
  • 网络Yibin university
  1. 高校图书馆电子资源宣传策略探讨&以宜宾学院为例

    The Study of Propaganda Strategies of Library 's Electronic Resources in Universities Colleges Yibin College as an Example

  2. 西南师范大学化学化工学院;遵义医学院基础化学教研室;宜宾学院化学化工系。

    Chongqing Key Laboratory of Analytical Chemistry , Southwest Normal University ; Department of Basic Chemistry , Zunyi Medical College ; Department of Chemistry , Yibin College .

  3. 该系统基本上能满足宜宾学院师生对数字资源管理方面的需求,用户界面设计友好,操作简单、快捷,高效、安全,基本达到了设计目标。

    Users can query information rapidly . The system has a friendly UI and the operation is simple because it is convenient , effective and safe . It basically meets the requirement of the design .

  4. 文中简述了宜宾职业技术学院实施实验室建设项目化管理实践所取得的成效、存在的问题以及改进措施。

    The article presents some results , problems and improvement measures in the practice and exploring in the project management in laboratory construction in Yibin Vocational and Technical College .