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  • stroma
  1. 菌丝体氨基酸含量为冬虫夏草全草和子座的1.5倍以上,维生素E平均含量高达2000mg/100g鲜菌丝体干重以上;维生素C的含量也高于一般粮食和蔬菜,烟酸的含量为酵母的50倍。

    Amino acid content of myc-elia is 1.5 times as much as the whole fungus and stroma of Cordyceps sinensis YE average content is high up to 2000mg / 100g in dry mycelial and VC is higher too than general grains and vegetable .

  2. 结果显示:人工培育的北虫草子座对Fenton反应生成的羟自由基具有较强的清除作用,且作用明显强于相同剂量的羟自由基特异清除剂甘露醇(P<0.01);

    The results show that Cordyceps militaris of propagation can scavenge hydroxyl free radical of Fenton raction , and the effect is stronger than that of mannitol ( P < 0 01 ) .

  3. 并获得冬虫夏草的子座。

    And the stroma of aweto has been gained .

  4. 美国发射宇宙飞船“又子座10号”,载有约翰·扬和迈克尔·科林斯。

    1966 Spacecraft Gemini 10 was launched with John Young and Michael Collins .

  5. 人工培养蛹虫草子座中核苷类化合物的提取工艺研究

    Extraction and Isolation of Nucleosides from Cultured Cordyceps Militaris

  6. 新子座9月开始产生子囊壳,10月上、中旬大量产生子囊壳,10月上旬成熟的子囊孢子开始释放;

    New stroma-ta begin to produce perithecia in Sept.

  7. 脂肪基质细胞的分离及成骨诱导培养人工培养北虫草子座和培养基中多糖和核苷类成分的含量分析

    Content Analysis of Polysaccharides and Nucleosides in Stroma of Cultured Cordyceps militaris and Culture Medium

  8. 结果:天然蛹虫草中核苷类化合物主要集中在子座部分。

    RESULTS : The nucleosides from natural C.

  9. 在真菌子座的头部含有子囊,子囊内藏有孢子。

    The head of the child seat in fungi contain ascus , ascus containing a spore .

  10. 叶绿体的内部结构是由多层膜形成的叶绿体基粒,其中包埋在基质中的基粒称子座。

    The internal structure of chloroplasts includes stacks of membranes called grana , which are embedded in a matrix called the stroma .

  11. 用虫草的虫体、菌柄、子座、及子囊孢子进行了纯培养分离,结果获得了分生孢子阶段的真菌的纯培养物。

    The isolation of pure culture by using hyphal , stipe , stroma and ascospore obtained the pure culture of conidium phase .

  12. 液体培养蛹虫草菌丝中腺嘌呤、腺苷、尿苷、鸟苷含量均高于固体培养蛹虫草子座。

    The contents of adenine , adenosine , uridine , guanosine in the cultured mycelium were higher than those in the cultured stroma .

  13. 我们选取野生冬虫夏草子座进行组织分离,获得无性阶段纯种,为冬虫夏草(代号832)菌株。

    We choose to organize the wild Cordyceps stroma separated to obtain pure asexual stage , the caterpillar fungus ( code 832 ) strains .

  14. 目的:测定冬虫夏草、虫体和子座部分核苷及核苷碱基的含量,为质量评定提供检测方法。

    AIM To determine the nucleosides and their bases existing in the Cordyceps , caterpillar body and stroma of Cordyceps sinensis , and provide the inspection method for evaluation quality .

  15. 冬虫夏草又称为虫草或冬虫草,是真菌冬虫夏草寄生于蝙蝠蛾幼虫体上的子座与幼虫尸体的复合物。

    Cordyceps sinensis , also known as Chinese caterpillar fungus , or cordyceps is a parasitic fungus Cordyceps bat moth larvae in the body of the sub-Block and larval body complex .

  16. 而当气温回升后,菌丝体就会从冬虫的头部慢慢萌发,长出像草一般的真菌子座,称为夏草。

    When air temperatures rise , the mycelium will be the head slowly from the winter worm germination , grow grass like a normal child seat of fungi , known as summer grass .

  17. 接种后12天(显症后)施药,不仅导致菌丝、子座细胞发生上述变化,而且引起分生孢子和分生孢子梗塌陷、畸形,阻止了病菌的进一步产孢和扩展。

    Furthermore , the collapsed or flattened conidia and conidiophore were often detected on the leaves treated with the fungicide 12 days after inoculation ( after symptom appearing ), and the subcuticular hyphae , conidial stroma and conidiophore also showed markedly alterations in the cytoplasm and cell walls .