
  1. 了解“11Main”成立过程的一位人士警告说,不宜将其描述为阿里巴巴进军美国的行动,他表示,尽管新网站由阿里巴巴全资所有,但将由其两家子公司独立运营。

    A person with knowledge of the 11 Main launch cautioned against portraying it as a foray by Alibaba into the US , saying that despite having full ownership the venture wouild be run independently by its two subsidiaries .

  2. 同时,它也受到集群类型、集群所处阶段、MNE子公司独立性等多种因素的影响。

    At the same time , it is influenced by type and phase of cluster , the independence of subsidiary of MNE .

  3. 目前,Terremark将继续作为一个全资子公司独立运作,并且还将保留其商标名与管理团队。

    As for the present , Terremark will continue to operate as a wholly owned subsidiary and will retain its brand name and management team .

  4. 本文讨论了企业集团库存共享的两种具有普遍性的模式:子公司间独立库存的共享和集中库存共享。

    In this dissertation , two universal pattern of inventory sharing-inventory sharing among relatively independent sub-companies and inventory sharing based on inventory pooling-was discussed .

  5. 但在金融控股公司模式下,也不可避免的存在着控股公司滥用对子公司的控制权,无视子公司的独立地位,损害债权人和社会公共利益的行为。

    Under the mode of financial holding company ( FHC ), there would happen : the holding company abuses its controlling power over its subsidiary companies , ignores their autonomy and damages the interests of creditors and the public .

  6. 这些特征表现为:母公司与子公司各具有独立法人资格;母子公司之间在经营管理上的控制性;企业集团母子公司关系的法律透析

    On Enterprise Group Parent Subsidiary Relationship

  7. 但每一次,将该子公司拆分为独立实体的成本,都让安联保险望而却步。

    On each occasion , however , it has stumbled at the cost of separating the unit as a distinct entity .

  8. 不同子公司之间相对独立经营,防止子公司的金融风险侵袭总行。

    Between the different subsidiaries to operate relatively independent to prevent financial risks , a subsidiary of the invasion of the head office .

  9. 其二,母公司通过不公平关联交易等方式,移转子公司的利润或侵占子公司资产,使子公司的独立人格失去物质上的保障。

    Secondly , parent company can make its subsidiaries lose material foundation upon which independence relies through unfair business transferring profits or occupying capital of the subsidiaries .

  10. 英国银行独立委员会提议:所有的零售和小型银行应该由独立的子公司来运营,且子公司有完全独立的管理并自负盈亏。

    The ICB proposes that all retail and small-business banking should be conducted by a separate subsidiary , with independent governance and its own padding of extra capital .

  11. 但由于子公司在母子公司关系中处于被控制和被支配地位,使得子公司的独立法人资格又存在着瑕疵。

    However , under the control of the parent company , the independent qualification of a legal person of subsidiary company is imperfect .