
  • 网络Nanbu;Nanbu County
  1. 南部县为什么要将剪纸与皮影搬上垃圾桶呢?

    Nanbu Why do you want to do paper-cutting and shadow play onto the trash can ?

  2. 南部县基本农田保护规划

    The basic farmland protection plan in Nanbu County

  3. 四川南部县地质灾害发育分布特征及形成条件浅析

    Development and Genesis of Geological Hazards in Nanbu , Sichuan

  4. 南部县土地利用总体规划

    Overall plan of land utilization in Nanbu County

  5. 以南部县石河镇土地整治项目为例进行了实证研究。

    To take ShiHe town land renovation project as an empirical research . 1 .

  6. 南充市水土流失经济损失最严重的区域是南部县和阆中市,应该进行重点治理。

    The most severe areas are Nanbu county , Langzhong City of Nanchong , needing to be emphasized for governing .

  7. 如何解决这一矛盾,作为劳务输出集中区的四川省南部县升钟区所尝试推行的土地流转管理举措可供借鉴。

    Land exchange , a measure being tried in Shengzhong district , Nanbu County , may be adopted to solve the problem .

  8. 从空间上来看,哈尔滨市耕地可持续利用水平总体呈现南部县(市)较高。

    Through the space , the level of sustainable cultivated land use in southern Harbin is higher than northern counties ( cities ) .

  9. 欧内斯特?费尔提是伊利诺斯州南部哈丁县县属学校的负责人

    Ernest Felty , head of Hardin County schools in southern Illinois , has 10 home-schooled pupils .

  10. 1973年78月和1974年49月在甘肃南部肃南县皇城区草原上,应用~(32)P标记喜马拉雅旱獭,用放射自显影的方法确定跳蚤的散布情况。

    This study was carried out in two seasons including July-August , 1973 and April-September , 1974 on a grassland in Huang Chen region of Su Nan County , southern Gansu in North-west China by labelling marmot Marmota himalayana with 32P and determining the dispersal of fleas with autoradiograph technique .

  11. 欧内斯特•费尔提是伊利诺斯州南部哈丁县县属学校的负责人。他负责10个在家接受教育的小学生。

    Ernest Felty , head of Hardin County schools in southern Illinois , has10 home-schooled pupils .

  12. 本文介绍陕西省南部紫阳县城关方言的声韵调、语音特点和同音字汇。

    It is an introductory to the rhyme , the pronunciation and homophone in Ziyang Town .

  13. 红河哈尼族彝族自治州的南部六县(与越南接壤的边疆县)脆弱农户的比例明显较高。

    The southern six counties ( which are the border counties bordering Vietnam ) significantly higher proportion of vulnerable households .

  14. 此外,生活在孟加拉国南部马古拉县的巴耶济德还有排尿困难,同时牙齿早已松动和坏掉。

    Bayezid , from Magura in southern Bangladesh , also has difficulties passing urine and already has weak and broken teeth .

  15. 同时,湖南南部江永县、福建东南部惠安县等处在清代民国年间金兰契也甚兴盛。

    At that time , it was also very popular in Jiangshui County in south Hunan and Hui'an County in southeastern Fujian .

  16. 岛南部是县政府所在地,将建立居民区和无污染的工业。

    The south area , where the county administration is now based , will be an area for residence and certain pollution-free industries .

  17. 两型社会背景下株洲市南部三县产业结构调整研究

    Study on Adjustment of Industrial Structure in the Context of " Resourse-Economical & Environment-Friendly Society " in the Three Counties in the South of Zhuzhou

  18. 日本南部冲绳县的检察厅明确表示,不断升级的政治紧张,是决定释放詹其雄的一大因素。

    Japanese prosecutors in the southern island prefecture of Okinawa made clear that the escalating political tensions were a major factor in letting Mr Zhan go .

  19. 来自九州岛南部宫崎县的田锅生于1895年9月18日。当时,日本在世界上还未占据一席之地,澳洲还未独立、莱特兄弟也还没有发明出第一架飞机。

    Tanabe , from Miyazaki prefecture on the southern island of Kyushu , was born on September 18 , 1895 -- before Japan became a world player , Australia became independent or the Wright Brothers created the first plane .

  20. 研究了主产于新疆南部巴楚县的珍稀名贵野生食用菌巴楚蘑菇的蛋白质、氨基酸、脂肪与脂肪酸及矿质元素含量与组成。

    The contents and varieties of nutritive component of the famous , rare mushroom which is mainly produced in Bachu county of the South of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous region such as protein , amino acid , fat , fatty acid and mineral elements were studied .

  21. 1916年和1917年,我们驱车到密歇根南部的杰克逊县(JacksonCounty)度假一两个星期,下塌于沃尔夫湖(WolfLake)边上一个叫麦克岛(MackIsland)的旅馆。

    In1916 and again in1917 we drove to Jackson County in southern Michigan for a vacation of a week or two at a hotel called Mack Island , at Wolf Lake .

  22. 根据遥感调查结果,论述塔里木南部地区策勒县荒漠化动态变化的特征及分布规律。

    According to investigation results based on remote sensing technology , This paper discusses the patterns of Cele oasis desertification dynamic change in the south of Tarim Basin .

  23. 在日本南部的佐贺县,政府推出了一款智能手机应用程序,使游客能直接与运营商联系,运营商会解答游客的问题或代表游客与当地服务机构联系。

    In the southern Saga Prefecture , the government has launched a smartphone app to connect tourists directly to an operator , who can answer queries or contact local services on a tourist 's behalf .

  24. 在河北平原南部的曲周县四町乡河间洼地一深为250cm的探坑中,取得50~250cm深度范围的沉积物样品。

    Sediments were sampled from the depth range of 50 ~ 250 cm in a 250 cm-deep pit that is located in an inter channel depression in Sitan Township , Quzhou County , southern Hebei Province .

  25. 地处赤峰市南部的宁城县具有得天独厚的山杏资源优势,经过多年研究和试验、推广,现已具备了丰富的山杏丰产经营管理技术经验。

    Ningcheng County , situating in the south of Chifeng , is abundant in apricot resources . As a result of the research , experiment and popularization , we have accumulated rich experience of management techniques of high yielding of apricot .

  26. 宁夏南部山区8县是回族社区的主要集中地,因生态脆弱、环境恶化而被国家列入为生态环境建设的试点区。

    The 8 county of the south mountain area in Ningxia is the main concentrate area of Hui ethnic community . Because of ecology fragility and environment deterioration , this area has been listed as focal trial area for the eco environmental construction .

  27. 这些地区与从北部的岩手县到南部的福岛县的所有沿海小城一样,遭受的破坏之严重,简直难以形容。

    That is not true of the residential areas closer to the coast , where the destruction , as in town after town up and down the coast , from Iwate Prefecture in the north down through Fukushima in the south , is all but indescribable .

  28. H中西部地区。包括四川东部、陕西南部的两个县和甘肃南部的一个县。

    Central west The east of Sichuan with two prefectures in the south of Shaanxi and one prefecture in the south of Gansu .

  29. 嘉陵江流域阆中、南部和西充三县作物生产动态

    Crop production trends of langzhong , Nanbu and Xichong counties in Jialing River Basin

  30. 方法汇集南部山区7家县医院住院确诊为包虫病患者的病案进行回顾性调查。

    Methods To collect and survey all the histories of hydatidosis patients diagnosed by the seven county hospitals in the Southern Mountain area of Ningxia .