
  • 网络Nantou County
  1. 研究对象为南投县康寿国小两班四年级学生。

    The research targets were two classes of the forth-grade pupils in Kang-Shou Elementary School , Nantou County .

  2. 昨天下午,台湾岛中部南投县发生6.3级地震。

    The 6.3 magnitude quake hit yesterday afternoon in Nantou County , which is located on the central part of the island .

  3. 此外,南投县民宿业者目前在软硬体设施与经营管理方面皆具有极高的优势。

    It also found that the home-stay owners in Nantou all have extremely high advantages in facilities and management at present .

  4. 救援人员昨日在南投县,翻遍倒塌下来的楼房,搜索生还者。可是,余震令在废墟中的数千名被困者生存机会更渺茫。

    Rescuers rummaged through collapsed buildings in Nantou yesterday for quake victims but aftershocks dimmed hopes for thousands still trapped under rubble .

  5. 南投县一户人家在家中阳台发现一条粗大的巨蟒。

    A family in Nantou County discovered a boa coiled up hiding in a bucket that was placed upside down on their balcony .

  6. 来自1202个队的超过18500名游泳者参加了在台湾中部南投县举行的第26届大众游泳横渡日月潭的活动。

    Over 18500 participants in 1202 teams joined the 26th annual mass swim across Sun Moon Lake in Nantou County in central Taiwan .

  7. 提倡文艺风气,赓续办理南投县玉山文学奖及南投县文学家作品徵选出版计画。

    Promote art and culture , continue to organize the Nantou County jade mountain literature prize and the selected Nantou County writers publication project .

  8. 南投县政府表示,鉴于去年发生的两人死亡事件,他们今年采取了特别的预防措施。

    The Nantou County government said that in view of the two deaths that occurred last year , they took special precautions this year .

  9. 陈国裕(音译)今年40岁,是台湾多山的南投县的一位蕉农。

    Chen Kuo-yu , a 40-year-old banana farmer in mountainous Nantou , married one of those women , a young Vietnamese , two years ago .

  10. 本文以南投县竹山镇顶林合作社所设之信仰纸厂为例探讨此类纸浆厂污水处理之一些问题。

    Using the Ding-Ling Cooperatives'joss paper mill in Nan-ton County as an example , this paper details some aspect of wastewater processing of joss paper mills .

  11. 六支来自台中县市、彰化县、南投县的队伍参加了比赛,地主队彰化县队拿下第三名。

    Six teams from Taichung city and county , Changhua and Nantou counties took part in the race , with the host Changhua County team placing third .

  12. 南投县县长林宗男:这个脚踏车道连接我们的酒厂及其他我们的文物,将成为南投市一个很好的休闲地方。

    The bike path connects the distillery and other historical sites , making this a great area for leisure and recreation in Nantou City , said Nantou County Commissioner Lin Zong-nan .