
  • 网络industry investment policy;Industrial investment policy
  1. 农业产业投资基金的政策选择

    Study on Policy Choice of Agricultural Investment Funds

  2. 调整优化黑龙江十五产业投资结构的政策研究

    On Policies to Regulate and Optimize the Real Investment Structure of Hei-Longjiang Province in the Coming 10 ~( th ) Five-year Period

  3. 由此构筑适合于我国高新技术产业发展的投资政策体系,使我国高新技术产业在不久的将来走在世界的前列。

    From these , we construct investment policy system of the High-Technology Industry , make our the High-Technology Industry on the top of the world .

  4. 本章将从投资主体、区位、产业和投资的政策法规四方面探讨制约我国企业优势发挥的因素,并提出相应的战略选择方案。

    This part will discuss those restricting factors from aspects of investment firms , investment location , investment industry and government policies , accordingly , strategic plan will be proposed .

  5. 要加强财政、货币和产业、投资等政策协同配合,做好政策储备,适时适度预调微调,确保中国经济这艘巨轮行稳致远。

    We will strengthen the coordination of fiscal and monetary policies with industrial and investment policies , maintain policy options , make adjustments at an appropriate time and to an appropriate degree , and ensure smooth sailing of the giant ship of China 's economy .

  6. 国外对体育产业风险投资的支持政策及其启示

    Arouses and sustain policy of the Advanced Countries for Sports Industry Venture Capital Investment

  7. 商业性矿产勘查政策体系由勘查产业政策、勘查投资政策、勘查财税政策、勘查技术政策和勘查服务政策组成。

    The policy system concerning commercial mineral prospecting mainly include : industrial policy , investment policy , fiscal and taxation policy , technological policy and service policy .

  8. 滨海新区和高新技术产业园区优惠的投资政策和快速发展的区域经济。

    Favorable investment policies of Tianjin Tanggu Marine Hi-Tech Development Area , will be offered by local government , and the rapid development of the regional economy also brings good effect .

  9. 最后研究分析重庆市产业投资结构调整与优化的政策建议:要真正实现重庆市产业投资结构的优化,需要通过相应的产业投资政策来实现。

    At last , I table a policy proposal of the industrial investment structure , because will achieve the aim of the industrial investment structure optimizing , must have the corresponding support of policy .

  10. 在对产业投资来源和投资主体、产业投资规模、产业投资结构以及产业投资效益进行研究的基础上有针对性地提出了优化中国产业投资的政策建议。电磁轴承结构参数优化设计

    In terms of the structure optimization of industrial investment , the overall structure and internal structure of industrial investment are discussed respectively . THE STRUCTURE OPTIMIZATION DESIGN OF ELECTROMAGNETIC BEARING