
zhōnɡ ɡuó ɡuó jí
  • Chinese nationality
  1. 我想保留中国国籍。

    I want to keep my Chinese nationality .

  2. 他已申请了中国国籍。

    He 's applied for Chinese nationality .

  3. NawKham和部分泰国士兵被指于去年十月在两个装卸码头上谋划并谋杀了中国国籍的船员。

    Naw Kham and a small number of Thai soldiers are accused of planning and carrying out the murder of the Chinese sailors on two cargo ships last October .

  4. 申请对象:具有中国国籍的所有地区玩家;

    Application object : a Chinese national players in all regions ;

  5. 办理你加入中国国籍的申请;

    To process your application for naturalization as a Chinese national ;

  6. 陈兆霞博士是中国国籍。

    Dr Chen is a Chinese national .

  7. 国际国籍法的新发展与中国国籍法的渐进改革

    The New Development of Foreign Nationality Laws and the Gradual Reform of Chinese Nationality Laws

  8. 此外,外方继续与有中国国籍的人进行合作,以帮助交易平稳达成。

    In addition , foreigners continue to team up with Chinese nationals to help smooth transactions .

  9. 第十二条国家工作人员和现役军人,不得退出中国国籍。

    Article 12 State functionaries and military personnel on active service shall not renounce Chinese nationality .

  10. 这些越南女人既没有加入中国国籍,事实上又自动丧失了越南国籍,成为无国籍女人。

    These women are a group of people who haven 't acquired Chinese nationality and have lost Vietnamese nationality .

  11. 在「分类资料」,还可以查到申请各种香港旅行证件和中国国籍等的资料。

    Under " topical information ", different features , for example , Hong Kong travel documents and Chinese nationality , are explained .

  12. 也许最令人惊讶的是,在那些正在移民或正考虑移民的富豪中,有三分之二的人也正在考虑放弃自己的中国国籍。

    Maybe most surprising , two-thirds of those emigrating , or considering doing so , are also considering giving up their Chinese nationality .

  13. 而航空货运竞争力之比较方面,我国籍航空公司提供较为较为充足之载货运能,相较中国国籍航空公司具有竞争力;

    As to the competitiveness of the air cargo , Taiwanese airlines provide better cargo carrying capacity and are more competitive than Chinese airlines .

  14. 如一名人士曾退出中国国籍,而于日后希望再成为中国公民,他将要申请恢复中国国籍。

    If a person has renounced his Chinese nationality and later wishes to resume Chinese nationality , he will need to apply for restoration of Chinese nationality .

  15. 若你须要放弃中国国籍才可取得外国国籍,你应申请退出中国国籍。

    If you are required to give up your Chinese nationality before you can acquire a foreign nationality , you should apply for renunciation of Chinese nationality .

  16. 但绿卡不等同于中国国籍,绿卡持有人无权参加选举,也不能从政或参军。

    However the card is not equivalent to Chinese nationality and holders are not allowed to vote in elections , hold political office , or serve in the military .

  17. 第三十一条本法所称的外国人是指依照《中华人民共和国国籍法》不具有中国国籍的人。

    Article 31 For the purposes of this Law the term " alien " means any person not holding Chinese nationality according to the Nationality Law of the People 's Republic of China .

  18. 中国的国籍法原则刍议

    My Humble Opinion of the Principles of Chinese Nationality

  19. 侨民利益、国家利益与国籍法&关于建构国家利益认知的思考和中国的双重国籍问题分析

    Alien Interests , National Interests and Nationality Law : Cognition of National Interests Construction and Double Nationality Issue in China

  20. 中华人民共和国不承认中国公民具有双重国籍。

    The people 's Republic of China does not recognize dual nationality for any Chinese national .

  21. 近年来,中国名人获得外国国籍的趋势令许多网民感到不满。

    In recent years , the trend of Chinese celebrities taking up foreign citizenship has upset many vocal Chinese Web users .

  22. 如果委派中国或者第三国国籍的人为使馆外交人员,必须征得中国主管机关的同意。

    The members of the diplomatic staff of the mission shall in principle be of the nationality of the sending State .

  23. 中国不允许双重国籍,因此这些美国出生的宝宝就不得不采取不正当手段获取中国国籍。

    China doesn 't allow for dual citizenship , so American-born babies will have to procure Chinese residency through sometimes shady means .

  24. 金泽荣流亡中国期间于1912年申请加入了中国国籍。

    Jin Zerong applied for Chinese nationality in1912 in his exile in China .

  25. 父母双方或一方为中国公民,本人出生在外国,具有中国国籍;

    Any person born abroad whose parents are both Chinese nationals or one of whose parents is a Chinese national shall have Chinese nationality .

  26. 王邦福领事本周二向《中国日报》表示,在确认蒋海松系属中国国籍后,领事馆将为他提供领事保护和援助。

    Wang told China Daily on Tuesday that the consulate is providing consular protection and assistance to Jiang after identifying him as a Chinese national .

  27. 海外中国公民的安全问题已越来越引起人们的关注,而对其中所牵涉到的管辖权以及中国作为国籍国的保护等问题也是众说纷纭。

    With more and more people paying attention to the safety problems of the Chinese people overseas , the relative rules of international law applied to this issue have also become a focus problem .