
  • 网络Client Advisors;Customer Consultant
  1. Bob是IBMSOAAdvancedTechnology小组的高级架构师,自2006年5月以来在SOA治理和SOA架构领域担任IBM全球客户顾问。

    Bob is an Executive Architect with IBM in the SOA Advanced Technology group , performing worldwide consulting for IBM customers in the area of SOA Governance and SOA Architecture since May , 2006 .

  2. 客户顾问,女,28岁

    Client adviser , female , 28

  3. 如果监管者迎难而上,要求分支机构提高技能,那么银行经理和客户顾问将与金融家一道熬夜苦读。

    If regulators seize the nettle , and demand more skills in branches , bank managers and customer advisers will join the financiers burning the midnight oil .

  4. 在这次会议上,beta测试客户、顾问和IBM人员做了许多精彩的报告,讨论了内部原理、实现和性能等方面的细节。

    The conference included many great presentations by beta customers , consultants , and IBMers , talking through the internals as well as implementation and performance details .

  5. 女婴父亲本,44岁,是一名客户服务顾问;

    Dad Ben , 44 , is a customer services adviser , and Mum Angela is35 .

  6. 本文的目标读者是开发人员、客户、顾问和区域销售专业人员。

    This article is intended to benefit developers , customers , consultants , and field sales professionals .

  7. 而不是担心后果的,客户及顾问应该携手合作渠道,创造性地把能量转化为可行的结果。

    Rather than fear the consequences , clients and consultancies should work together to channel creative energy into viable results .

  8. 这份阅读清单是为客户、顾问及其他对使用和学习这些领域的知识感兴趣的技术专业人员准备的,并且定期更新。

    This list is updated peridocally and is intended for customers , consultants , and other technical specialists interested in using and learning more about these areas .

  9. FDM采取的做法是,雇佣IT专业毕业生,并对他们进行2到9个月的培训,使他们能像FDM客户的IT顾问一样工作。

    FDM takes on IT graduates and trains them for between two and nine months before they are able to work as IT consultants for FDM 's clients .

  10. 客户与咨询顾问的关系正发生改变,这对双方均产生了重要影响。

    The relationship between clients and consultants is shifting , with significant consequences for both .

  11. 他在数据库的各个方面都有丰富的经验:他是数据库客户、数据库顾问、数据库教员和数据库开发人员。

    He has experienced databases from every angle : as a customer , a consultant , an instructor , and a developer .

  12. 在可能的客户中访谈顾问,以更好地了解合作的性质,和成果的合作。

    Interviews were conducted with consultancies and , when possible , their clients , to better understand the impetus , nature , and outcome of their collaborations .

  13. 客户应作为顾问群的方式介绍给管理层,而且应使得客户感受到俱乐部公寓是在他们造访城市的生活中一个重要的部分。

    Guests should be invited into advisory groups to management and should feel that the club apartment is an important part of their life in the visited city .

  14. 银行称“优汇通”服务是经过外汇监管机构批准的,一位将服务介绍给客户的移民顾问对财新新闻称“优汇通”在去年有过暂时停用的状况。

    The bank says the Youhuitong service is authorized by the foreign exchange regulator , while an immigration advisor who has recommended the service to his clients told Caixin it was temporarily suspended last year .

  15. 我俩细细品味沙拉(我注意到自己吃得比她快)时,我问她是如何成功当上那些富有中东客户的金融顾问的?

    How , I ask , as we nibble at our salads ( I notice I am eating much faster than her ) , did she end up as financial adviser to rich Middle Eastern clients ?

  16. 他认为,当客户与咨询顾问对亟待解决的企业问题有着共同认识时,双方的关系最为融洽当同事之间讲着相同的商业语言时,就更容易实现这一目标。

    He sees the client / Consultant relationship as something that works best when there is a shared understanding of the business problem to be solved something that is easier to achieve when colleagues are speaking the same commercial language .

  17. 他拥有高性能算法、企业集成和移动应用程序的开发经验,这些经验帮助他成为了大型IBM客户值得信赖的顾问和解决方案架构师。

    His development experience in high-performance algorithms , enterprise integration , and mobile applications has helped him serve as a trusted advisor and solution architect for large IBM accounts .

  18. 专业服务公司毕马威(KPMG)的客户和渠道管理顾问大卫霍奇金森(DavidHodgkinson)也认同这一点,即:如果谨慎行事,那么,即便是零售银行业这样受到严格控制的行业也可以使用Twitter。

    David Hodgkinson , an adviser on customer and channel management at KPMG , the professional services firm , agrees that even tightly controlled industries such as retail banking can use Twitter , if they do so with care .

  19. 优秀的顾问会尽早离开客户,以确保客户不依赖顾问。

    Good consultants leave their clients as early as possible to ensure that the client does not become dependent on the consultant .

  20. 客户服务研修班课程综合各种技巧与流程,帮助客户顾问或客户经理更有效地开展他们的工作。

    The Customer Service Workshops brings together the skills and the process to enable Customer Service Representatives or Relationship Managers to be more effective at their jobs .

  21. 但我们不拘于客户的要求,我们善于运用专业知识和经验,为客户承担顾问咨询责任,帮助客户进行分析和决策。

    However , in our informal customer requirements , we are good at using the expertise and experience for the customer to bear responsibility for consulting to help customers analyze and decision making .