
shì dài jiāo tì
  • alternation of generations;metagenesis
  1. 因此,这种生命周期又称为世代交替。

    Consequently , this cycle is also known as the alternation of generations .

  2. 在多年生珊瑚状的根瘤中,它们的世代交替是:春夏季以侵染菌丝、繁殖菌丝、营养菌丝、春孢子囊及春孢子、泡囊为主;

    In the perennial coralloid root nodules , their alternation of generations is infectious mycelium , reproduceable mycelium , vegetative mycelium , spring sporangium and spring spore , and vesicle in spring and summer ;

  3. 减数分裂是有性生殖物种世代交替的转折点;减数分裂不仅维持了基因组的稳定性,而且通过重组创造了遗传多样性。在减数分裂过程中,DNA复制一次后进行两次连续的细胞分裂。

    Meiosis , an essential process in sexual life cycle , is necessary not only for the maintenance of genomic stability but also for the creation of genetic diversity .

  4. 音乐领域,世代交替飞速进行着。

    In the world of music , generational change is taking place at rapid speed .

  5. 这两个纲的许多种类都有水母型和水螅型的世代交替。

    The two key link in many types of jellyfish are generational-type and Hydra type .

  6. 被子植物雌、雄配子体的形成是世代交替的关键过程之一。

    Angiosperm female and male gametophyte formation is the key to the process of generational one .

  7. 他们集中在世代交替、自由职业者的崛起和技能差距等等。

    They focus on the generational shift , the rise of freelancing , the skills gap and more .

  8. 探讨了煤中黄铁矿的形态、世代交替、有机硫的结构及煤中硫的地质成因。

    The shape of pyrite in coal , formation generations , the textures of organic sulfur , and the geological genesis of sulfur in coal have been probed into as well .

  9. 这标志着日本政治已经完成了世代交替的任务,开始由少壮派政治家掌握国家权力,日本进入了一个新的历史时期。

    This indicates that the task of alteration of generation in the Japanese politics has been fulfilled , and statesmen of the younger generation begin to come into power . Hence , Japan enters a new historical period .