
zǐ xì bāo
  • daughter cell
  1. 它将遗传物质传至每个子细胞。

    It passes on the hereditary material to each daughter cell .

  2. 每个子细胞可以收到遗传信息的一个完全补偿物。

    Each daughter cell can receive a full complement of the genetic information .

  3. 相反,突变的p53不能使细胞停滞于G0/G1期,以至未修复DNA的细胞分裂产生DNA异常的子细胞。

    In contrast , mutant p53 cannot limit cells to a daughter cells .

  4. 可能含有错误片段的新合成DNA则被分配给分化子细胞。

    The newly synthesised DNA , which may contain errors , is put into the daughter that is destined to differentiate .

  5. 线粒体DNA的遗传不同于细胞核DNA,在细胞生长和生殖过程中随细胞质被分配到子细胞中。

    Compared the nuclear DNA , mitochondrial DNA has a different way to inherit . Mitochondria distribute together with cytoplasm to the daughter cells .

  6. 在组织更新过程中,需要干细胞(StemCell)的不断增殖和分化,维持干细胞群体的大小,分化出子细胞,保持总的细胞群体的恒定和各种生理功能。

    During the self-renewing of tissues , stem cell must keep proliferating and differentiating to maintain the amount of stem cells and to generate differentiated cells in order to maintain the the number and the functions of the cells .

  7. 目的本研究对原卟啉钠的制备方法进行了改进,以期简化其生产流程。并且体外观察原卟啉钠的细胞毒性作用及其对HCV亚基因复制子细胞模型RNA的抑制效果。

    [ Objective ] To explore the improved preparation of protoporphyrin disodium , observe the cytotoxicity of Napp in vitro and its inhibitory effect on HCV subgenomic replicon cell model .

  8. 在整个生命过程中,晶状体上皮细胞(lensepithelialcells,LECs)几乎都在持续进行分裂,其子细胞不断从晶状体的生殖区迁移到赤道区、延伸,最后分化为晶状体纤维。

    Lens epithelial cells ( LECs ) divide continuously throughout the life-span , and their daughter cells migrate from the germinative zone to the equatorial region , elongate and finally differentiate into lens fiber cells .

  9. 目的观察Akt信号通路在左旋单钠谷氨酸(MSG)和左归丸(ZGW)对新生大鼠体外培养海马神经干细胞(NSC)和子细胞凋亡中的作用。

    Objective To observe the function of Akt signal pathway on apoptosis of hippocampus neural stem cell ( NSC ) and daughter-cells of newborn rats treated with MSG and Zuogui Pill ( ZGP ) .

  10. 真核生物通过有丝分裂过程将基因组信息传递到下一代子细胞中。

    Eukaryotic cells transfer their genetic information to the next generation via mitosis .

  11. 每个子细胞必须获得每个染色体的精确复本。

    Each daughter cell must receive an exact copy of each and every chromosome .

  12. 细胞分裂时它们被保留并传递给子细胞。

    They are preserved during cell division and are passed on to the daughter cells .

  13. 这些细菌还能随着宿主细胞的分裂转移到子细胞。

    These bacterium can be transfered into daughter cells as with the cell division of host .

  14. 干细胞也可进行不对称分裂,产生两个完全不同的子细胞。

    Or they may do so asymmetrically , and give rise to two very different daughters .

  15. 就像复印机出现故障,从母细胞到子细胞的复制进程发生无可避免的错误。

    Like a faulty photocopier , the reproduction of mother cells into daughter cells ineluctably deteriorates .

  16. 通过细胞分裂形成子细胞的细胞生殖和生长过程。

    The process in reproduction and growth by which a cell divides to form daughter cells .

  17. 单细胞组织分裂成两个或多个独立的成熟子细胞的无性生殖过程。

    Reproduction of some unicellular organisms by division of the cell into two more or less equal parts .

  18. 细胞分裂过程中染色体或染色质的分离,使得每个子细胞获得相同数目的染色体。

    Chromosome spread & The chromosomes of a dividing cell as seen under the microscope in metaphase or prometaphase .

  19. 在另一端,与细胞分裂时,子细胞的新细胞壁在细胞板上形成。

    At the other extreme , when cells divide , the new cell walls of daughter cells form at the cell plate .

  20. 纤维中表达的肽段可以诱导那些在正常情况下形成疤痕组织的干细胞分裂出的子细胞促进神经元发育。

    Peptides expressed in the fibers instruct stem cells that would normally form scar tissue to produce cells that encourage nerve development .

  21. 长期以来认为干细胞会分裂成一个完全相同的子细胞和一个专一化的细胞。

    It has long been proposed that stem cells function by dividing to generate an identical daughter cell and a cell that becomes more specialized .

  22. 通过实验我们证明,这样的子细胞是能够存活的,而且可以进行多次的细胞分裂。这些细胞为接下来的表型分析提供了研究对象。

    We show that the resulting cells were viable and capable of additional rounds of cell division , thus providing raw materials for subsequent phenotypic assessment .

  23. 结果:干细胞是一类具有自我更新与增殖分化能力的细胞,能产生表现型与基因型和自己完全相同的子细胞。

    RESULTS : Stem cells have the capacity for both self-renewal and differentiation and can produce the daughter cells with the same phenotype and genotype as themselves .

  24. 至关重要的一点是,这些变化一般在细胞分裂的同时传递给子细胞,因此这些变化将贯穿动物的一生。

    Crucially , these changes are generally passed on to the daughter cells produced when a cell divides , and are thus perpetuated throughout an animal 's life .

  25. 干细胞可以分化成具有特殊功能的子细胞,并且体内所有的细胞都是由干细胞这样分化而来的。

    A stem cell is one that can differentiate into daughter cells specialised for particular functions , and all the cells in a body are thus derived from stem cells .

  26. 有丝分裂是真核细胞最基本的生物学过程,细胞通过一系列蛋白质在时间和空间上的精密调控来保证遗传物质稳定、保真地传递给子细胞,维持基因组的稳定性。

    Mitosis is a basic biological process in eukaryotic cells . A series of spatiotemporal control by proteins or protein complex contributes to mitotic fidelity that ensure the genetic material passing to the daughter cells equally .

  27. 在细胞有丝分裂的G2/M期,Cre/loxP介导的反向染色单体重组可以导致染色体删除,分裂后产生的子细胞将丢失全部或者部分的重组染色体。

    Chromosome deletion was triggered by Cre / loxP-mediated inverse sister chromatid recombination in the G2 / M phase of the cell cycle , leading to the generation of daughter cells missing part of or the entire recombinant chromosome .

  28. 当细胞DNA受损又不能修复时,可通过凋亡过程将其清除,避免将异常的遗传信息,传递给子代细胞,以防止细胞转化。

    When the DNA of cells is damaged and could not be repaired , the process of apoptosis is initiated to avoid passing the wrong information down to the next generation .

  29. 香菇GPD、RAS启动子和细胞色素P450基因的克隆

    Cloning of GPD 、 RAS Promoter and Cytochrome P450 Gene from Lentinus Edodes

  30. 含SV(40)串联启动子红细胞生成素逆转录病毒表达载体的构建

    Cloning of Human Erythropoietin Genome with SV_ ( 40 ) Series Promoter in A Retroviral Vector