
  • 网络dalmatia;dalmatian
  1. 它是达尔马提亚内陆的传统乐器,也是拥有大量克罗地亚人口的黑塞哥维那的传统乐器。

    It is the traditional instrument of inland Dalmatia and of Herzegovina , with dominant Croatian population .

  2. 大型狗,光滑的白色皮毛上有黑色或褐色斑点;原产于达尔马提亚。

    A large breed having a smooth white coat with black or brown spots ; originated in Dalmatia .

  3. 上图是Hurko——他是只达尔马提亚狗,耳聋了,但能看懂手语。

    Hurko , a deaf Dalmatian who responds to sign language .

  4. 卡通卡《白雪公主》和《101个达尔马提亚人》是谁制作而成的?

    Who made the cartoon films Snow White and101 Dalmatians ?

  5. 克罗地亚:斯普利特和维斯岛间的达尔马提亚海岸

    Croatia : Dalmatian Coast between Split and Vis

  6. 接着,他问达尔马提亚公爵说:“苏尔特,您看圣朗贝堂那边是什么东西?”

    Then he asked the Duc de Dalmatie ," Soult , what do you see in the direction of Chapelle-Saint-Lambert ?"

  7. 欧洲酸樱桃又酸又黑,是19世纪中期在达尔马提亚(今克罗地亚境内)培育出来的。

    The original version , by contrast , was a marasca cherry & a sour , dark variety cultivated on the coast of Dalmatia ( now part of Croatia ) beginning in the mid-19th century .

  8. 马拉斯奇诺樱桃是用欧洲酸樱桃制成的,二者截然相反。欧洲酸樱桃又酸又黑,是19世纪中期在达尔马提亚(今克罗地亚境内)培育出来的。

    The original version , by contrast , was a marasca cherry - a sour , dark variety cultivated on the coast of Dalmatia ( now part of Croatia ) beginning in the mid-19th century .

  9. 能不能只花很少的钱,就同时享受克罗地亚蛮荒的达尔马提亚海岸风光、土耳其或希腊未经发掘的古迹与意大利的安逸氛围?

    What if you could combine the rugged beauty you 'd find on Croatia 's Dalmatian Coast with the ruins of an undiscovered Turkey or Greece , all wrapped in the easygoing nature characteristic of rural Italy - at a fraction of the cost ?