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  1. 目前,吉林工程技术师范学院现行的普通话教学还不能完全满足师范类学生普通话测试的要求。

    The requirement that PTH teaching still can not suit PTH testing in Jilin Teachers Institute of Engineering and Technology .

  2. 通过对吉林省市场营销人才多样性需求的调查,针对市场营销学内容和体系,从系统角度研究并设计了适合吉林工程技术师范学院自身特点的市场营销专业人才培养方案。

    Through making an investigation on varied demand on marketing talents in Jilin province , in accordance with the content and system of marketing , the author designs a talents training plan in marketing speciality which suits the characteristics of Jilin Teachers Institute of Engineering and Technology .

  3. 本论文研究的受试对象为吉林工程技术师范学院非英语专业高职学制的一年级两个平行班。

    The subjects of this study are the two non-English major ( higher vocational school system ) parallel classes in Jilin Teachers ' Institute of Engineering and Technology .

  4. 近年来,吉林工程技术师范学院工商管理学院在实践教学改革领域进行了一系列的积极探索,并率先开发了专业实习监控和毕业论文远程指导网络平台。

    Our college has made a series of positive exploration in practical teaching reform in recent years and has taken the lead in developing and operating specialized practice monitoring and graduation thesis long-distance network guidance terrace .