
zǐ gōng sī
  • subsidiary;subsidiary company;subsidiary corporation;subcompany;constituent company
子公司 [zǐ gōng sī]
  • (1) [subsidiary company]∶被另一拥有其过半数选举股票的公司全部控制的公司

  • (2) [subcompany]∶附属公司(如工业公司的附属公司)

子公司[zǐ gōng sī]
  1. 这是一家大型跨国企业的全资子公司。

    The company is a wholly-owned subsidiary of a large multinational .

  2. 机车建筑有限公司是该托拉斯的全资子公司。

    The Locomotive Construction Company Ltd is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Trust .

  3. 改组的目标是把IBM重组为一个灵活的、相互竞争的子公司联盟。

    The shake-up aims to recast IBM as a federation of flexible and competing subsidiaries .

  4. 您可以选择新增的Group复选框和一种整合类型来查看集团及其子公司

    You can view groups and their subsidiaries by selecting the new Group check box and a consolidation type

  5. 通用电气就是一个很好的例子,该公司旗下庞大的金融子公司gecapital,其规模超过了许多传统银行。

    Ge , whose giant finance arm GE Capital is bigger than many traditional banks , is a case in point .

  6. 普华永道作上述评论时,英国金融服务管理局(FinancialServicesAuthority)正在推动一系列有争议的流动性提议,将要求英国子公司持有更多资产。

    The comments come as the UK Financial Services Authority is pushing a series of contentious liquidity proposals that would involve UK subsidiaries doing just that .

  7. 陷入困境的通用汽车(generalmotors)德国子公司欧宝(opel)正考虑采取类似的方案。

    Opel , the embattled German arm of general motors , is considering a similar plan .

  8. 而这家公司是交友网络公司(FriendFinderNetwork)的子公司。

    That company is a property of FriendFinder network .

  9. 中国出版集团(ChinaPublishingGroup)正计划进行重组,并将旗下部分子公司上市。中国通过该国有集团控制外国媒体和图书的进口及发行。

    China National Publishing , the state-owned group through which the country controls the import and distribution of foreign media and books , is planning to restructure and list some of its subsidiaries .

  10. 我正在等待我们子公司对于SINA的消息。

    I 'm waiting for feedback about the SINA promotion from our subsidiary .

  11. 了解“11Main”成立过程的一位人士警告说,不宜将其描述为阿里巴巴进军美国的行动,他表示,尽管新网站由阿里巴巴全资所有,但将由其两家子公司独立运营。

    A person with knowledge of the 11 Main launch cautioned against portraying it as a foray by Alibaba into the US , saying that despite having full ownership the venture wouild be run independently by its two subsidiaries .

  12. 此次李泽楷计划出售电讯盈科新成立子公司HKTGroupHoldings的45%股权。

    This time round Mr Li is selling a 45 per cent stake in HKT Group Holdings , a newly created PCCW subsidiary .

  13. 托克发誓将维持私人持股公司身份,但它同时也在通过专注于加油站业务的子公司彪马能源(pumaenergy)引入外部投资者。

    The company has vowed to remain privately held , but is bringing in outside investors through its subsidiary puma energy , which focuses on petrol stations .

  14. 在推行绩效工资这一问题上,渣打韩国子公司的总经理RichardHill现在正与工会打得不可开交。

    The boss of Standard Chartered 's Korean subsidiary , Richard Hill , is locked in a battle with unionized workers over the introduction of performance-related pay .

  15. 并分别阐述了集团ERP项目的销售管理、专卖场管理、财务管理、各子公司的销售管理模块等的功能,实现整个供需链的信息化管理系统。

    It separately explains the functions of sales management , specialty field management and financial management on ERP , and then achieved the informational management on the whole supply chain .

  16. 与此同时,作为俄罗斯外商直接投资(FDI)的最大来源之一,德国企业开始将俄罗斯子公司积累的一部分利润汇回本国。

    Meanwhile , German companies , one of the biggest sources of foreign direct investment in Russia , have started repatriating some of the profits accumulated in their Russian subsidiaries .

