
  • 网络Yichang-Wanzhou Railway
  1. 别岩槽隧道为宜万铁路首批开工的重难点、咽喉工程,被列为宜万铁路I级风险隧道。

    Bieyancao Tunnel is a key project and listed as level I risky tunnel on Yichang-Wanzhou Railway .

  2. 宜万铁路岩溶路基注浆施工工艺与环保控制

    Construction technology and environmental protection control of Yi-Wan railway karst subgrade grouting

  3. 宜万铁路岩溶隧道超前地质预报技术

    Advance Geology Prediction Technology Applied during Construction of Karst Tunnels on Yi-Wan Railway

  4. 宜万铁路高坪1~隧道岩溶发育特征分析与治理

    Development Features and Treatment of Karsts along No.1 Gaoping Tunnel on Yi-Wan Railway

  5. 宜万铁路是即将开工的大型铁路建设项目,其恩施-万州段经过天然气勘探开发区。

    Yichang-Wanxian Railroad Construction is a new project , of which Enshi-Wanzhou Section is in a natural gas exploration and development area .

  6. 国家重点工程宜昌&万州(以下简宜万)铁路穿越鄂西灰岩山区,形成了大量深埋隧道。

    The national key project , Yichang & Wanzhou Railway , passes through the limestone mountainous area in west Hubei ; and many deep-seated tunnels are needed to construct .

  7. 详细介绍了宜万线铁路长江大桥的引桥设计,主要包括墩台基础、预应力连续梁桥及简支梁桥,设计成果已付诸实施。

    The design on structures of access section of Yangtze railway bridge of Yichang & Wanzhou route is described in detail , the focal points are on the abutment foundation , the simply supported beam and the continuous beam . The design has been implemented .