
nán jí ɡuānɡ
  • aurora australis;southern lights
  1. 当这些不同的颜色在夜空中闪烁跳跃时,就形成了北极光和南极光。

    As these various colors glow and dance in the night sky , they create the Northern Lights and the Southern Lights .

  2. 我从来没去过南极,所以没见过南极光。

    I have not been to Antarctica , so I have not seen the Southern Lights .

  3. 在南半球,它的所谓南极光,或是南部灯。

    In the Southern Hemisphere , it 's called aurora australis , or southern lights .

  4. 关于南极光研究

    On aurora australis research

  5. 1990年,她建立了“南极光”人智学文科学院,提供一年的定位培训。

    In1990 she founded " Aurora Australis " Anthroposophical College of the Arts , offering an Orientation Year .

  6. 著名的夜间极光(面为北极光,南面为南极光)粒子从尾部流入所造成的结果。

    The famous night-time auroras ( borealis in the north , australis in the south ) are the result of particles streaming in from the tail .

  7. 南极企鹅整天都光着脚在冰天雪地里活动,为什么它们的脚不会被冻住呢?

    Why do Antarctic penguins'feet not freeze in winter when they are in constant contact with the ice and snow ?