
  1. 当拥有一定财富时,人们不再满足于银行储蓄、债券等保守型投资,而将目光转向股票、外汇等风险型投资,同时随着中国进入WTO,投资者也可以选择海外产业投资。

    When having a certain wealth , people are no longer satisfied in bank savings , bonds and other conservative investments , while turning to the stock and foreign exchange risk investment , as China entered the WTO , investors can choose to overseas industrial investment .

  2. 与其保守型投资理念一致的是,troweprice几乎一直是完全靠自身的有机增长来壮大,而它在巴尔的摩的邻居leggmason则主要靠收购来扩张。

    In keeping with its conservative investment philosophy , t Rowe price has grown almost entirely organically , unlike its Baltimore neighbour , Legg Mason , which has grown largely through acquisition .

  3. 保守型投资不仅仅是低风险的代名词,更为准确的理解应当是,保守型投资所投资的对象是那些拥有良好商业模式。

    Not just someone who behaves conventionally and plays everything by the book , a true conservative investor chooses the least risky investments .

  4. 对冲基金一直在吸引来自养老基金等保守型投资者的投资。

    Hedge funds have been attracting investment from conservative investors such as pension funds .

  5. 其投资风险介于风险型的股票投资与保守型的债券投资之间,是一种稳健型的投资方式。

    It is a robust investment solution , whose risk between risk-based stock and conservative bond .