
  1. 蒋廷黻是著名的史学家、政论家和外交家。

    Chiang T'ing-fu is a famous historian , political commentator and diplomat .

  2. 从《中国近代史》看蒋廷黻的史学思想

    View Jiang Ting-fu 's Historical Ideas From Chinese Modern History

  3. 第二部分则重点阐述蒋廷黻的史学观。

    The second part elaborates the historiography view of Jiang Ting-fu from the point .

  4. 蒋廷黻史学成就概述

    Summary of Achievement of Jiang Ting-fu 's History

  5. 蒋廷黻的选择:从外交史家到外交家唐家璇外长谈中国外交

    The Choice of Jiang Tingfu : from Diplomatic Historian to Diplomat Foreign Minister Tang Jiaxuan on China 's Diplomacy

  6. 第三部分主要从档案史料的整理和历史教育两个方面来论述蒋廷黻的史学贡献。

    The third part mainly discusses the historiography contribution of Jiang Ting-fu from two aspects : sorting historical file and historical education .

  7. 蒋廷黻是著名的外交家和外交史学家,但对他的外交思想,迄今尚无比较深入系统的研究。

    Tsiang T'ing-fu was a famous diplomat as well as a distinguished historian of international relations in modern China , but there is a lack of systemic research on his diplomatic thoughts up to now .

  8. 1921年华盛顿会议召开期间,以罗家伦、蒋廷黻等为首的一群中国留美学生为了维护祖国的权益,自动组织起来开展了一系列的外交斗争。

    During the Washington Conference in 1921 , a group of returned students headed by Luo Jia-lun organize themselves to carry out a series of diplomatic struggles in order to safeguard their motherland 's rights .