
  • 网络Yibin County
  1. 宜宾县位于四川省南部。

    Yibin county lies in the South of Sichuan province .

  2. 宜宾县金沙江流域水土流失与防治对策

    Soil Erosion and Prevention Countermeasures of Jinsha River Catchment in Yibin County

  3. 2003-2007年宜宾县流行性腮腺炎流行病学特征分析

    Epidemiological Features of Epidemic Parotitis in Yibin County From 2003 to 2007

  4. 发展社会主义市场经济的必由之路&关于宜宾县国有企业改革的理论思考

    The only way to develop socialist market economy

  5. 地震造成直接经济损失1535万元,约占宜宾县2003年国民生产总值200429亿元的077%。

    The directive economic loss caused by this event is about 15.350 million RMB Yuan ( which is about 0.77 % of GDP in 2003 , Yibin County ) .

  6. 剖析宜宾县教育经费投入现状和问题,找出解决问题的对策,对于破解四川省农村教育经费投入不足的难题,促进四川农村教育的发展有积极意义。

    Analyze the current situation and Yibin county education funding , finding solutions approach to resolve Sichuan rural education funding shortage problem , and promoting the development of education in rural Sichuan positive significance .

  7. 曾云在四川省宜宾市江安县从事公路养护工作。

    Zeng Yun is a road maintenance worker in Jiang'an County in Sichuan Province .

  8. 基于灰关联模型的旅游产业关联分析&以宜宾市兴文县为例

    A Correlation Analysis of Tourism Based on Gray Theory & By the Example of Xingwen County

  9. 兴文喀斯特地质公园位于四川省宜宾市兴文县。这里也是四川盆地和云贵高原交界处。

    Xingwen Karst Geopark is located in Xingwen County , Yibin City , Sichuan Province , where it is a transitional zone between the Sichuan Basin and the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau .