
  • Leonardo da Vinci;DaVinci
  1. 达芬奇于1482年至1499年在米兰工作。

    Leonardo da Vinci worked in Milan from 1482 to 1499 .

  2. 在艺术领域中,达芬奇和米开朗基罗都是左撇子。

    In art , both Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo were left handed .

  3. 这个美术馆最珍贵的藏品之一是达芬奇的《女子肖像》。

    One of the gallery 's most prized possessions is the portrait of Ginevra de'Benci .

  4. 直到20世纪,达芬奇为其赞助人的妻子画的的肖像才迅速上升到第一位。

    It was only in the 20th century that Leonardo 's portrait of his patron 's wife rocketed to the number-one spot .

  5. 里面有35000件艺术品,如达芬奇的画作《蒙娜丽莎》和米开朗基罗的雕像《大卫》。

    Inside , there are 35,000 works of art , such as the painting Mona Lisa by Da Vinci and the statue David by Michelangelo .

  6. 他认为要想解开这个谜题,唯一的办法就是挖掘出达芬奇在佛罗伦萨的亲戚的遗憾,并进行DNA提取。

    Mr Paratico said he believes the only way to solve the mystery is to exhume some of Da Vinci 's relations in Florence and extract someDNA .

  7. 我设想他们的故事会带我踏上一段魔幻之旅,带我进入《达芬奇密码》(DaVinciCode)那样的世界。

    I thought their tales would take me on a magical journey into a kind of Da Vinci Code world .

  8. 我在达芬奇语言学院(LeonardodaVinciAcademyofLanguageStudies)的意大利语课今天开课,每星期五天、每天四个小时。

    My classes begin today at the Leonardo da Vinci Academy of Language Studies , where I will be studying Italian five days a week , four hours a day .

  9. 他在选择医生时,选择了一名据说是最善于操作达芬奇外科手术系统(DaVinciSurgicalSystem,一种机器人手术系统)的外科医生。

    When it came to choosing a doctor , he selected a surgeon who was arguably the best in the world at operating with the da Vinci Surgical System , a robotic surgical system .

  10. 第一种实现方案是自行开发转码算法,将算法按照达芬奇技术的要求封装成库文件(.1ib),在Linux环境下将库文件集成,供应用程序进行调用,最终实现转码功能。

    The first scheme is developing the transcoding algorithm , packaging the algorithm into library file ( . lib ), integrating the library file in the Linux operation system , calling by programs achieve the transcoding .

  11. 他所探索的城市包括一些显而易见的候选者——拥有苏格拉底(Socrates)和柏拉图(Plato)的古雅典、达芬奇(LeonardodaVinci)所在的佛罗伦萨以及今天的硅谷。

    His quest includes some obvious candidates - the ancient Athens of Socrates and Plato , Leonardo da Vinci 's Florence and today 's Silicon Valley .

  12. 达芬奇睡眠法要求你的身体学会在一睡着就进入REM睡眠,而不是让它发生在周期的后面。

    Polyphasic sleep conditions your body to learn to enter REM sleep immediately when you begin sleeping instead of much later in the sleep cycle .

  13. 比如说,许多人会给《了不起的盖茨比》(TheGreatGatsby)五星的评分,但他们在专心阅读诸如《达芬奇密码》(TheDaVinciCode)之类的惊悚小说时却不一定会给它们评分。

    A lot of people give a 5-star rating to ' The Great Gatsby , ' while they devour , but don 't necessarily rate , thrillers like ' The Da Vinci Code , ' for example .

  14. 达芬奇,总是着迷于各种各样的结,他细腻地描绘了黑色的丝带是怎样系在Cecilia的左袖上。

    Da Vinci , always fascinated by knots , carefully details the way the black ribbons are tied on Cecilia 's left sleeve .

  15. 蒙娜丽莎(monalisa)不对称的微笑,体现了脸部肌肉之间复杂的相互作用;在勾画一座瀑布时,达芬奇迷上了流体力学。

    Behind the asymmetric smile of the " Mona Lisa " lay a complex interplay of facial muscles ; in sketching a waterfall , Da Vinci became fascinated by fluid dynamics .

  16. Experion技术专门用于简化生产,同时达芬奇系统确保了客户获得最顶端的质量。

    Technology like Experion is designed to streamline production , while systems like Da Vinci ensure customers receive top-of-the-line quality .

  17. 日本精工株式会社(NSK)位于藤泽的这家工厂生产的轴承,看上去很像是500年前达芬奇(LeonardodaVinci)勾画的原型,但该公司的成本仍相当可观。

    The bearings produced by the NSK factory in Fujisawa may look a lot like the prototypes Leonardo da Vinci sketched five centuries ago , but the company still has plenty of costs .

  18. 但是Paratico先生在他的新书中声称达芬奇的母亲最有可能是一个奴隶。

    But Mr Paratico'snew work claims it is most likely Da Vinci 's mother was a slave .

  19. 留下这个记录的是佛罗伦萨市的一个高级官员AgostinoVespucci,罗马雄辩家Cicero在他收藏的信件中有证明,他和达芬奇是相识的故人。

    The notes were made by a Florentine city official Agostino Vespucci , an acquaintance of the artist , in a collection of letters by the Roman orator Cicero .

  20. Salai和达芬奇共事25年,据称为达芬奇不少文艺复兴画作带来了灵感的来源。

    Salai and da Vinci worked together for25 years and is believed to be the inspiration behind several of the Renaissance artist 's works .

  21. TRG组患者术后应激反应指标优于RAG组。结论达芬奇机器人胃癌切除后机器人下手工吻合是安全可行的,具有创伤小、术后康复快、对患者应激小等优点。

    The patients in TRG group had lower postoperative stress response ( P0.05 ) . Conclusions Robot-sewn anastomosis after robotic gastrectomy is safe and feasible for gastric cancer . It has many advantages such as mini-invasive , quicker recovery and smaller stress .

  22. 这次展览的负责人LukeSyson渐渐相信达芬奇在为米兰公爵LudovicoSforza做宫廷画师时享受的自由是释放其才气的关键。

    Luke Syson , the show 's curator , has come to believe that the freedom da Vinci enjoyed there as court painter to Ludovico Sforza , Duke of Milan , was the key that unlocked his genius .

  23. 《达芬奇》:您怎样定义您现在的身份?

    Da Vinci : How do you define your current status ?

  24. 帕迪:你了解达芬奇吗?

    Paddy : Do you know much about Leonardo da Vinci ?

  25. 你还应该去买一些该语言的有趣书籍(比如达芬奇密码一类)。

    You should also get some interesting books in the language .

  26. 是达芬奇有意营造这么一个“似笑非笑”的效果吗?

    Did da Vinci intend to create this flickering smile effect ?

  27. 破解宏观调控达芬奇密码

    Cracking " The Da Vinci Code " of Macro - control

  28. 达芬奇的脾气非常好。

    Da Vinci was a person who was very even tempered .

  29. 达芬奇效应创意生产力

    ' DaVinci Effect ' in the Electronics Industry Creative productivity

  30. 达芬奇是文艺复兴时期著名的画家。

    Da Vinci is a famous painter of the Renaissance .