
  • 网络Product Positioning Analysis;Product Position Analysis
  1. 尝试将工业设计流程分为产品定位分析、产品概念及方案设计、模型制作、市场推广等4个阶段。

    The industry design process is defined as the product orientation , the idea and scheme design , the model making and market development .

  2. 北京浩沙健身俱乐部产品定位策略分析

    The Analysis of Beijing Haosha Body-building Club Product Positioning Strategy

  3. 从项目前期的客户需求市场调查,到产品定位构成分析。

    From the project of customer demand from market research , to the product orientation constitute analysis .

  4. 以此为基础,通过市场细分、选择目标市场和产品定位等分析,最终选择一种可行性营销策略方案。

    On this basis , through market segmentation , the choice of target markets and product positioning analysis to finally choose a feasibility marketing strategy .

  5. 在此基础上,通过SWOT分析和产品的市场定位分析,提出企业发展的短期、中期和远期目标,提出差异化与成本领先相结合的竞争战略。

    On this basis , through the SWOT analysis , and product market positioning analysis , it proposed the development of enterprises in the short , medium and long-term goals , and proposed the competitive strategy as a combination between differentiation and cost leadership .

  6. 论文进一步针对市场情况提出产品的定位,分析出本系统不仅适用于大型的电器采购商同时也适用于单个的用户。

    The paper submits products ' further position , analyzes that the present system not only applies to large appliances buyers but also applies to individual users .

  7. 基于内生创新溢出的企业低成本产品定位与定价博弈分析

    Game Analysis Based on Positioning-pricing of Product Based on Endogenous Innovation Spillovers

  8. 黑龙江日报报业集团产品定位与营销策略分析

    Research on Product Positioning and Marketing Strategy of Heilongjiang Daily Newspaper Group

  9. 聚丙烯产品市场细分和定位分析

    Chinese PP Market : Segmentation and Orientation Analysis

  10. 最后一章对农行个人业务目标市场选择与定位,主要是目标市场选择和目标市场的产品定位战略进行了分析研究,并提出了若干可行的合理化建议。

    The last segment of the agriculture bank individual business target market selection and positioning , mainly target market selection and target market product positioning strategy were analyzed , and puts forward some feasible suggestions .

  11. 模型可用于企业的产品设计定位、设计分析和设计趋势预测,为企业和设计师提供了一个有效的交流平台和全新的分析工具。

    Enterprises and designers can get more appropriate design position on the support of this model . And this model can also be used to analyze the present design styles of products and forecast of their development tendency .

  12. 并应用产品生命周期及波士顿矩阵理论对现有产品进行定位分析,制定了盘锦乙烯产品开发战略。

    The author also works out a development strategy for PECL after performing positional analysis for existing products with life period and Boston matrix theory .

  13. 本文以A公司SPA产品为主要研究对象,结合相关渠道设计理论以及当前国内SPA市场发展环境、品牌竞争情况以及A公司SPA产品市场定位进行分析,总结出一系列适宜的营销渠道设计方案。

    In this paper , the SPA products of A company was the main objective for my study . Based on the channel design theory , current domestic marketing environment , brand competition as well as A firm SPA products marketing position analysis , summarize several proper channel design proposals .