
  • 网络product;Product Strategy
  1. 在写给投资者的这封信中,ThirdPoint赞扬发那科称,该公司的产品战略让我们想起了苹果(Apple)。

    In its letter , Third Point pays tribute to Fanuc , saying the company reminds us of Apple in its product approach .

  2. 在此基础上,结合SWOT原理,制定了山东临工产品战略的备选方案。

    Then , the paper makes viable product strategy by using SWOT theory .

  3. 最后得出XY汽车公司产品战略应实施差异化战略和创新战略,并提出了战略实施和控制措施。

    In the last place , the writer drew a conclusion that XY Automotive Company should implement differentiation strategy and innovation strategy to make the product strategy , and put forward strategy implementation and control measures .

  4. 我国企业间营销产品战略实证研究

    An Empirical Research on B to B Product Strategy in China

  5. 吉林省邮政局函件产品战略研究

    The Study on Development Strategy of Product in Jilin Post

  6. 西安西电变压器有限公司产品战略研究

    A Research of Product Strategy of Xi'an Xi Dian Transformer Limited Company

  7. 理念,建立了快速有效的管理流程和科学务实的产品战略。

    Concept , Establish quick effective administer flow and science honest product strategy .

  8. 开发和拓展薄膜光伏电池产品战略。

    Develop and drive the product strategy on thin film PV panel production ;

  9. 协调产品战略关系的企业兼并研究

    Study on Enterprise Merge for Harmonizing Product Strategic Relation

  10. 企业名牌产品战略与策略研究

    Company 's Strategy and Tactic of Building Famous Brands

  11. 河南旅游形成支柱产业的产品战略

    On the Product Strategy in Making Tourism the Pillar Industry of Henan Province

  12. 实施绿色产品战略,推行环境标志认证;

    Fifth , to implement the green product strategy .

  13. 贵州万达客车股份有限公司产品战略研究

    Gui Zhou Wanda Coach Corporation Ltd Products Analyze

  14. 上海中产家庭食空间·新产品战略·角色原型开发

    Diet Space of Shanghai Middle-Class Users Strategy of New Product , Construction of Persona Prototype

  15. 产品战略及产品开发流程研究

    Research on Product Strategy Product Development Procedure

  16. 关于互补产品战略的探讨

    Exploration about Strategy of Complementary Goods

  17. 李瑜:这取决于我们的产品战略部署和百度平台的特点。

    Li Yu : This depends on the characteristic of our product strategy deploy and Baidu platform .

  18. 通过研究甲骨文过去十几年来应用产品战略可以看出,甲骨文在产品的战略上有其独到之处。

    According to the strategy of Oracle application in the past decade , there are some unique adventages .

  19. 产品战略管理已成为生产型企业经营管理的核心和重点。

    The management of product strategies has become the emphases and nucleus of operation and administration production-oriented enterprises .

  20. 除非周密说明,这一组织结构产生的作用是不会对应产品战略和供应链策略的。

    Unless carefully addressed , the typical impact of this organizational structure is misalignment of product and supply chain strategies .

  21. 笔者认为,这是苹果自身的品牌、产品战略所决定的。

    The author thinks , this is decision of place of strategy of the brand of malic oneself , product .

  22. 本文在产品战略关系内生的基础上,研究了企业兼并所产生的社会效应;

    Based on the endogenous product strategic relation , this paper studies the social effect brought about by enterprise merge .

  23. 四,兴泰公司电能产品战略的制定,根据第二、三部分的分析,提出了兴泰公司电能产品发展的四大战略;

    The fourth is the formation of the new power product strategies and four strategies are made on the base of analysis ;

  24. 要实施超常规发展战略,多层次、多样化开发生态旅游产品战略和品牌战略。

    The supernormal developmental stratagem , the stratagem of developing ecotourism product by multilevel and diversification , and the brand stratagem should be applied .

  25. 最后,本文强调了产品战略实施的重要性,并提出了产品战略实施与控制的具体建议和方法。

    Finally , the paper points out the importance of product strategy and offers the specific ways of implementation and control of product strategy .

  26. 论文试图解决这样一个问题:在当前国际国内竞争日益加剧的环境下,汽车等消费品制造企业如何正确认识市场细分结构,以便于科学部署与实施其新产品战略。

    The dissertation is intended to provide consumable manufacturers an approach to understand the market segmentation structure , so as to create the new product strategy .

  27. 在需求充分覆盖的条件下,研究了竞争企业定价定址的策略均衡,得出激励企业采用最小差异化产品战略的若干条件和结论。

    If the demand is sufficient , the result that two firms choose the strategy of minimum product differentiation to maximize their expected profits is induced .

  28. 对于创业初步成功的高科技企业,如何选择合适的战略推动快速增长?产品战略是关键因素之一。

    It is a wondering for all the hi-tech companies which obtain the initial success , how to choose the suitable strategy and promote the swift growwth ?

  29. 理论部分的最后讨论了本文研究的意义所在&我国高技术企业实施多产品战略和建立相应的品牌管理体制具有积极的现实意义。

    In the end of this chapter , the significance of the research is explained & to implement the Multi-products strategy and the establish Brand Management System .

  30. 在企业经营管理中,项目推广、产品战略规划、营销策略执行,都是高效的营销团队在具体实施过程中发挥作用后的结果。

    In business management , the highly efficient marketing team results in the project promotion , product strategy and planning , and the exercise of marketing strategy .