
  • 网络osaka;Osaka City;Osaka-shi
  1. 本行即日在大阪市开设一分公司,并委任T.先生为经理。

    I inform you that I have this day opened a new branch establishment in Osaka , and have entrusted the management thereof to Mr.T.

  2. 石原慎太郎已与现年43岁、颇具个人魅力的大阪市长桥下彻(ToruHashimoto)结成了竞选联盟,并成为桥下彻的“日本维新会”(JapanRestorationparty)的领导人。

    He has joined forces with the charismatic mayor of Osaka , 43-year-old Toru Hashimoto , and assumed leadership of Mr Hashimoto 's Japan Restoration party .

  3. 大阪市市长桥下彻(ToruHashimoto)要求韩国政府提供证据,证明这些妇女是日本军队通过暴力恐吓强行征召的。多次民调显示桥下彻是下一任日本首相的热门人选。

    Osaka Mayor Toru Hashimoto , who has topped some polls as the most popular choice for the next prime minister , challenged the South Korean government to provide proof that the women were forcibly taken by the Japanese military through ' violence or intimidation . '

  4. 日本大阪市社会教育发展与启示

    The Development of Social Education in Osaka , Japan and Its Enlightenment

  5. 在亚洲,大阪市代表日本,他们在长野成功地举行了上一次冬奥会。

    In Asia , the city of Osaka represents the candidature of Japan , which successfully set up for last winter games in Nagano .

  6. 过去一年里,直言不讳的大阪市市长桥下彻获得了全国各地的关注,他组织了自己的政党,可能在下次大选中会派出几位候选人。

    In the past year the outspoken pro-business mayor of Osaka , Toru Hashimoto , has caught national attention , and has launched a political party that might field candidates in an election .

  7. 此次世博会,日本参展的展馆有名为“紫蚕岛”的日本馆、大阪府·大阪市的城市最佳实践区以及日本企业集团的日本产业馆。

    At this World Expo , Japan will present the Japan Pavilion , named " Purple Silkworm Island ," the Urban Best Practice Area of Osaka Prefecture and Osaka City , and the Pavilion of Japanese Industry .

  8. 桂林大阪两市新生儿脐带血和母乳中脂溶性维生素浓度比较

    Fat soluble Vitamins in Cord Blood and Colostrum in Guilin and Osaka

  9. 分别在上海和大阪两地由两国医师进行调查。样本含量上海市为3819人,大阪市为484人。

    The representative samples of 3819 people in Shanghai and 484 people in Osaka received dental examination in 1996 and in 1993.The ages range of the subjects were from 5 to 74 years old in the research .