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  • 网络Nanyue Kingdom
  1. 南越国是秦末汉初存在于岭南地区的重要地方政权。

    Nanyue Kingdom was an important regional regime in Lingnan in late Qin and early Han Dynasty .

  2. 作为岭南壮汉文化交融缩影的南越国政权,其颁布的文治武功、和辑百越政治,在宏观上为后世岭南壮区营造了有利的文化环境。

    As a blend of Lingnan Culture of Zhuang Han miniature of Nanyue Kingdom Government , its " political and military achievements ,"" and episodes of Baiyue " Politics is , in the macro for later generations of Lingnan area to create a favorable cultural environment .

  3. 南越国时期汉越文化的并存与融合上善若水与南方之强&试辨越文化的水性禀赋

    The Co-existence and Fusion of Han and Yue Cultures in the Period of Southern Yue State

  4. 试谈西汉南越国的商品经济与宫署遗址出土的鎏金半两铜钱

    A Study on the Commodity Economy of Nanyue State in Western Han Dynasty and the Gilded Ban Liang Copper-based Coins Unearthed from Ruins of Nanyue State 's Palace

  5. 属于或关于英国的汉诺威国王的。西汉南越国考古与汉文化国际学术研讨会纪要

    Of or relating to the Hanoverian kings of England . A Summary of the " International Symposium on the Archaeology of the Nanyue State under the Western Han Dynasty and the Han Culture "