
  1. 厄瓜多尔是认识南美洲的绝佳切入点,它是南美大陆的缩影。

    Ecuador provides a perfect introduction to South America ; it 's a continent in miniature

  2. 南美大陆实际上是一片富饶的土地,但是一股寒冷的洋流在西海岸沿岸形成了一片狭长的荒漠。蒸腾速率在温带荒漠植物分布的西端出现升高的趋势。

    But a cold ocean current has given rise to a strip of desert along the west coast .

  3. 要知道,现在的南极曾经和南美大陆及澳大利亚大陆是接壤的。

    We know that what we now call Antarctica was once connected to both South America and Australia .

  4. 对于冷战初期南美大陆出现的这一革命政权,美国政府对其表示了密切关注。

    The America government started pay attention to this revolution regime which emerged in South America during Cold War in early period .

  5. 渔船的灯光非常密集,可以清清楚楚地勾勒出南美大陆架的外部轮廓以及整个亚洲海域的轮廓。

    These lights can be so dense that they visibly can be so dense that they visibly outline the outer part of the South American continental shelf and entire seas in Asia .

  6. 其在里斯本的航空枢纽是连接非洲、北美及南美大陆的重要欧洲通道,而且葡萄牙航空公司是开辟至巴西航线的主要欧洲航空公司,目前每周运营67班航班。

    Its Lisbon hub is a key European gateway at the crossroads of the African , North & South American continents , where tap stands out as the leading carrier in operation to Brazil , currently with 67 frequencies a week .

  7. 研究了1948&2001年南、北半球及欧亚大陆、非洲大陆、澳洲大陆、北美大陆、南美大陆、南极大陆和中国7个大尺度区域6~8月降水的长期趋势变化和年代际变化。

    The secular trend and interdecadal variation of precipitation from June to August ( JJA ) in 1948-2001 over the Northern Hemisphere ( NH ), the Southern Hemisphere ( SH ), China , Eurasia , Africa , Australia , North America , South America and Antarctica are investigated .

  8. 南美与非洲大陆上已灭绝蛇类的相似处说明它们可能拥有生活在泛大陆时期的共同祖先。

    Similarities to other extinct snakes in South America and Africa suggest a common ancestor from the days of Pangaea .

  9. 其中,非洲大陆的降水负趋势最为显著,其次是欧亚和澳洲大陆,而北美、南美和南极大陆的降水负趋势不显著。

    It 's found that the negative trend of precipitation in Africa is the most significant , and next come Eurasia and Australia , rainfall in North America , South America and Antarctic is not apparent minus-trend .