
xiá yì
  • narrow sense;narrow definition
狭义 [xiá yì]
  • [narrow sense] 狭窄的意义或定义--跟广义相对

狭义[xiá yì]
  1. 从狭义来说,换热器是一种容器。

    A heat exchanger , in a narrow sense , is a vessel .

  2. GRIDGIS是SIG的重要组成部分,而GRIDGIS从网格的角度又可以划分为基础网格、空间数据网格、空间信息网格(狭义)、空间知识网格和空间服务网格等。

    Grid GIS is an important part of SIG Grid GIS can be divided into five part in the view of grid , including Basal Grid , Spatial Data Grid , Spatial Information Grid ( in narrow sense ), Spatial Knowledge Grid and Spatial Service Grid .

  3. 我说的是较狭义的“教育”。

    I am using the word ' education ' in the narrower sense .

  4. 粉丝关注的中心从狭义上讲可以是某个名人,从广义上讲可以涵盖所有的兴趣爱好、风格或时尚潮流。

    The subject of fan interest can be narrowly defined , focused on something like an individual celebrity for sports .

  5. 全球定位系统(GPS)中的相对论效应主要有:1)卫星高速运行的时钟延缓效应(狭义相对论);

    The relativistic effects to Global Position System ( GPS ) as follows : 1 ) the effect of time delay of the special relativity ;

  6. 从狭义上来说,CAS的仲裁实践就是国际体育仲裁的实践。

    In a narrow sense , CAS arbitration practice is the practice of arbitration for international sport disputes .

  7. 用Minkowski几何推导狭义相对论的基本结论

    Calculating Fundamental Conclusion of Special Theory of Relativity by Minkowski Geometry

  8. MDA含量的广义遗传力为66.78%,狭义遗传力为56.27%。

    The broad heritability of MDA content was 66 . 78 % and the narrow heritability of MDA content was 56 . 27 % .

  9. 复四元数与狭义Lorentz群

    Complex Quaternion and Restricted Lorentz Group

  10. 狭义货币供应(M1)的增幅回落更大,为11.2个百分点。

    The growth of narrow money ( M1 ), meanwhile , fell by an even steeper 11.2 percentage points .

  11. 本文中给定时DIR成色剂从广义、狭义两方面下了定义。

    Timing DIR coupler is defined as generalization and restraint in this paper .

  12. GDP有广义与狭义之分,广义GDP指福利GDP,包括物质及精神领域。

    GDP is divided into two parts : GDP of broad sense and GDP of narrow sense . GDP of broad sense means welfare GDP which include physical field and spirit field .

  13. 狭义相对论图解法的改进和TAKAHASHI问题

    An Improvement on Diagrammatic Method in Special Theory of Relativity and Takahashi 's Problem

  14. 秆长的表现型值及其CRI值受少数主效基因控制,具有较高的狭义遗传力。

    Culm length and its CRI were affected by a few major genes , and these traits had high narrow-sense heritability .

  15. GIS语义挖掘的内容分为狭义的挖掘和广义挖掘,狭义挖掘注重GIS的空间概念,主要从GIS世界中的对象模型、场模型、GIS操作、GIS场景进行挖掘;

    GIS semantic mining can be defined in both broad and narrow sense . In a narrow sense , GIS semantic mining focuses on the spatial conception mainly mining form the oriented-object model , field model , GIS operation and GIS scenes .

  16. 运用1978年至2003年的年度统计数据,对现金、狭义货币和广义货币与各主要经济变量之间因果关系进行Granger因果检验。

    Wielding the annual statistics data from 1978 to 2003 , we carry out the testing for Granger causality between cash , narrow money and broad money with every main economy variable .

  17. 利用狭义相对论方法和MΦller变换得到了加速参考系和惯性参考系之间速度和力的变换关系。

    The transformation formula of speed and force between inertial system and accelerated system is derived , by means of the special relativity and M Φ ller transformation .

  18. 以软件系统建设为中心的狭义ERP实施方法,容易使企业忽视ERP蕴含的供应链的核心思想及对管理变革的强烈要求,最终导致实施目标的彻底落空。

    The limited ERP implementation methodology aimes at the construction of software system , which tends to make the enterprises neglect the essence thought of ERP and the intense requirement for the management reforms , as the result , the failure of the implementation is inevitable .

  19. 分别用狭义和广义相对论解出了爱因斯坦转盘上的热平衡流体系统内固有温度对柱坐标的依赖关系T0(ρ)。

    The dependence of proper temperature on cylindrical coordinates T_0 (ρ) in thermal equilibrium of a fluid system on Einstein turntable is solved by special and general relativity separately .

  20. 基于申农(Shannon)的狭义信息论思想,分析了知识和知识信息的相关特征,提出一种关于以命题形式表征知识信息熵的近似计量估算方法。

    Based on Shannon 's Theory of information , The author analyzed the correlative characteristic of knowledge and knowledge-information , and brought forward an approximate method for estimating the entropy of knowledge-information which could be expressed in proposition .

  21. 为防止ICSID管辖权的任意扩张,东道国可在国际投资协定中综合采用广义和狭义的投资定义,以便限制ICSID的受案范围。

    The host states would comprehensively adopt a broad definition and a narrowed definition in the international investment treaties to circumscribe the scope of investment disputes submitted to ICSID for preventing arbitrary expansion of its jurisdiction .

  22. 唯递归性假设认为人类狭义语言机能(FLN)的独特属性是递归性的运算机制。语言多样性的成因只能到词库和语言接口处寻找踪迹。

    The recursion-only hypothesis holds that recursion is the only unique part of FLN , which provides an answer to the question of what are the factors that have caused the language variation .

  23. 进一步提出NDP虽然比GDP更佳,但只是一种狭义的核算,如果把环境资源因素,以及外部经济因素影响考虑进去,应建立绿色NDP指标,并得出绿色NDP指标的理论模式。

    It is furthermore expressed that NDP is only a narrow sense accounting even though it is better than GDP . If factors of environment , resource and external influence are taken into account , green NDP index should be built and its theoretical model is obtained .

  24. 狭义遗传力较高(h2N),2003年为81.7%,2004年为74.43%,表明抗性基因可以通过基因累加的方式在后代中表现出来,宜早代选择。

    Narrow sense heritability was much higher ( 81.7 % in 2003,74.43 % in 2004 ) which indicated that the resistant genes could be expressed in offspring through gene accumulation so that early generation selection was more suitable .

  25. 马克思主义狭义国家学说论析

    An Analysis of Marxist Theory of State in a Narrow Sense

  26. 狭义的侦查,是指其中的实行侦查部分。

    The narrow investigation refers to the practice of these parts .

  27. 首先用系统的联系的观点对城市文化建设进行了必要的界定,提出了在广义背景下的狭义文化建设的定义。

    Firstly the definition of culture was defined with systematic method .

  28. 从狭义相对论观点探讨时间的顺序及因果关系

    On the causality and Time - Order from the Special Relativity

  29. 因而,仅指物质资料的生产方式只能是狭义的生产方式,广义的生产方式还应包括精神资料的生产方式。

    The broad one must include the production of spiritual goods .

  30. 通常所说的船员跟踪管理一般是指狭义的。

    In generally speaking , crew tracking management means narrowly-defined .