
Dá lɑ sī
  • Dallas
  1. 飞机于12:35起飞前往达拉斯。

    The plane leaves for Dallas at 12.35 .

  2. 明尼苏达维京人队签下了来自达拉斯牛仔队的赫舍尔·沃克。

    The Minnesota Vikings signed Herschel Walker from the Dallas Cowboys

  3. 汤姆回到达拉斯时,佩罗把他叫过去,骂了他一顿。

    When Tom got back to Dallas , Perot called him over and chewed him out .

  4. 为了支持这一建议,德克萨斯大学拉达拉斯分校的丹尼斯·C。帕克和他的同事于2014年进行了一项研究,该研究证明,学习编织或数码摄影能增强老年人的记忆功能。

    In support of that suggestion , a 2014 study by Denise C. Park of the University of Texas at Dallas and colleagues demonstrated that learning to knit or do digital photography enhanced memory function in older adults .

  5. 达拉斯为艺术规划与设施投入1美元,达拉斯的艺术和基于艺术运营的企业就能产出298美元。

    Further , Dallas arts and arts-based businesses produce $ 298 for every dollar the city spends on arts programming and facilities .

  6. 近40%的爵士乐爱好者住在达拉斯市区外,他们开车或乘飞机到毕肖普艺术区享受夜晚。

    Nearly 40 percent of jazz lovers live outside of the Dallas city limits and drive or fly in to enjoy an evening in the Bishop Arts District .

  7. 在费城这个比达拉斯还小的大都市地区,艺术对经济的贡献将近300万美元,创造了4.4万个工作岗位,其中80%的岗位来自艺术行业之外,包括会计师、营销人员、建筑工人、酒店经理、印刷工和其他类型的艺术工作者。

    In Philadelphia , a metro area smaller than Dallas , the arts have an economic impact of almost $ 3 million and support 44,000 jobs , 80 percent of which actually lie outside the arts industry , including accountants , marketers , construction workers , hotel managers , printers , and other kinds of art workers .

  8. 最佳导演:阿方索-卡隆《地心引力》最佳男主角:马修-麦康纳《达拉斯买家俱乐部》

    Best leading actor : Matthew McConaughey , Dallas Buyer 's Club

  9. 最佳男配角:杰瑞德-莱托《达拉斯买家俱乐部》

    Best supporting actor : Jared Leto , Dallas Buyers Club

  10. 而且我们看到它同实现基德向达拉斯小牛队。

    And we see it with bringing Jason Kidd to the Dallas Mavericks .

  11. 最佳化妆与发型:罗宾-马修斯、阿德瑞萨-李《达拉斯买家俱乐部》

    Best makeup and hairstyling : Robin Mathews , Adruitha Lee , Dallas Buyers Club

  12. 跟着在两天以后,肯尼迪总统在达拉斯被人暗杀

    Then , just two days later , President Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas .

  13. 该片讲述了1930年大萧条中,邦妮·派克在得克萨斯州达拉斯市西小镇的母亲家中看到克莱德·巴罗正在偷自己母亲的汽车。

    The film tells the story of Bonnie Parker , who saw Clyde Barrow stealing her mother 's car at her mother 's home in the west town of Dallas , Texas , during the great depression of 1930 .

  14. 该专栏评论的作者,达拉斯联邦储备银行首席经济学家W。

    The authors , Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas chief economist W.

  15. 奥斯瓦尔德开枪的地方,位于达拉斯的德克萨斯州教科书仓库大楼(TexasSchoolBookDepository)六层。

    Oswald had shot from the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository .

  16. 来自纽约和达拉斯的用户都使用enUS地区,所以没有额外的国际化需求。

    The users from New York and Dallas all use the en_US locale and so have no additional internationalization needs .

  17. 在肯尼迪抵达达拉斯之前的几天,印着他的肖像、写有通缉叛国者(WantedforTreason)的传单在城里随处可见。

    Days before he arrived , Wanted for Treason leaflets featuring him appeared around town .

  18. 以位于达拉斯的税务服务公司Ryan为例。

    Take Ryan , a tax services firm based in Dallas .

  19. 跟Doc赌达拉斯队的人

    Doc had a little side bet on the Dallas game .

  20. 数月前,萨尔•可汗准备在达拉斯举办的州立大学未来论坛(theFutureofStateUniversitiesConference)上发表讲话之前,《财富》杂志(Fortune)借机对他进行了专访。

    Fortune caught up with Khan a few months ago while he was just about to speak at the future of state universities conference in Dallas .

  21. 就在肯尼迪遇刺当天,《达拉斯晨报》(DallasMorningNews)整版刊出了一则颇不吉利的黑边广告,将他描绘为“共产主义的同路人”。

    And on the day , the Dallas Morning News published an ominously black-bordered full-page ad portraying him as a communist fellow-traveller .

  22. 在达拉斯一家餐馆,每当人们点“TacosforaCause”这道菜时餐馆都会捐款。

    A restaurant in Dallas donates money whenever anyone orders " Tacos for a Cause . "

  23. 我刚从德州仪器在达拉斯举行的编辑日(Editor'sDay)活动归来,见了他们在很多领域的工程师和营销人员。

    I 'm just back from an Editor 's Day event at Texas Instruments ( TI ) in Dallas , and met with many of their engineers and marketers in diverse application areas .

  24. 在1999年NBA选秀大会上,王以第36位被达拉斯小牛队选中。

    Wang was picked by the Dallas Mavericks in the 1999 NBA Draft , chosen 36th overall .

  25. 电子束CT确诊的冠状动脉粥样硬化与血浆N末端脑利钠肽前体水平的关系:基于多民族人群样本的研究(达拉斯心脏研究)

    Relation of coronary atherosclerosis determined by electron beam computed tomography and plasma levels of N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide in a multiethnic population-based sample ( The Dallas Heart Study )

  26. 在NBA方面,达拉斯小牛队战胜了迈阿密热火队夺得了冠军。

    In the National Basketball Association , the Dallas Mavericks defeated the Miami Heat for the NBA championship .

  27. 除发布会外,MatchesFashion还在伦敦、洛杉矶以及达拉斯举办了六场造势活动,鼓励参与者分享首次网购该系列手袋的心得体会。

    Alongside the release , it hosted six events across London , LA and Dallas and encouraged attendees to share their " initial " online .

  28. 安吉拉•布莱利出生于达拉斯,在德州理工大学(TexasTechUniversity)获得学士学位之后继续前往南卫理公会大学法学院(SouthernMethodistUniversitySchoolofLaw)深造。

    Born in Dallas , Angela Braly followed up her undergraduate years at Texas Tech University by heading to law school at Southern Methodist University School of Law .

  29. 达拉斯-沃斯堡机场也从切萨皮克公司获得了1.86亿美元的签约奖金,机场官员和切萨皮克公司CEO麦克兰登还在签约仪式上开了香槟。

    Dallas-Fort Worth Airport received a $ 186 million signing bonus from Chesapeake ; airport officials and McClendon toasted the deal with champagne .

  30. 被Johnson训斥了三年后,这个6-3的后卫准备好帮助达拉斯争夺总冠军了。

    After three years of hearing Johnson berate him , the6-3 point guard is ready to help lead Dallas to a championship .