
  • 网络South Georgia;south georgia island
  1. 今年3月份,集广公司(ZegrahmExpeditions)在2015年的所有航线中,免除了三条的单人附加费:黑海环海行,印度、斯里兰卡和马尔代夫行,还有南乔治亚岛环岛行。

    In March , Zegrahm Expeditions eliminated the single supplement on three of its 2015 trips : a circumnavigation of the Black Sea ; a visit to India , Sri Lanka and the Maldives ; and a circumnavigation of South Georgia Island .

  2. 照片的拍摄地点是南乔治亚岛,45岁的摄影师Sjoerd来自荷兰马斯特里赫特市,是位刑事辩护律师。他表示:“我感觉企鹅妈妈好像是在担心自己的孩子,因为正值企鹅的换羽时节,但小企鹅明显发育比较迟缓。”

    The picture was taken in South Georgia by Sjoerd van Berge Henegouwen , 45 , a criminal defence lawyer from Maastricht in The Netherlands said : ' I kind of got the feeling that the parent penguin was worried about the chick being so late in the season with its moulting process .

  3. 尽管南乔治亚岛的海滩上还没有冰雪

    Although the beaches of South Georgia are now ice-free ,

  4. 到达了南极边缘的南乔治亚岛

    to the island of South Georgia , on the edge of the Antarctic .

  5. 我来过南乔治亚岛几次

    I 've been to South Georgia several times

  6. 南乔治亚岛的温度急剧上升

    Temperatures in South Georgia have risen sharply ,

  7. 南乔治亚岛,一只成年企鹅站在小企鹅群中。

    Strikingly colored , an adult king penguin stands out in a sea of chicks on South Georgia Island .

  8. 一名于2012年消失并已宣布死亡的投资顾问在南乔治亚岛的一个交通站被抓获。

    An investment adviser who disappeared and was declared dead back in 2012 was caught during a traffic stop in South Georgia and arrested .

  9. 在南大西洋的南乔治亚岛上,一只求爱的信天翁正试图给它的同伴一个信天翁式的拥抱。

    As if offering an avian embrace , a wandering albatross strikes a courtship pose for its mate near South Georgia island in the southern Atlantic Ocean .