
  • Chinese market
  1. Internet的商业化及中国市场前景分析

    Internet Commercialization and Chinese Market Prospect

  2. 此举再度引发关于Facebook进军中国市场的猜测。

    The visit reignited speculation about Facebook entering the Chinese market .

  3. 本次访问还将为准备进入中国市场的英国企业拓宽出口机会,吸引中国对英国地区的投资。

    The visit will also open export opportunities for UK companies looking to expand into China and attract Chinese investment into the regions .

  4. 因而,在我国加入WTO,国外大型体育用品公司大规模涌入中国市场的情况下,产业集群无疑是发展我国体育用品产业的重要战略选择。

    Hence , industrial cluster is no doubt the strategic choice for developing China 's sports goods industry .

  5. JamesHeal展望中国市场

    James Heal 's Outlook on Chinese Market

  6. 今年9月,本田汽车推出了多用途车杰德(Jade),该款车型特意为中国市场设计了一个三排座椅版,以迎合中国消费者对车内空间的要求。

    In September , it launched the Jade , a multi-purpose vehicle with a three-row-seat version for China to cater local preference to roomy space .

  7. 加入WTO之后,建筑市场进一步对外开放,有更多的外国建筑公司涌入中国市场,中国建筑市场的竞争日趋激烈。

    After affiliated WTO , the construction market is further opened , and more foreign building companies flow out into the Chinese market , so the competition of the Chinese market is gradually drastic .

  8. “这三家公司百思买、家得宝和芭比都不够迎合本地消费者的偏好和习惯。”中国市场研究集团(ChinaMarketResearch)董事总经理雷小山(ShaunRein)表示。

    " None of the three companies – Best Buy , Home Depot or Barbie – have catered to local consumer preferences and habits enough ," said Shaun Rein , managing director of China Market Research Group .

  9. 他说,中国市场对于iTunes的接受度没有美国那样高。

    The adoption rate of iTunes in China hasn 't been as high as in the U.S. , Mr. Yang said .

  10. 中国市场研究(ChinaMarketResearch)董事总经理ShaunRein说,你可以一年中有11个月喝牛奶,然后有一个月喝水牛奶,或者是把鸡蛋和鹌鹑蛋搭配着吃。

    ' You may want to drink cow milk for 11 months and buffalo milk for a month , and have some quail eggs instead of just chicken eggs , ' said Shaun Rein , managing director of China Market Research .

  11. GILDEMEISTER集团公司在上海开设新厂GILDEMEISTER集团公司第一个建立在欧洲以外地区的机床生产基地&发展中的中国市场

    GILDEMEISTER unveils new plant in Shanghai Eleventh site is first outside Europe-growth market China

  12. 但在经过一番浮躁的市场炒作之后,人们逐渐发现适合中国市场的CRM模型还没有形成,导致了CRM系统开发与实施的低成功率。

    But after some blundering hurly-burly in the market , people find that the CRM model suitable for Chinese market has not been formed , which results in the low success rate of the development and actualization of CRM system .

  13. 为中国市场制造的怀表被称为中国品质(Chinesecaliber),意思是这种怀表的表盘和表带设计符合中国收藏者的品味,也就是说具有装饰性,比如上面雕刻有叶子图案。

    The watches that were made for the Chinese market were called Chinese caliber , meaning that the mechanism of the watch consists of plates and bridges fashioned in a manner that would appeal to Chinese collectors and tastes , namely decorative with engravings such as foliate designs .

  14. 日本贸易振兴机构的中国市场研究主管YoichiMaie强调,日本企业需要探索新的业务领域。

    Yoichi Maie , Jetro 's research director for China , stressed the need for Japanese companies to search for new areas of business .

  15. 基于平均利润率的中国市场化改革绩效分析

    Analysis of China market reform performance basing on average interest rate

  16. 国际信用评级机构抢滩中国市场

    The international Credit Rating Organization Beaches in the Chinese Market

  17. 他是比较类似产品在中国市场。

    He is comparing similar products in the Chinese market .

  18. 中国市场,中国品牌,中国机会。

    China Market , China Brand , China Opportunity .

  19. 用寡占反应论评析通用丰田在中国市场的龙虎斗

    On GE and Toyota 's fighting on Chinese market with occupation reaction theory

  20. 中国市场不是留给美国的!

    Chinese Market is not for USA !

  21. 意大利制造关注中国市场

    Italian manufacturers looking for the China market

  22. 米歇尔:稳步挺进中国市场

    MICHELL : steady enter Chinese market

  23. 目前,是国外的软件产品打开中国市场的一个重要窗口。

    At present , is the overseas software product opens the Chinese market an important window .

  24. 文章论述了中国市场从非常态市场向常态市场转变的若干问题。

    The paper also discusses some problems concerning the change from abnormal market to normal market .

  25. 爱立信活跃于中国市场

    Ericsson Active in Chinese Market

  26. 更加开放的中国市场

    A More Open China Market

  27. 因为中国市场经济的历史很短,建设企业文化的历史更短,目前的现状是人们都急于建设企业文化但却不清楚企业文化到底是什么?

    The history of market economy is short and the history of owning enterprise culture is shorter .

  28. 纳斯达克开拓中国市场

    NASDAQ exploits China market

  29. 而且中国市场上的口味也比以前多,包括绿茶和生日糖果等。

    There are also more flavors in China than ever before , including green tea and birthday confetti .

  30. 目前,越来越多的跨国公司携其名牌大举进入中国市场,国货面临严重的挑战。

    Furthermore , with the transnational corporations'invading chinese market , home-made products'manufacture are facing serious threat and challenge .