
  • 网络Da Hinggan Ling Prefecture;daxinganling;Daxing'anling;Daxing'anling Prefecture
  1. 结合大兴安岭地区矿产资源勘查的背景条件,系统阐述该技术在植被覆盖地区地质找矿的应用流程。

    With the background of the ore resources exploration in Daxing'anling area , the authors present the applying process of this technique in mineral prospecting in vegetated terrain .

  2. 本文阐述了大兴安岭地区资源状况、区位条件、生产要素配置、市场拓展度等优势以及地区的发展战略,认为绿色食品产业应是该地区发展的主要接替产业之一。

    This paper states the resources , location , production element , market extending and development strategy of Daxing'anling district , points out that green food industry is the main succeeding industry of this district .

  3. 大兴安岭地区貂熊(GuloGulo)冬季生境评价

    Winter Habitat Evaluation for the Wolverine ( Gulo Gulo ) in the Great Khingan Mountains Area

  4. 大兴安岭地区政务信息化的实践与研究

    The Practice and Study of Government Affairs Information in Daxing'an Mountains

  5. 大兴安岭地区浅覆盖层对地面伽马能谱测量的影响

    The influence of shallow overburden on GROUND-GAMMA spectrometry in Daxin'anling area

  6. 提高马铃薯田间生产过程机械化程度的建议&以大兴安岭地区为例

    Suggestion of Improving the Mechanized Level of Potato Production Procedure in Field

  7. 提高大兴安岭地区农机装备技术水平的对策

    Countermeasures of Improving the Level of Agricultural Machinery Equipment Technique

  8. 大兴安岭地区野生动物养殖业的机遇、挑战与应对措施

    Opportunity , Challenge and Countermeasure of Wildlife Farming in Great Xingan Mountain Region

  9. 大兴安岭地区位于黑龙江省东北部,是我国重要的林区。

    Da Hinggan Ling area is located in the northeast of Heilongjiang Province .

  10. 大兴安岭地区采金废弃地土壤污染研究

    Research on Soil Pollution of Abandoned Gold Mining Area in Daxing'an Mountain Area

  11. 内蒙古大兴安岭地区人群乙肝疫苗免疫情况及免疫效果观察

    HBV vaccine immunization and its effect crowd in greater Xing ′ an mountains region

  12. 大兴安岭地区林业生态环境建设的途径与对策

    The way and countermeasure to construct forest ecosystem environment in Daxing ' anling district

  13. 确定大兴安岭地区多年冻土层上限的工程勘察方法

    A Investigation Method of Determining Permafrost Table in the Greater Xing ′ an Mountains

  14. 庐山地区新元古代海相火山活动及岩石特征大兴安岭地区中生代火山岩的年代学格架

    The Volcanic Activity and Rock Character of New Proterozoic Era Marine Facies in Lushan Area

  15. 结论初步认为我国大兴安岭地区存在人埃立克体感染人群。

    Conclusion It was considered that Human ehrlichia infectious people did exist in Daxingan Mountains .

  16. 目的了解我国大兴安岭地区可疑人群是否存在人埃立克体感染。

    Objective In order to investigate the prevalence of Human ehrlichia infectious people in Daxingan Mountains .

  17. 提出了大兴安岭地区林火发生与气象因子关系的最优模型。

    Then we obtained the best model for the relationship between lighting fire and weather factors .

  18. 大兴安岭地区为森林景观区,植被十分发育。

    The natural vegetation is well developed in forest landscape area , Great Xing ′ an Range .

  19. 综合物化探技术在大兴安岭地区区域化探异常查证工作中的应用

    The application of the integrated geophysical-geochemical technique to the anomaly inspection in the Da Hinggan Ling landscape region

  20. 分析了大兴安岭地区呼玛河上游森林植被覆盖率变化对流域径流的影响。

    Effects of vegetation cover and precipitation on the process of sediment produced by erosion in a small drainage basin of loess region ;

  21. 大兴安岭地区是我国的重要林区,又是林火多发地区。

    Daxing ' anling region is not only one of the major forest zones but also one of the fire-prone forest areas in China .

  22. 大兴安岭地区有着丰厚的旅游资源,发展旅游业对大兴安岭而言有着深远的经济和社会意义。

    The Greater Khingan Range area is rich in tourism resources , the development of tourism in Greater Khingan Range has profound economic and social significance .

  23. 为此,论述了大兴安岭地区农机装备的现状,分析了存在的问题,指出了提高农机装备水平的对策。

    Hence , this paper states its present situation , analyzes its problems , and points out how to improve the level of agricultural machinery equipments .

  24. 近年来,大兴安岭地区众多有色金属矿床的发现与开发使得该区成为矿床学界研究的热点地区。

    In recent years , the discovery and exploitation of plenty of polymetallic deposits in Daxing ' anling area makes it a hot area for metallogenic research .

  25. 用大兴安岭地区1975&1984年计10年间的资料建立的线性判别函数和判别准则,就回报效果而言,着火判对率为79.1%,不着火判对率为83.2%。

    A linear discriminant function and discriminant criterions were developed using data collected from Daxing ′ - anling region from 1975 to 1984 ( 10 years ) .

  26. 分析了大兴安岭地区野生浆果资源的总体情况和当前利用状况及存在的问题,提出了充分利用资源的思路和对策。

    The article analyzed conditions and problems of the wild berry resources in Great Xingan Mountains , and put forward some countermeasures to fully utilize the wild berry resources .

  27. 为此,介绍了大兴安岭地区马铃薯生产机械化现状,指出了存在的问题,并提出了提高马铃薯生产过程机械化程度的建议。

    Hence , this paper introduces the present situation of potato production mechanization , points out its existing problems , and provides the suggestion of how to improve the mechanized level of potato production procedure .

  28. 本研究在比较大兴安岭地区南北部兴安落叶松林土壤呼吸差异的基础上,分析了不同强度火干扰(重度火烧、中度火烧、轻度火烧)对大兴安岭南部兴安落叶松林土壤呼吸的影响。

    Soil respiration of Larix gmelinii forest of northern and southern Da Xing ' an Mountain was compared in this study , and the effects of different intensity fire disturbance ( severe , moderate , mild ) were analyzed .

  29. 大兴安岭地区杜香不同采集期精油和熊果酸的含量均不同,二者的最高含量均出现在果实成熟的8月份,在生产中其采集期可适当放宽。

    The content of essential oil and ursolic acid was not same in different collection period of the species . Their content was the highest in August when fruit was mature . The collection period can widen during the yield .

  30. 这些年龄结果也表明大兴安岭地区中生代火山岩地层划分对比需要重新考虑,本文对连续剖面的定年结果也表明了这一点。

    These age data also suggest that the previous scheme of subdivision and regional correlation of the volcano strata need to be re-evaluated , which is also manifested by the age data obtained from the successive sections in this study .