简单的Web应用程序,它允许将基本的客户信息保存到数据库中。

    The Customer Service utility ( available in the Download section of this article ) is a simple Web application that lets you save basic customer information into a database .

  14. 客户信息自然需要用Oracle等大型数据库进行管理;

    Naturally , it is necessary to use a large-scale database such as Oracle in the management of customer information .

  15. 基于VB的假肢厂客户信息管理系统用VB和Access数据库、ADO控件和Excel实现。

    VB and Access database , ADO Control and Excel was applied in management system of client information for artificial limb factory .

  16. 这些XML文档格式的订单被路由到全局仓库,而客户信息则是维护在一个名为CUSTOMERS的本地数据库表中。

    These orders , in the form of XML documents , are routed to the global warehouse , while customer information is maintained in a local database table called CUSTOMERS .

  17. 第二部分从客户信息资源的涵义、类型、特征三个方面对其进行概述,并分析了CRM应用系统的功能和运作方式。

    The second part summarized the meaning , types , characteristic of customer information management and analysed the function and operation of CRM application system .

  18. 客户信息正逐渐成为企业最重要的资源之一,有效管理客户资源已成为企业的迫切需求,客户关系管理(CustomerRelationshipManagement)由此应运而生。

    Customer becomes one of the most important resources of enterprises . Efficient management for customers has already become the urgent requirement of enterprises . Hence , customer relationship management ( CRM ) emerges with the tide of the times .

  19. 在开发CCMS后端流程管理客户信息之前,需要使用Web服务来访问主要客户信息。

    A Web service to access key customer information was required prior to the development of CCMS back-end processes to manage customer information .

  20. 有时候,有必要对某些用户隐藏或掩盖XML的某些部分,例如对医务人员隐藏社会保险号,或者为了调查目的去掉敏感的客户信息。

    Sometimes it is necessary to hide or obscure parts of XML for certain users , for example , hiding social security numbers from medical staff or removing sensitive customer information for survey purposes .

  21. 假设有一个基于web的JavaEE贷款报价应用程序,它获取客户信息,并调用决策服务来确定贷款利率(如果贷款申请符合条件)。

    Assume there is a Java EE web-based loan quotation application that takes in customer information and invokes the decision service to determine the loan rate if the loan application is eligible .

  22. 该代理首先在Summaryportlet中浏览客户信息,然后点击该portlet中的链接,就可以看到在Detailportlet中的附加的信息。

    The agent begins by browsing customer information in the Summary portlet , and then clicks on links in that portlet to display additional information in the Detail portlet .

  23. 对数据库SqlServer访问,完成了物品信息、仓库信息、客户信息、操作记录、登录信息的自动存储、查询删除等功能。

    It could get access to SQL Server , and accomplish many functions , such as auto-storing , inquiring , deleting of goods information , warehouse information , customers ' information , operation records and log-in information .

  24. 运营方法的特征是以实时、请求-响应的方式与MDM系统交互;创建或更新客户信息就是一个典型的例子

    Operational method of use characterized by real-time , request-response based interaction with the MDM System ; creation or update of customer information is a typical example

  25. 例如,TorontoDominionBank(TDBank)连续10年保持客户信息100%的可用性,期间还包括两次DB2forz/OS升级。

    For example , Toronto Dominion Bank ( TD Bank ) has had100 percent availability of customer information for10 consecutive years , including two DB2 for z / OS upgrades during that timeframe .

  26. 基于以上问题,本文针对公司管理模型,根据软件工程的基本流程,开发设计基于Web的客户信息管理系统,实现公司管理的电子化,减轻管理人员的负担。

    So , according to the basic process of the software engineering , this paper develop and design of the customer information management system based of Web in allusion to company management model , in order to realize the company management electron and reduce management burden .

  27. 企业通过实施CRM,一方面可以对客户信息进行完全的整合,在企业内部实现信息充分共享,从而能够保证为客户提供更为快捷与周到的优质服务,吸引和保持更多的客户;

    On one hand , enterprise can integrate the customer information through carrying out CRM , and provide the fast and high-quality services for the customers so as to attract and maintain more customers ;

  28. CCMS另一个明显的业务价值是将客户信息作为服务实现。

    Another evident business value for CCMS is the implementation of customer information as a service .

  29. 此战术实现使用了策略客户信息访问接口(CCMS最终部署了此接口)。

    The strategic customer information access interfaces ( which CCMS eventually deployed ) were utilized for this tactical implementation .

  30. 介绍在AutoCAD2000上,如何运用ObjectARX开发集流体动密封压力接头选型、设计绘图与客户信息查询于一体的CAD软件系统。

    The paper presents the developing of CAD system , which integrates design , model selecting of the rotary fluid pressure sealing joint , drawing and customer information inquiry by means of Object ARX on the basis of AutoCAD 2000 .