- liquid helium

Real ingenuity is required to take the third step to attain liquid helium temperatures of 4 ° K.
Liquid helium ISO tanks may be removed from the trailer chassis for overseas shipments .
Effect on pressure in the vessels of EAST cryogenic system due to fluctuation of heat loads
An experimental study on a two-stage G-M refrigerator operating in the liquid helium temperature region with the cold regenerator outside of the displacer has been studied .
G-M refrigerator operating at liquid helium temperature and its application
Thermal analysis and engineering design for liquid helium Dewar of NBI cryocondensation pump
An Experimental Study on a 4.2K G-M Refrigerator with Regenerator outside of Cylinder
The commercial software Fluent is used to simulate the temperature distribution of liquid helium dewar and ANSYS is used to simulate the distribution of magnetic field .
Numerical Simulation and Analysis on GM Refrigerator Working in the Liquid Helium Temperature Region
The Kink size is larger at LN than at RT and larger at LHe than at LN .
Modelling and Simulating on the Liquid Helium Discharge Process from Dewar of SRF Cooling System in BEPC ⅱ
The Discussion and Analysis on the Working Processes of the Regenerator of G-M Refrigerator at Liquid-helium Temperature
EAST ( Experimental Advanced Super-conducting Tokamak ) is an experimental device for controlling nuclear fusion . In 2006 , the engineering commissioning of EAST has already been done successfully . All of the superconducting magnets have been cooled down to LHe temperature .
Conclusion Neonatal liquid nitrogen injury could result in mossy fiber sprouting in hippocampal CA3 region and microgyrus .
The free carrier Faraday rotation in n-InSb has been studied by using a tunable CWCO_2 laser for the first time at room temperature , liquid nitrogen and liquid helium tempe-rature .
Extremely sensitive sensors , Superconductive Quantum Interference Device ( SQUID ), cooled in a cryostat with liquid helium ( - 269 ℃), can detect and quantify the very weak magnetic signals with 2 dimensional resolution .
This paper describes a ten-liters fiberglass reinforced plastic ( FRP ) liquid-helium dewar , which is prepared for SQUID . The inter container is made of DB-1 cryogenic FRP , and the outer case of this dewar is made of epoxy-polyamide FRP .
To examine the mew design principle using vanish-coated conductor and narrow helium channels between layers for high current density magnets , a solenoid with 20 cm inner diameter has been designed and constructed .
The cooling performance of the 4 K pulse tube cooler ( PTC ) can be greatly improved by the modification of the structure cold end heat exchanger .
Large Hadron Collider ( LHC ) is the representative of a new generation of accelerators , in order to achieve the required force field of the accelerator 's magnets must be cooled using liquid helium .
Before the LHC can start , 50,000 tonnes of equipment have to be cooled to just 1.8 ? Kelvin above absolute zero with superfluid liquid helium – by far the largest cryogenic project in history .
Therefore , a low temperature liquid helium vapour pump has been laid within the drift pipe of the NBI system to maintain continual vacuum by using the condensation of hydrogen and its isotope in the beam .
Tests results : The performances are vapor rate of liquid helium is 1 . 1 liter / hour in 16 hour . magnetic field strength is up to 5T . It will meet user 's requires .
At 10T field strengh , when the temperature in the inner dewar is at 70 K , the loss rate is in the range of 1.3-1.6 liters per hour .
The specific heat measurement of YBa_2Cu_3O_ ( 7 - δ) superconductors are introduced . With our experience for the specific measurement for YBa_2Cu_3O_ ( 7 - δ) superconductore , the measuring adiabatic calorimetry method are discussed .
After optimization , a three-stage pulse tube refrigerator working at the liquid helium temperature was designed . Its lowest cooling temperature without cooling load reached 3.9K .
For liquid helium , the modified WCA liquid perturbation theory was used to calculate Hugoniot curve using EXP-6 reference potential . The theory is generalized to include quantum effects by adding the first term of Wigner-Kirkwood expansion .
A single-stage and high power pulse tube cooler working between 20 ~ 40 K has been designed and constructed in order to precool the second stage of a 4 K separate two-stage pulse tube cooler .
Specific heat of the bulk amorphous Zr-Ti-Cu-Ni-Be alloy and different heat-treated samples has been measured in temperature range from 4.5 to 30K . Cryogenic technology is developing with the requirement of operation for superconducting magnets .
Liquid nitrogen or helium can expand by factors of 700 ( LN2 ) or 780 ( LHe ) to normal temperature , and the uncontrolled releasing into an enclosed space can cause on oxygen deficiency hazard ( ODH ) .