
yè pào
  • vacuole
液泡 [yè pào]
  • [vacuole] 细胞质中含有的泡状物,外有薄膜与细胞质分开,内有液体

液泡[yè pào]
  1. 涉及能量代谢方面的基因有编码质膜ATP酶、液泡膜ATP酶等的基因。

    And energy metabolism related genes include plasma membrane ATPase vacuole membrane ATPase and so on .

  2. 这个结果表明液泡是SSd的主要贮藏部位。

    This result indicated that the vacuole is the main storage site of SSd .

  3. 这些酶是消耗糊粉液泡中被动用的贮藏蛋白合成的。

    These enzymes are synthesized at the expense of reserve proteins mobilized in the aleurone vacuoles .

  4. 拟南芥液泡H~+-ATPasec亚基基因对外源激素的响应

    Arabidopsis Thaliana Vacuolar H ~ + - ATPase c Subunit Gene in Response to Exogenous Hormone

  5. B细胞粗面内质网丰富,胞质中有1~2个大液泡,起分泌作用,属全泌型;

    B cells have 1 to 2 large vacuoles and numerous rough endoplasmic reticulum ( Rer );

  6. 利用过表达对拟南芥液泡H~+-ATPasec亚基功能的初步研究

    Primary Study on the Function of Subunit c Genes of Vacuolar H ~ + - ATPase in Arabidopsis Thaliana by Overexpression

  7. 巴西橡胶树液泡ATP酶F亚基基因克隆及表达

    Cloning and Expression Analysis of Vacuolar ATPase Subunit F Gene from Hevea brasiliensis

  8. TIP是一种液泡膜蛋白,在水分运输中起作用。

    TIP belongs to tonoplast membrane intrinsic protein and plays a key role in water transportation .

  9. H2O2和·OH及其清除剂对大麦叶片液泡膜微囊质子转运活性的影响

    Effects of H_2O_2 ,· OH and Their Scavengers on the Activities of H + Transport in the Tonoplast Vesicles Isolated from Barley Leaves

  10. 钝顶螺旋藻(SpirulinaPlatensis)原生质球制备和液泡分离

    Preparation of spheroplasts and isolation of vacuoles from the cyanobacterium Spirulina platensis

  11. 水稻液泡膜H~+-ATPase的分离纯化及生化性质研究

    Isolation , purification and characterization of the tonoplast h  ̄ + - atpase from etiolated seedling of rice

  12. 小麦液泡质子焦磷酸酶基因EST的克隆与分析

    Cloning and Analyzing of Vacuolar H ~ + - pyrophosphatase Gene EST from Wheat cDNA Pool

  13. 以上结果表明H2O2在液泡膜两侧都参与了对SV通道的调控作用,这为进一步研究H2O2对植物生理活动的影响从通道水平提供一些有用的依据。

    This will provide an important basis at channel level for the researching further the effects of H2O2 on physiological activities of plants .

  14. 小麦Na~+、K~+吸收特性及液泡膜质子泵对NaCl胁迫的响应

    Characteristics of Na ~ + , K ~ + Uptake and the Responses of the Vacuolar Proton Pumps of Wheat Seedlings to NaCl Stress

  15. 一般认为动、植物的PCD有很大的相似性,但植物发育过程也有着独特的PCD机制,例如依靠有裂解功能的液泡来参与PCD。

    Plants possess a unique process of PCD execution that depends on vacuolar lytic function .

  16. Na~+,K~+和ABA对盐胁迫大麦根液泡膜ATPase活性的影响

    Effect of Na ~ + , K ~ + and ABA on the Activity of Tonoplast ATPase in NaCl-treated Barley Roots

  17. 非胚性愈伤组织细胞的ATP酶定位于液泡,与液泡的水解功能有关。

    In the cells of non-embryogenic calli , ATPase located in vacuoles and involved in the function of the hydrolysis of vacuole .

