
yè jīnɡ xiǎn shì qì
  • liquid crystal display
  1. LCD液晶显示器驱动设计及显示动态曲线的实现

    Driving Design and Implementation of Display Dynamic Curve for Liquid Crystal Display

  2. 公司所生产的LCD液晶显示器是全球领先的制造商之一。

    The company produced LCD liquid crystal display is the world 's leading manufacturers .

  3. 大屏幕LED背光液晶显示器批量生产的问题

    Issues in High-Volume Manufacturing of Large-Screen LED-Backlit LCDs

  4. 多视图3D液晶显示器显示深度计算

    Depth measurement of multi-view 3D LCD

  5. UV固化胶粘剂在液晶显示器生产组装中的应用

    The application of UV-curable adhesives in liquid crystal displays assembly

  6. 点阵式液晶显示器(LCD)及其在无中心电台中的应用

    Dot Matrix LCD and Its Application in the Personal Radio

  7. LCD图形模块的控制技术图形液晶显示器EDM240128与单片机的接口

    The Interface Technique of Microcontroller and Graphic LCD

  8. 薄膜晶体管(ThinFilmTransistor英文缩写TFT)是有源矩阵液晶显示器的开关元件。

    Thin Film Transistor ( TFT ) is the switch device of Active Matrix Liquid Crystal Display .

  9. LED背光有助于减轻这一问题,同时还可以提高液晶显示器的一个主要优势(与等离子相比):更低的能耗。

    LED backlighting helps mitigate that problem , while also improving one of LCD 's major advantages over plasma : lower power consumption .

  10. 全数字化设计,交流采样,人机界面采用大规模LCD中文液晶显示器。

    Complete digital design , AC sampling , human-machine interface applies the large scale LCD in chinese .

  11. 在液晶显示器(LCD)的生产过程中,液晶分子的取向控制技术十分重要,不仅关系到液晶分子的响应速度,而且直接影响到LCD的显示品质。

    The tropism control technology of liquid crystal molecules is very important in the production of LCD .

  12. 此装置采用了一个液晶显示器(CD)它形成偏相位空间光调制器。

    The device is based on a liquid crystal , display ( LCD ), to form a phase-most spatial light modulator .

  13. 1968年,在美国发明了液晶显示器件,随后LCD液晶显示屏就正式面世了。

    In 1968 , the United States invented the liquid crystal display , the LCD then formally appeared .

  14. 仪器重量轻(包括液晶显示器(LCD)、键盘和电源小于2千克);

    The weight of the Multi-Channel Analyzer is light ( including LCD , keyboard and battery for 2kg );

  15. 移动站主要由差分GPS接收机、接口模块、语音模块、液晶显示器、A/D信号采集模块组成。

    Moving station consists of DGPS receiver , interface module , sound module , Liquid crystal display and A / D signal collection module .

  16. 在各种显示技术中,以液晶显示器(LiquidCrystalDisplay)为代表的平板显示器发展最快、应用最广。

    As the representative of the flat panel display , LCD ( Liquid Crystal Display ) has been rapidly developed and widely used in the field of display .

  17. 一种基于ISA总线的点阵图形式液晶显示器和键盘的接口模块

    A Interface Module of Dot Matrix Graphic LCD and Keyboard Based on ISA Bus

  18. HDTV视频图像灰度直方图统计算法设计液晶显示器灰度的实现

    Implementing Histogram Algorithm for HDTV Image Processing Based on FPGA Gray levels of LCD

  19. 研究了几种提高液晶显示器(LCD)触摸屏在阳光直射下可视性的方法,重点在于降低成本、减少重量。

    Several methods to improve the sunlight readability of touch-enabled LCD screens are explored , with emphasis on minimizing cost and weight .

  20. 随着LCD技术的迅速发展,液晶显示器在印刷工业中得到了广泛应用。

    With development of LCD technology ; Liquid crystal monitor has played a much more important role widely in the printing industry .

  21. 传统TN型液晶显示器存在着视角窄和响应速度慢的问题。

    The conventional twist nematic liquid crystal displays exists a narrow viewing angle and slow response speed .

  22. 硅基液晶显示器(LCoS)核心&显示系统芯片的设计分析

    The Core of the LCoS & Design Analysis for Display SOC

  23. 液晶显示器件(LCD)在中国已有二十多年的发展,其图像分辨率也大幅提高。

    Liquid crystal display ( LCD ) has been developed in China for over 20 years . Its resolution has been greatly improved .

  24. 在普通液晶显示器的背光源与LCD屏之间插入一块特殊的光栅板是主流自由立体显示器基本配置,照明盒与光栅板结合构成视差照明方式实现对LCD屏的照明。

    The mainstream configuration of autostereoscopic display is to insert a shutter between liquid crystal display ( LCD ) screen and illumination box .

  25. 通过使用廉价的液晶显示器,省去硬盘,并在机器上运行开放源代码软件而非微软的windows,成本得到了降低。

    Costs were cut by using a cheaper form of liquid crystal display , leaving out the hard disk and running the machine on open-source software rather than Microsoft Windows .

  26. 通过光学功能薄膜、粘合剂、光刻胶和偏光片等的制作和在LCD显示面板制造中的用途,介绍了辐射固化技术在液晶显示器制作中的应用。

    Through optical film , adhesive , photoresist and Polaroid making and applies for LCD screen making , UV-applications in LCD making is introduced .

  27. 作为导电电极材料ITO透明薄膜被广泛应用于摄像管、场致发射板、等离子体显示及液晶显示器件中。

    As a conductive material the transparent ITO thin film is used in a variety of the electric display devices .

  28. 京东方(BOETechnologyGroupCo.)和一个由中国其他国有企业组成的财团上周表示,他们将投资41亿美元在北京新建一个液晶显示器工厂。

    BOE Technology Group Co. and a consortium of other Chinese state-owned enterprises said last week they will spend $ 4.1 billion to build a major new liquid-crystal-display factory in Beijing .

  29. 通过性能对比选定了各传感器、电动阀门、变频器及液晶显示器、MCU等元件,并设计了相关的电路。

    The periphery circuit , which is made up of sensors , electric valves , transducer , LCD , MCU etc , is designed .

  30. 文章主要通过胆甾相液晶显示器件在P态和FC态的反射特征谱线和微观结构来研究表面性能对显示器件的反射率、多畴结构及阈值电压的影响。

    The reflectivity , multi-domain structure and threshold voltage of the liquid crystal devices were studied by the reflective properties of P and FC state and the microscopic structure .