
Jiǎnɡ jiè shí
  • Chiang Kai shek;Chiang Kaishek
  1. 三区革命爆发后,蒋介石授权张治中全权处理。

    When the " Three-Districts Revolution " broke out in Xinjiang .

  2. 但是,蒋介石的这一切企图是不能成功的。

    However , he will succeed in none of his schemes .

  3. 这就是战胜蒋介石的政治基础。

    That was the political foundation for victory over Chiang kai-shek .

  4. 蒋介石建立了中国最黑暗的警察制度。

    Jiang Jie-shi had set up the darkest police in china .

  5. 对于蒋介石的所谓和谈也是这样。

    It is the same with his " peace negotiations " .

  6. 孙中山死了,蒋介石起来。

    Then Sun Yat-sen died and Chiang Kai-shek rose to power .

  7. 在这一问题上华莱士和蒋介石各执一词。

    Chiang Kai-shek and Wallace did not agree on this issue .

  8. 这种传统仍旧存在于蒋介石军队里。

    Such was the national tradition of the old Chinese army .

  9. 论蒋介石对日由妥协到全面抵抗的历史必然

    On the Historical Inevitability of Chiang Kai shek 's Resistance to Japan

  10. 蒋介石供认了匪帮们的整个计划。

    Chiang Kai-shek has confessed the gang 's whole plot .

  11. 这就是蒋介石反动政权的经济基础。

    Such is the economic base of Chiang kai-shek 's reactionary regime .

  12. “反对蒋介石把中国出卖给美国!”

    " Oppose Chiang kai-shek 's betrayal of China to america . "

  13. 蒋介石和汪精卫彼此间的活动有如唱双簧的关系。

    The duet was being acted by Chiang Kai-shek and Wang ching-wei .

  14. 蒋介石的军队,无论在哪个战场,都打了败仗。

    On every battlefield Chiang kai-shek 's army has met with defeat .

  15. 从张季鸾与蒋介石的关系看记者职业的声誉风险

    The Honour Risk Reflected from Zhang Ji-luan 's Relationship with Jiang Jie-shi

  16. 问:蒋介石在经济上可能支持那样久吗?

    Strong : can Chiang Kai-shek keep on that long , economically ?

  17. 剖析蒋介石地方自治思想

    On Thought of Local Self - govern in g of Jiang Jie-shi

  18. 罗斯福果真下令暗杀蒋介石吗?

    Did Luosifu really give order to assassinate Jiang jieshi ?

  19. 以自卫战争粉碎蒋介石的进攻

    Smash Chiang kai-shek 's offensive by a war of self-defence

  20. 红军缴获了少数几架蒋介石的飞机。

    The Reds had captured a few Chiang 's airplanes .

  21. “联总”还在犹豫的时候,蒋介石的将军们立即动手堵口。

    Chiang 's generals immediately moved to close the breach .

  22. 我们也从来不怕蒋介石。

    And we have never been afraid of Chiang kai-shek .

  23. 他们也不赞成蒋介石的政策。

    They also disapprove of Chiang kai-shek 's policies .

  24. 蒋介石是搞这种幕后阴谋勾当的老手。

    In this kind of backstage intrigue , Chiang was an experienced hand .

  25. 蒋介石同意和平谈判是假的。

    Chiang Kai-shek was only shamming when he agreed to hold peace negotiations .

  26. 论蒋介石与抗战期间的军事会议

    Chiang Kai-shek and the Military Meetings During the War of Resistance Against Japan

  27. (三)战胜蒋介石的作战方法,一般地是运动战。

    For defeating Chiang Kai-shek the general method of fighting is mobile warfare .

  28. 七月十七日,蒋介石先生在庐山发表了谈话。

    On July 17 , Mr. Chiang Kai-shek made a statement at Lushan .

  29. 你对蒋介石将军怎么看?

    What do you think of general Chiang kai-shek ?

  30. 这样一种恐惧也使蒋介石夫人的标致的脑袋不安过一阵子。

    Such a fear also troubled the comely head of Mme. Chiang kai-shek .