  17. repsol此前一直在考虑将该子公司上市。

    Repsol had previously been considering a flotation for the subsidiary .

  18. 同时,采购利润指标的提出,为母子结构下集团对各子公司采购绩效评估以及KPI考核提供了定量依据。

    This index provides quantitative basis for the group corporation to evaluate the KPI and purchasing performance of each subsidiary .

  19. 歌诗达协和号由嘉年华公司(CarnivalCorporation)的子公司负责运营,在托斯卡纳的吉利奥岛附近触礁时船上载有3200名乘客和1000名船员。

    The Concordia , operated by a subsidiary of Carnival Corporation , was carrying 3,200 passengers and 1,000 crew when it struck rocks off the Tuscan island of Giglio .

  20. 该公司是中国兵器工业集团公司(ChinaNorthIndustriesCorp.)的子公司,自称控制着价值100多亿美元的矿产资源,包括上述缅甸的铜矿和刚果民主共和国的一座钴矿。

    A unit of China North Industries Corp. , Wanbao says it controls more than $ 10 billion worth of mineral resources . , including the Myanmar mine and a cobalt deposit in the Democratic Republic of Congo .

  21. 但由于推出的内容强大,预计盛大文学(shandaliterature)的市场份额将迅速上升,该公司是一家领先在线游戏公司的子公司。

    But Shanda literature , an affiliate of a leading online games company , is expected to see its share grow quickly because of its strong content offering .

  22. 华为还将收购Option子公司M4S,后者正在为支持第四代移动通信(4G)的移动设备开发芯片。

    It would also acquire M4S , an Option subsidiary which is developing chips for mobile devices that support fourth-generation telephony .

  23. 在股份售出几周后,市场获知该集团的飞机制造子公司&空中客车(Airbus)存在严重问题。

    The sales came just weeks before the market was informed of serious problems at Airbus , the group 's aircraft manufacturing subsidiary .

  24. 通用电气印度子公司总裁约翰弗兰纳里(johnflannery)称,公司不得不进行180度的转变,才能理解当地消费者的需求。

    John Flannery , President of Ge India , describes his company as having to make a 180-degree shift to understand what the local customer wants .

  25. 据知情人士透露,通用电气(GE)正在为其铁路服务子公司寻找买家,交易价值可能约为40亿美元。

    General Electric is seeking a buyer for its rail services unit , in a deal that could be worth about $ 4bn , according to people familiar with the company .

  26. 于otis苏州子公司苏州江南快速电梯有限公司技术部工作。

    Had worked in technique department of Suzhou Jiangnan express elevator co. , ltd , a member of otis .

  27. 2008年,中国查出22家中国企业出售的奶制品中含有三聚氰胺一种用于提升牛奶中的蛋白质含量的工业化学品。光明食品的子公司光明乳业(BrightDairy)也是其中之一。

    Bright Dairy , a subsidiary of Bright Food , was one of 22 Chinese companies found in 2008 to have sold milk products containing melamine , an industrial chemical used to boost protein levels in milk .

  28. 在去年迈克尔•加里尼(MichaelGuarini)丢掉奥美(Ogilvy&MatherWorldwide)医疗子公司总裁的工作后,他开始穿得更加正式。

    After Michael Guarini lost his job as president of the health division of Ogilvy & Mather Worldwide last year , he started dressing up more .

  29. 决非巧合的是,维特罗斯是JohnLewisPartnership的子公司,后者的员工就是所有者因此,这里参与讨价还价的只有两方,而不是三方。

    It is surely no coincidence that Waitrose is part of the John Lewis Partnership , where the owners are also the staff so there are only two elements in the bargain , rather than three .

  30. Mosso是著名的托管服务提供商TheRackspaceCloud的子公司,它提供几种不同的云计算服务。

    Mosso , a subsidiary of the well-known hosting provider The Rackspace Cloud , has a few different offerings in cloud computing .