
  1. 能源与经济危机&对当前世界经济大危机的另类解读

    Energy and Economic Crisis & The " Alternative " Interpretation of the Current World Economic Crisis

  2. 大桥两边的同步通车(此过程是几经波折啊)是一次巨大的成功,人们为此欢呼雀跃。世界经济大危机期间,这一工程提供了不少就业机会,也因此挽救了许多人的生命。

    The bridge was opened on both sides simultaneously ( not without some drama ) and hailed as a huge success and the saving of many lives during the Great Depression by providing employment .

  3. 到20世纪30年代,随着世界经济大危机的爆发以及各国备战的需要,统制经济在世界范围内兴起,并对中国产生了极大的影响。

    In the 1930s along with the big crisis of world economy outburst and the need in preparation for war in every country , the controlled economy was on the rise within world range , had produced extremely large effect to China .

  4. 1929-1933年的世界经济大危机使日本陷入绝境,日本统治阶级迫切需要寻找原料产地和消费市场来摆脱经济危机。

    The Great Depression of 1929-1933 caused Japan fall into the hopeless situation . in order to overcome the crisis , the Japanese ruling class needed to seek for sources of raw materials and consumer markets urgently , and the rich resources of Manchuria just satisfied this condition exactly .