
  • 网络Carson;Casson;Rachel Carson;Cason;D. A. Carson
  1. 就连酷爱足球的咨询师、《主教练》一书作者迈克•卡森(MikeCarson)也写道,穆里尼奥及其同行传授给我们的经验,更多的是关于领导力而非管理。

    Even football-mad consultant Mike Carson , author of The Manager , writes that lessons taught by Mr Mourinho and his peers are more about leadership than management .

  2. AllianceBernstein的经济学家约瑟夫?卡森(JosephCarson)说,我们目前看到的是已经走软的消费领域正面临着许多额外压力。

    ' What we 're seeing here is a lot of additional pressure on a consumer sector that was soft to begin with , 'said Alliance Bernstein economist Joseph Carson .

  3. 2月2日凌晨5:30,卡森和他的狗到达诺姆。

    At 5:30 am on February 2 , Kaasen and his dog arrived in Nome .

  4. 唯一的希望是卡森的领头狗巴托。巴托把他的鼻子凑到地上,试图找到走过这条小路的其他狗的气味。

    The only hope was Balto , Kaasen 's lead dog , Balto put his nose to the ground , trying to find the smell of other dogs that had traveled on the trail .

  5. 不过梦工厂动画(DreamWorksAnimation)首席执行官杰弗里•卡森博格却对电影产业发起了牢骚。

    But DreamWorks Animation CEO Jeffrey Katzenberg has some beef with his industry .

  6. 梦工厂动画公司(DreamWorksAnimation)CEO杰弗里o卡森伯格回忆起1994年夏天的事,他感慨那一切仿佛就发生在昨天。

    DreamWorks Animation CEO Jeffrey Katzenberg recalls the summer of 1994 like it was yesterday .

  7. 这一事件带来的教训就是,“要把事情做好——但不要做得太好,”63岁的卡森伯格自嘲道。最近,这位好莱坞高管出席了由在线文件分享初创公司Box主办的会议,并登台接受了采访。

    The lesson learned ? " Do good - just don 't do too good , " quipped the 63-year-old Hollywood exec onstage at a conference hosted by online file-sharing startup Box on Wednesday .

  8. 卡森(Casson)粘度与卡森屈服值

    Casson viscosity and Casson yield stress

  9. 波音商用飞机业务总裁斯科特•卡森(ScottCarson)在7月份的范堡罗国际航展(FarnboroughInternationalAirshow)上说,ARJ21对中国航空业来说是款重要的飞机;

    The ARJ21 is'an important airplane for Chinese industry , 'Boeing Commercial Airplanes President Scott Carson said at the Farnborough International Airshow in July .

  10. 恋爱之花在仆人们当中盛开,庄严的卡森先生(Mr.Carson,吉姆·卡特[JimCarter]饰)终于向和蔼的休斯女士(Mrs.Hughes,菲利斯·罗根[PhyllisLogan]饰)求婚。

    Love bloomed in the servants " quarters , where the stately Mr. Carson ( Jim Carter ) at long last proposed to the kindly Mrs. Hughes ( Phyllis Logan ) .

  11. 她还说,负责非洲事务的助理国务卿卡森(JohnnieCarson)一直在向非洲有关官员提出同性恋者权利的问题。

    She added that Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs Johnnie Carson consistently raises the issue of gay rights with his African counterparts .

  12. 前人已把τo/ηs、τc卡/η∞、n分别作为钻井液在宾厄姆、卡森、幂律流变模式下剪切稀释性的表征,并在石油钻井工程中作为评价指标。

    Predecessors have taken the τ o / η , τ c ( casson ) / η and η as the characterization of shear thinning behavior of drilling fluid respectively under Bingham 's , Casson 's and power-law rheological models and as the evaluation index in petroleum engineering .

  13. 事实上,这部纪录片正在被与雷切尔•卡森(RachelCarson)的开创性著作《寂静的春天》(SilentSpring)相提并论。后者曾被广泛视为在1960年代教育了一代美国人,让他们认识到了保护自然环境的重要性。

    Indeed , it is being compared to Rachel Carson 's seminal work ' Silent Spring , ' widely regarded as educating a generation of Americans in the 1960s about the importance of protecting the natural environment .

  14. 她的丈夫杰伊·卡森(JayCarson)曾是霍华德·迪恩(HowardDean)和希拉里·克林顿(HillaryClinton)的竞选发言人,也是《纸牌屋》的制片之一。她和卡森的儿子已经快两岁了。

    In June , she married Jay Carson , a former campaign spokesman for Howard Dean and Hillary Clinton who is a producer on " House of Cards " and the father of Treem 's nearly 2-year-old son .

  15. 思维缜密的阿森纳队(Arsenal)主教练阿尔赛纳•温格(ArsèneWenger)告诉卡森,“每周五早晨舍弃14名球员(因为他要选定周末比赛的阵容)、然后周一再把他们招回来”是一件很棘手的事。

    The thoughtful Arsenal manager Ars è ne Wenger tells Mr Carson how hard it is to " sack 14 people every Friday morning [ when he selects a team for the weekend ] and then re-employ them on a Monday . "

  16. 卡森液体的结构流和流变参数的测定

    Structural flow of Casson fluids and determination of Casson rheological parameters

  17. 按预定计划降落卡森监狱。

    He 's to land at Carson City Airport as scheduled .

  18. 卡森脱下雨衣,在壁炉前坐下来。

    Casson took off his raincoat and settled before the fire .

  19. 我以为这事本该由卡森先生和休斯太太来定夺

    I thought that lay with Mr Carson and Mrs Hughes .

  20. 知道你想走的事吗卡森告诉我父亲了

    That you wanted to leave ? Carson told my father .

  21. 请告诉他,通用电气公司的威廉。卡森打过电话给他。

    Tell him , willam Carson of general electric call , please .

  22. 卡森就出生并生活在这样一个年代里。

    Carson was born and lived in such a period of time .

  23. 我要用80种语言说我爱你,皇家卡森特!

    Royal Card Center , I love you for ever !

  24. 拉琪尔•卡森是一位科学家兼鸟类观察家。

    Rachel Carson was a scientist and a bird watcher .

  25. 为什么你现在用比尔。卡森这个名字?

    Why are you going under the name of bill Carson now ?

  26. 血液的流变特性遵从卡森方程。

    The blood theological characteristics is suited to Casson equation .

  27. 现场的血是卡森的。

    And the blood from the field is a match to carson .

  28. 你看到卡森时候他死了还是活着?

    Was Carson dead or alive when you found him ?

  29. 卡森流体在钻具内层流压降的迭代算法

    Calculation of Laminar Flow Pressure Loss of Casson Fluid in Drilling Tools

  30. 适合钻井液流变特性的卡森模式

    Casson model suitable for the rheologic properties of drilling fluid