
hā dài
  • Hardy
哈代[hā dài]
  1. 他们扮演劳莱和哈代很成功。

    They do a pretty good job of impersonating Laurel and Hardy .

  2. 踏访托马斯∙哈代小说描写的地区。

    Explore Thomas Hardy country .

  3. 哈代由于对生活持过度悲观的态度而常常受到批评。

    Hardy has often been criticised for an excessively pessimistic view of life .

  4. 经卡方检验表明,各位点都处于哈代一温伯格平衡状态(P>0.05)。

    X2 test revealed that all loci were in the balance of Hardy-Weinberg ( P > 0.05 ) .

  5. 我在肯特大学的同事心理学家查理•哈代(CharlieHardy)和马克•范福特(MarkVanVugt)最近进行的研究表明好人有好报。

    New research by my University of Kent psychologist colleagues Charlie Hardy and Mark Van Vugt indicates that nice guys come first .

  6. 本文对H公式统一了不同的完全相关数对的规律,H公式与异常级数和素数公式之间的联系,H公式与哈代-季特伍德公式的关系作了一定的分析研究与探讨。

    This paper has unified the regularity of the different perfect relative numbers , and finds the relationship between the H-formulary and queer sequence > prime number formulary and studied the relations between the H-formulary and Little wood formulary .

  7. 本周日本广岛大学的KazuhiroYokota和他的同事证明了,“哈代悖论”事实上是正确的。

    This week Kazuhiro Yokota of Osaka University in Japan and his colleagues demonstrated that Hardy 's paradox is , in fact , correct .

  8. J.V.诺伊曼,怀尔,柯朗,哈代,爱因斯坦,莱夫谢茨,还有其他一些人。

    J.v. Neumann , Weyl , Courant , Hardy , Einstein , Lefschetz , as well as hosts of smaller fry .

  9. 但是在1914年,哈代的合作者J.E.列托伍德将此推翻,他认为会存在某些转折点,使这个公式转而低估素数的数量。

    But in 1914 Hardy 's collaborator J.E. Littlewood had shown that this was not so , for there existed some point where the simple assumption would underestimate the cumulative total of primes .

  10. 论哈代小说的历史文化底蕴

    On the Historical and Cultural Connotation of Thomas Hardy 's Novels

  11. 略论哈代的爱情诗与死亡诗

    Analysis on Hardy 's Poems with Themes of Love or Death

  12. 只要再一册,我的哈代全集就齐全了。

    I need one volume to complete my set of Hardy .

  13. 从《还乡》看哈代小说创作中的视觉隐喻

    Thomas Hardy 's Visual Metaphors in The Return of the Native

  14. 哈代只是一位具有超前女性意识和环保意识的作家。

    Hardy is a vanguard writer with feminist and ecological consciousness .

  15. 中西哈代小说女性人物研究透视与思考

    Reflections on the Studies of Women Characters in Hardy 's Novels

  16. 本文旨在证明哈代是一个被误解的唯美主义者。

    Besides , we should not ingnore his aesthetism , either .

  17. 那么,我们应该如何理解哈代作品中人物的悲剧?

    Thus , how should we comprehend these tragic heroes and heroines ?

  18. 《远离尘嚣》:哈代的奠基之作

    Far from the madding crowd : hardy 's foundation work

  19. 但是对于哈代短篇小说的研究却很少有人问津。

    However , a few people pay attention to his short stories .

  20. 哈代小说中人物的动物隐喻

    The Animal Metaphors in the Characterization of Hardy 's Novels

  21. 时间是哈代诗歌的一个重要主题。

    Time is an important theme of Hardy 's poetry .

  22. 托玛斯.哈代是英国20世纪一位伟大的诗人。

    Thomas Hardy is a great poet in the 20th century England .

  23. 从哈代的抒情诗看哈代的悲观主义

    On the Pessimism of Thomas Hardy-A Study of His . Lyric Poetry

  24. 从《无名的裘德》看哈代的爱情观

    On Hardy 's View on Love in Jude the Obscure

  25. 哈代,你把这位先生的行李拿到他的房间。

    Hardy , you take his belongin 's up to his room .

  26. 你父亲注视着不幸,哈代。

    You daddy stared adversity in the eye , hardy .

  27. 他是这部小说中哈代的代言人。

    He is the spokesman of Hardy in the novel .

  28. 哈代的小说反映了他的文学思想的三个阶段。

    His novels reflected three stages of development of his literary thoughts .

  29. 国内哈代悲剧小说研究简述

    A Review of the Studies of Hardy 's Tragic Novels in China

  30. 论哈代和福克纳小说的乡土意识

    The Local Ideology in Both Hardy and Faulkner 's Novels