
jí lín shěnɡ
  • Jilin Province
  1. 广东省和吉林省的受访者运动最积极。

    Respondents in the southern province of Guangdong and Jilin province in Northeast China turned out to be the most active .

  2. 强降雨和大风迫使吉林省长春市、松原市以及白城市的中小学及幼儿园关闭一至两天。

    In Jilin province , heavy rains and strong winds have forced many cities to close their primary and middle schools and kindergartens for one or two days , including in the capital city Changchun , as well as Songyuan and Baicheng .

  3. 安徽、河北以及吉林省的一些高校也宣布相同举措。

    Universities the provinces of Anhui , Hebei and Jilin have also announced the move .

  4. 面对WTO吉林省应如何调整农业政策

    How to Adjust the Agricultural Policies in Jilin Province Facing WTO

  5. 吉林省大豆骨干亲本及主推品种DNA指纹图谱的构建

    DNA fingerprint of the main parents and current varieties of soybean in Jilin province

  6. 吉林省是农业大省,加入WTO之后势必对吉林省农业造成巨大的影响。

    The entering WTO will greatly influence on Jilin agriculture because Jilin is a big agricultural province of China .

  7. 是吉林省高校MBA实习的基地。

    Is Jilin Province university MBA the practice base .

  8. 我国加入WTO后,在给中国玉米产业的发展带来大好机遇的同时,也使中国及吉林省的玉米产业面临着严峻考验。

    The entry of WTO has brought both good opportunity and challenges to the corn industry in Jilin province and in whole China .

  9. 本文将蒙特卡罗(Monte-Carlo)方法应用到吉林省白城地区年降水量预报工作中。

    This paper applies Monte-Carlo method to predict annual precipitation in Baicheng area .

  10. 采用对比法首次对吉林省小粒大豆的超氧歧化酶(SOD)活力及抗营养因子胰蛋白酶抑制剂进行了分析研究。

    Activity of superoxide dismutase and trypsin inhibitor , anti nutrition factor , in small grain soybean from Jilin Province were studied .

  11. 近年来吉林省长白山旅游业迅速发展,产业链(industrychain)深化,旅游产业不断壮大,产业集群初具规模。

    Changbai Mountain in Jilin Province in recent years , the rapid development of tourism , industry chain ( industry chain ) deepening of the tourism industry growing , industry clusters beginning to take shape .

  12. 同时,根据城市化发展的一般理论,运用Logistic模型,对吉林省未来城市化发展水平进行了预测。

    At the same time , according to the general theory of urbanization , the Logistic model is applied to predict the development of urbanization of Jilin province .

  13. 吉林省是全国整体发展水平的标志性省份,主要表现为国土面积、人口数量、GDP总量三大指标均约占全国的2%左右。

    Jilin Province is the " marked province " in the whole development of China , which shows 2 % of the three quotas-its land , population and GDP .

  14. 通过使用GIS技术,论述了吉林省西部平原地区地下水特征组分如氟、铁及氨态氮、硬度和矿化度等的分布规律,并做出了水质评价图。

    Concentration distribution regularity of fluorine , iron , hardness , NH - 3-N and mineralization in the groundwater have been discussed and evaluated by GIS in the west plain region of Jilin province .

  15. 方便食品的一场革命&侧记吉林省香辰食品有限公司方便米饭、方便粥类和方便豆类其余43侧上颌窦共植入63颗种植体,长度10~15mm。

    The Revolution for Instant Foodstuff 63 implants were placed .

  16. 应用模式中的分析方法,分析了吉林省2003、2004年层状云(稳定的积层混合云)、对流云(暴雨、冰雹)降水PPI多普勒径向速度分布特征。

    The distribution characteristics of the sheet continuous precipitation , convection cloud precipitation Doppler velocity PPI in Jilin province in 2003-2004 were analyzed .

  17. 吉林省220kV及以上电网计量装置存在的问题

    Problems of Metering Device in 220 kV and over Power Grid of Jilin Province

  18. 用NOAA卫星资料对1998年吉林省西部地区洪涝灾害进行了动态监测,并以农田损失为主对灾情进行了评估。

    Flood disaster in the western Jilin Province in 1998 had been monitored by NOAA / AVHRR , its damages , mainly in field losses evaluated .

  19. 吉林省66kV及220kV变压器保护情况调查

    Diagnosis of 66 kV and 220 kV Transformer Microprocessor-based Protection in Jilin Province

  20. 目前,中国移动和中国联通形成中国移动通信市场的双寡头竞争的格局,3G时代,四家甚至更多的全业务运营商在吉林省地域内展开自由竞争,竞争激烈程度加剧。

    The relative monopoly to free competition & At present , CMCC and CUCC has made a structure of double oligarch competition . In 3G times , four or more full-business operators will intense free competition in JiLin province .

  21. 结合常规统计方法与GIS空间分析方法,定量研究了东北平原典型农业县&吉林省德惠市土壤有机质、全氮、速效磷和速效钾空间分布的主要影响因素。

    By combining conventional statistics and and GIS spatial analysis , this paper quantitatively explored the main related factors for spatial distribution of soil organic matter , total N , available P and available K in Dehui County , a typical agricultural county in Northeast Plain .

  22. 主要表现在外商直接投资与吉林省劳动就业增长之间的相关系数小,拟合程度低,FDI难以解释劳动就业变化,二者又不是互为Granger因果关系。

    Mainly displays in foreign direct investment and jilin province labor employment growth the correlation between the small , fitting low degree , FDI difficult to explain the labor employment change , both and Granger causality are not .

  23. 对近10a育成的水稻不同生育类型品种产量构成因素进行剖析与性状相关性分析结果:①吉林省育成的各类型品种主要以穗数型为主;

    The yield composing factors and characteristics correlated with different type variety bred in last decade were analyzed : ① The varieties bred in Jilin are mainly multi_type ;

  24. 结论本研究数据提示吉林省地区献血人员B19病毒感染率较高,有必要进行进一步B19DNA的调查研究,为输血安全和血液制品安全提供保障。

    Conclusion These data illustrate that the prevalence of the B19 antibody in blood donors of Jilin province was high , and it is therefore necessary to detect the B19 DNA to ensure the blood safety .

  25. 通榆县是吉林省土地沙化最严重的典型县之一,沙化土地面积为19755×104hm2,占吉林省土地总面积的230%。

    Tongyu County is the representative of the most serious land desertification of Jilin Province . It has 19.755 × 10 4 hm 2 sandy land , accounting for 23.0 % of the total land area of Jilin Province .

  26. 吉林省农作物秸秆资源的现状及综合利用

    Present situation and comprehensive utilization of crop straw in Jilin province

  27. 吉林省城市灾害管理信息系统研究

    The study on the urban hazard information system of Jilin province

  28. 吉林省梨颈腐病发生规律及防治技术研究

    Occurrence and Control of Pear Collar Rot Disease in Jilin Province

  29. 吉林省农村居民生活质量评价研究

    Evaluation of Quality of Life of Rural Residents in Jilin Province

  30. 吉林省粮食产业现状。

    Second , the present situation of grain industry in Jilin .