  18. 棉花液泡型Na~+/H~+逆向运转体基因的克隆、功能鉴定及其在耐盐性中的重要作用

    Isolation and Function Identification of a Putative Tonoplast Na ~ + / H ~ + Antiporter Gene in Cotton and Its Important Role in Salt Stress

  19. 其花蜜腺在发育过程中液泡化动态明显,PAS反应测试细胞具阳性物质,淀粉粒积累动态较明显。

    The result of PAS reaction shows that the cell test was positive as the starch grains obviously accumulated .

  20. 细胞壁固定作用和液泡区室化是三叶鬼针草毛状根忍耐重金属Cd、Pb胁迫的机制之一。

    Compartmentalization and fixed holding of detoxification mechanisms of heavy metal by cell wall vacuole are the strategies of the hairy roots ' endurance to Cd and Pb stress .

  21. 液泡内含有大量游离氨基酸,液泡膜ATPase的最适pH为7.0,受Cl-激活,受NO3-抑制。

    There are varieties of free amino acids in vacuole . The tonoplast ATPase was stimulated by Cl - , and inhibited by NO 3 - .

  22. BL处理还能抑制H~+-ATPase酶活性,特别是液泡中H~+-ATPase的活性。

    BL treatment also inhibited the activity of H + - ATPase , especially the one in the vacuole .

  23. 自然感染三生烟的含坏死卫星RNA分离物8S1侵染普通烟,病毒粒子分散于细胞质,在液泡中未观察到结晶体,叶绿体产生囊泡结构,部分病毒粒子处在叶绿体空泡中。

    Virus particles of CMV 8 S1 , an isolate with necrosis satellite RNA and originally from naturally infected tobacco , scattered throughout the cytoplasm and in the vacuoles of abnormal chloroplasts .

  24. 增加的IAA、GA7/4主要分布在淀粉体、液泡与胞间基质中。不同基质间插穗死亡率的差异不显著。

    And those of GA7 / 4 obviously increased in the same region . There was no significant difference of death rate among cuttings on different substratum .

  25. 通过检测喹吖咽荧光猝灭和恢复,测定了盐胁迫下不同耐盐性的大麦品种根系液泡膜微囊质子泵活性(ΔPH)和Na+/H+逆向运输活性。

    Measurement of quinacrine fluoresence was used to estimate activities of H + - transPOrt ( pH ) and Na + / H + antiport of tonoplast vesicles isolated from different salt-tolerance barley roots under salt stress .

  26. 中央大液泡的形成使得小孢子具有极性,极性小孢子有丝分裂一次形成二胞花粉,在细胞核(营养核及生殖核)中分布的ATPase较多,细胞质中的ATPase较少。

    The mitosis of polar microspore formed a 2-cellular pollen grain . ATPase precipitates were more in both nuclei of vegetative cell and generative cell but less in the cytoplasm .

  27. 结论如下:在花药发育过程中,小孢子母细胞和四分体内的ATPase很少,仅在细胞核及小液泡中分布有少量的ATPase。

    The results are as follows : During anther early development , only few ATPase precipitates located in small vacuoles and the nucleus of microspore mother cell and tetrad microspore .

  28. 水孔蛋白(AQP)是近年来发现的质膜和液泡膜上专一性、高效性水分跨膜运输通道。

    Aquaporin ( AQP ) was discovered in recent years from plasma and tonoplast membrane .

  29. 超微结构表明:开花前1d、开花当天及开花后,闭颖授粉水稻不管是液泡的形成过程还是线粒体变化过程都与开颖授粉水稻有明显的不同。

    The ultramicrostructure showed that the formative process of vacuole and the change of mitochondria were very different between the cleistogamous rice and the anthesis rice .

  30. 我们的观察结果证明凤眼莲抗重金属Pb的重要耐性机制是:根对重金属的积累,细胞壁的金属沉淀作用和液泡的区域化作用等。

    The important resistance mechanism of plants confirmed by our observation results is accumulation of heavy metal in root , deposit of heavy metal in cell wall and compartment of heavy metal in vacuole , etc.