
  • 网络south;Southern District;south area
  1. 在整个南方地区,他被人们著书称颂,刻碑纪念。

    He was praised in print and memorialized in stone throughout the South

  2. 北方的统治者也不清楚该如何管理经济落后的南方地区。

    Those in the north had little idea how to govern the economically backward south .

  3. 我国南方地区主要根结线虫DNA变异的RAPD分析

    DNA polymorphism of root-knot nematodes in South China revealed by RAPD

  4. 南方地区DHI体系的应用研究

    The Application and Research of DHI System in Southern China Area

  5. 目的:研究Fas-670基因多态性在中国南方地区汉族人群中的分布及其与系统性红斑狼疮(SLE)的相关性。

    AIM : To investigate whether Fas promoter-670 polymorphism is associated with systemic lupus erythematosus ( SLE ) in Southern Chinese .

  6. 说明ICEAS工艺处理南方地区城市污水是可行的。

    These indicate that the ICEAS process is applicable for the treatment of municipal sewage in the southern part of China .

  7. 目的研究细胞毒性T淋巴细胞相关抗原4(CytotoxicTlymphocyte-associatedantigen4,CTLA-4)基因启动子区-1722位点(T/C)多态性在中国南方地区汉族人群中的分布及其与系统性红斑狼疮(SLE)的相关性。

    Objective To investigate the possible association of cytotoxic T lymphocyte-associated antigen 4 ( CTLA-4 ) promoter - 1722 polymorphism with systemic lupus erythematosus ( SLE ) in the population in southern China .

  8. 特茹河和Algarve之间的南方地区以起伏的平原为特征,相比北部寒冷多雨的气候,那里相对更暖和干燥。

    The south between the Tejo and the Algarve features mostly rolling plains with a climate somewhat warmer and drier than the cooler and rainier north .

  9. 扁穗牛鞭草(Hemarthriacompressa)是南方地区重要的多年生牧草,对南方草地畜牧业发展具有重要意义。

    Whip grass ( Hemarthria compressa ) is one of the most important forage grass and very important for the animal industry in south china .

  10. 凉粉草(MesonachinensisBenth.)为唇形科仙草属一年生草本植物,是我国南方地区生产凉茶和凉粉的主要原料之一。

    Mesona chinensis Benth . , one species of Mesona genus , which belongs to Family Labiatae , is an annual herbaceous plant . It is one of the main materials for producing herbal tea and jelly in the southern region of China .

  11. 棘腹蛙(Paaboulengeri),是我国大型的食用蛙类,其肉质鲜美、营养价值极高,广泛分布于我国南方地区。

    Spiny-bellied frog ( Paa boulengeri ) is of high economic value , which is an edible frog in South China because of its meat with delicate quality and delicious taste , and its large body .

  12. 我国南方地区1994-2002年毒蘑菇中毒情况及其研究

    Investigation of mushroom poisoning cases occurred in South China in 1994-2002

  13. 中国南方地区膳食结构与代谢异常疾病关系的初步研究

    Nutrition and Metabolic Disorders : A Preliminary Study in Southern China

  14. 中国南方地区层状云的形成和日变化特征分析

    The formation and diurnal changes of stratiform clouds in southern China

  15. 南方地区河流系统生态需水量系统组成分析

    Study on Ecological Water Requirement of River System in South China

  16. 但是在中国南方地区会有小雨。

    But in southern part of China will have light rain .

  17. 南方地区住宅建筑设计多样化的研究

    A Study on the Variation of Apartment Design in South China

  18. 中国南方地区冬季风降水异常的分析

    An analysis on anomalous precipitation in southern China during winter monsoons

  19. 我国南方地区燃气轮机分布式供能系统的研究

    Research on Gas Turbine Based Distributed CCHP System in Southern China

  20. 中国南方地区土地退化动态变化及人类活动影响

    Change of Land Degradation in South China and Impacts of Human Activities

  21. 我国南方地区典型土壤有机硫矿化速率及供硫潜力研究

    Organic Sulphur Mineralization Rates and Potentials of Soils Selected in Southern China

  22. 南方地区开式湖水源热泵的应用

    Application of Open - Loop Lake Water Heat Pumps in South China

  23. 我国南方地区抗自然灾害风险机制的研究

    Research on risk mechanism for combating natural disasters in southern China region

  24. 博比熊外皮是在中国南方地区制造的。

    The outside of the bear itself is made in southern China .

  25. 该组织控制着摩加迪沙大部分地区和南方地区。

    It controls large parts of Mogadishu and the south .

  26. 专家指出南方地区或将不再拥有足够的水资源。

    Experts saythe south may no longer have enough water to spare .

  27. 南方地区屋面防水找平层施工技术

    Construction technology of roofing water proof screed-coat in South area

  28. 我国南方地区的土壤侵蚀及防治技术

    Soil erosion and related control technique in S. China

  29. 论南方地区冷加工厂房屋面隔热问题

    Roof heat insulation of the cold processing factory building in the southern area

  30. 我国南方地区一次连续降雹过程的卫星云图分析

    Analysis of hailstorm process over Southeast China by means of satellite cloud pictures