
  1. 哈利站起身来,感到身体很奇怪地歪向了一边。

    As Harry got to his feet , he felt strangely lopsided .

  2. 哈利站在她背后,和她一起读道:

    Harry looked over her shoulder to read it :

  3. 哈利站在原地慢慢转身,周围的景物似乎在眼前幻化出来。

    Harry turned slowly on the spot , and his surroundings seemed to invent themselves before his eyes .

  4. 四下里一片寂静,哈利站在这里,知道自己将要永远离开这所房子,感觉真是特别异样。

    It felt most strange to stand here in the silence and know that he was about to leave the house for the last time .

  5. 哈利站在厨房里,攥紧拖把支撑着自己的身体。弗农姨父朝他逼过来,小眼睛里闪着恶魔般的亮光。

    Harry stood in the kitchen , clutching the mop for support , as Uncle Vernon advanced on him , a demonic glint inhis tiny eyes .

  6. 韦斯莱孪生兄弟抱怨说伍德正在变成一个训练狂,但哈利却站在伍德一边。

    The Weasleys complained that Wood was becoming a fanatic , but Harry was on Wood 's side .

  7. 哈利颤抖着站了起来,头撞到了低矮的门框。

    Harry straightened up with a jerk and smacked the top of his head on the low door frame .

  8. 罗恩和哈利一动不动地站着,心里想着同样的念头——隐形衣对猫有作用吗?

    Ron and Harry stood quite still , both thinking the same thing - did the cloak work on cats ?

  9. 哈利和罗恩站着聊了会儿魁地奇,后来哈利感到有人在密切地注视着自己。

    Harry and Ron stood talking about Quidditch for several minutes before Harry became aware that he was being closely watched .

  10. 餐室里发出尖叫声,弗农姨父冲进厨房,发现哈利呆若木鸡地站在那里,从头到脚溅满了佩妮姨妈的布丁。

    There were screams from the dining room and Uncle Vernon burst into the kitchen to find Harry , rigid withshock , covered from head to foot in Aunt Petunia 's pudding .

  11. 哈利和罗恩都站了起来。

    Both Harry and Ron stood up .

  12. 两天过去了,只有哈利和多莉来马厩。第三天,车站的格兰特先生来了,哈利正站在马厩里。

    Two days passed , and only Harry and Dolly came to the sta-ble.On the third day , Mr Grant from the cab stand arrived when Harry was in the stable .