
  • 网络mott;motte;mort
  1. Number27我们住在莫特街27号

    We live on Mott Street .

  2. 97年前,一位年轻的法国艺术家穿过美国纽约市的曼哈顿,走进J•L•莫特铁制品厂(JLMottIronWorks)位于第五大道118号的一家销售店。

    Ninety-seven years ago , a young French artist walked across Manhattan into 118 Fifth Avenue , an outlet for J L Mott Iron Works .

  3. A组每周外用5%咪喹莫特乳膏,B组每周用2.5%氟尿嘧啶软膏均3次,共8wk。

    % imiquimod cream and 2.5 % fluorouracil cream was applied to all external warts three times weekly for 8 wk .

  4. 局部免疫调节剂咪喹莫特对尖锐湿疣患者皮损处HPV病毒DNA含量的影响

    Diversification of content of HPV-DNA virus in patient of condyloma acuminatum who treated with Imiquimod cream

  5. 咪喹莫特对朗格汉斯细胞及角质形成细胞细胞因子mRNA表达及分泌水平的影响

    Effects of Imiquimod on the mRNA expression and secretion of cytokines by human epidermal Langerhans cells and keratinocytes

  6. 尖锐湿疣的Th1/Th2细胞因子表达及咪喹莫特对其表达影响的研究

    The Expression of Th_1 / Th_2 Cytokines and Effects of Imiquimod on Them in Patients with Condyloma Acuminatum

  7. C组用CO2激光祛除疣体后外用5%咪喹莫特乳膏8周,每周3次。

    Group C was giv - en topical imiquimod 5 % cream three times a week over 8 weeks after laser treatment of visible warts .

  8. 结论咪喹莫特诱导BALB/c小鼠分泌IFN-α、IL-12等前炎症因子,并由此促进机体获得性免疫。

    Conclusions Imiquimod could induce the pro-inflammatory cytokine secretion and promote the acquired immunity in BALB / c mice .

  9. 史高丽:有些探员在搜查莫特的办公室,他们说和他FBI的通缉犯。

    SCULLY : There are agents tearing apart Mulder 's office who say they 're part of an FBI manhunt .

  10. 首席信息官兰迪·莫特(RandyMott)也将离开公司&也是即刻生效。惠普将寻找莫特的继任者。

    Randy Mott , chief information officer , is also leaving effective immediately ; the company will conduct a search for his successor .

  11. 以及亚马逊的《透明家庭》(Transparent)的主角莫特(Mort,杰弗里·坦波[JeffreyTambor]饰演,他向孩子们出柜后就改了女名“莫拉”)等电视形象,他们都进一步把跨性别叙事推向主流视野。

    and television fare like " Transparent , " the series on Amazon , its lead character Mort ( Jeffrey Tambor ) coming out to his children as Maura .

  12. 前不久的一个下午,演员史蒂夫·布谢米(SteveBuscemi)在莫特街为一部电视剧拍摄一个场景。在休息间歇,他说,当年的奥巴马很新鲜。

    Obama was new , the actor Steve Buscemi said on a recent afternoon as he took a break from filming a scene for a television show on Mott Street .

  13. 咪喹莫特治疗有效者,治疗前其皮损HLA-DR、CD1a、CD16及ICAM-1阳性表达明显多于无效者(P<0.05)。

    Before treatment , the expressions of HLA-DR , CD1a , CD16 and ICAM-1 in the lesions of responders were significantly higher than those in the lesions of nonresponders ( P < 0.05 ) .

  14. 莫特用信用卡租用汽车的收据。(收据来自Lariat汽车租赁)五月四个连续的周末。

    Car rental receipts on Agent Mulder 's Visa . ( The receipts are from Lariat Rental Car ) Four consecutive weekends in May .

  15. 通用汽车公司首席信息官兰迪•莫特(RandyMott)在新闻稿中宣布了这个举措,他表示,大凤凰城地区是出色的枢纽,吸引了新兴技术人才&从大学毕业生到职场专业人士。

    The greater Phoenix area is a fantastic hub of emerging technical talent – from university graduates to working professionals , said GM CIO Randy Mott in a release announcing the move .

  16. 本课题是苏州江南思莫特停车设备有限公司立体停车库研发设计的一个分支,该课题属于结构分析和基于有限元分析的计算机辅助工程CAE及最优化设计的研究领域。

    The research subject is a branch of three-dimensional car parking lot research and design in Suzhou Jiangnan Smart Parking Equipment Co. , LTD. , the research realm of this thesis is structural analysis and CAE & optimum design based on finite element analysis .

  17. 最近几周,施罗德(schroders)、邓普顿(templeton)和johambro等基金公司的少数英国基金经理,已开始调整仓位,为这种趋势的逆转做准备,莫特很高兴自己也位列其中。

    In recent weeks a trickle of UK fund managers from houses such as Schroders , Templeton and Jo Hambro have started to position themselves for a reversal of this trend , and Mr Mott is happy to be counted among their number .

  18. 莫特选择了首次谈论他新投资的psigma基金的构成,很明显,这种行为非常前卫。

    Mr Mott has chosen to speak for the first time about the composition of his newly invested psigma fund , and it is clear that this wisdom is very much to the fore .

  19. 事实上,这家店的销售额极高,以至于通用汽车大楼目前的所有者莫特•祖克曼(MortZuckerman)(援引于《骗子的皮球》一书)曾表示,“每当我想让自己开心起来时,我就会在苹果店周围逛逛。”

    Indeed , sales are so high that Mort Zuckerman , the current owner of the GM building , is quoted in The Liar 's Ball as saying that " whenever I want to cheer myself up I just take a walk around the Apple Store . "

  20. 咪喹莫特对BALB/c小鼠细胞因子生成的影响

    Influence of Imiquimod on Cytokine Induction in BALB / c Mice

  21. 与咪喹莫特治疗光化性唇炎相关的复发性溃疡

    Aphthous ulcers associated with imiquimod and the treatment of actinic cheilitis

  22. 咪喹莫特诱导多品系小鼠脱毛动物模型的建立

    Establishment of alopecia animal model induced by imiquimod in multi-strain mice

  23. 你还是没有签字,莫特。

    You still haven 't signed the papers yet , mort .

  24. 迪法太太是爱维利莫特家的死敌。

    Madame Defarge was the implacable enemy of the Evremonde family .

  25. 我想它会变成万德莫特。

    I assumed it would take the shape of Lord voldemort .

  26. 咪喹莫特的合成研究咪喹莫特乳膏治疗尖锐湿疣临床观察

    Clinical observation on the effect of imiquimod cream on condyloma acuminatum

  27. 咪喹莫特脂质体与乳膏体外经皮扩散行为的比较

    Comparison of Transdermal Diffusion in vitro of Imiquimod in Liposomes and Cream

  28. 光化性角化病的基因表达:通过咪喹莫特调节

    Gene expression in actinic keratoses : Pharmacological modulation by imiquimod

  29. 莫特:他们在找诱拐的对象,你就是一个。

    Mulder : they 're taking abductees . you 're an abductee .

  30. 莫特,你说过去的就过去了。

    Mort , you swore the one time was the only time .