
  • 网络yilan county;Yilan;ilan
  1. 苏澳冷泉位于宜兰县。

    Suao 's cold spring is located in Ilan County .

  2. 这个美丽的营地位于宜兰县的新城溪沿岸。

    This beautiful camping ground lies on the banks of the Hsincheng river in Ilan County .

  3. 宜兰县绿色博览会中的铁道竞速手摇车。

    The racing push cars at The Green Exhibition of I-Lan .

  4. 台湾宜兰县的占美饼店可以买到这种颜色鲜活、汇集了绿色、粉色和黑色的“西瓜吐司面包”。

    Jimmy 's Bakery , inYilanCounty , is selling loaves of the vibrant green , pink and black ' watermelon toast ' .

  5. 地震发生在周日早晨,据台湾宜兰县约70公里的外海。

    The earthquake struck Sunday morning at sea , about 42 miles ( 70 kilometers ) east of the Taiwanese county of Ilan .