
  • 网络marginal investment
  1. 安全预测在边际投资中应用的研究

    Research on Application of Safety Prediction in Marginal Investment

  2. 利用安全预测理论,对煤矿企业安全效益和安全投入进行分析,结合边际投资理论,研究企业未来发展中安全的投入量。

    This article demonstrates the investment amount of enterprises in their future development with the safety prediction theory , and analyzes the security benefits and the safe investment , together with the marginal investment theory .

  3. 或任意两种金融商品的边际投资收益率相等。

    Or the marginal cost of financing by financial product must be equal .

  4. 在相机经济政策背景下钢铁边际投资效率大起大落的风险将得以规避。

    The risks of marginal efficiency of steel investment will be evaded in discretional economy policy .

  5. 中国钢铁业边际投资效率与相机选择货币政策有效性的实证分析

    Empirical Analyses on Marginal Efficiency of Steel Investment and the Validity of China (?) Discretional Monetary Policy

  6. 增加教育边际投资倾向的个人信贷市场;

    The person consumer-credit market that is beneficial to human capital investment and the system boundary about marginal consumer 's tendency to increase education investment .

  7. 假设每家门店的销售额为200万欧元、营业利润率为15%,那么边际投资回报率将达到20%至25%。

    Assume sales per store of € 2m and a 15 per cent operating margin , and the marginal return on investment would be 20-25 per cent .

  8. 风险、等效边际成本与投资规模

    Uncertainty , equivalent marginal cost and investment

  9. 然后分析了影响投资的两个决定性因素即投资边际产出和投资的边际成本。

    Then it point out the two decisive factors that influence the investment : investment cost and investment income .

  10. 这种个股的安全边际加上投资的分散性,创造出了一个最有吸引力的组合,具有安全性和升值潜力。

    This individual margin of safety , coupled with a diversity of commitments creates a most attractive package of safety and appreciation potential .

  11. 其次,不同的边际分布模型对投资组合的风险价值(ValueAtRisk)有显著的影响,如本文使用的GARCH模型和已实现波动模型。

    Secondly , different marginal models , such as GARCH and Realized Volatility models , have significant effect on the portfolio Value at Risk .

  12. 边际概念在企业投资管理决策中的应用

    Application of Marginal Concept in decision of Investment Management in Enterprise

  13. 技术创新推动下的边际产业对外直接投资

    Marginal Industries ' FDI by Technological Innovation

  14. 在金融危机背景下,边际消费倾向、投资对利率敏感度、货币需求对收入敏感度等会出现减小趋势,货币需求对利率的敏感度具有增大趋势,这些将会使财政政策的挤出效应变小。

    In the context of the financial crisis , marginal propensity to consume , the sensitivity of investment to interest rate , the sensitivity of money demand to income have exhibited a decreasing mode , however , sensitivity of money demand to interest rate has appeared an increase trend .

  15. 2边际流动性价值与企业边际投资收益率成正相关。

    The marginal liquidity value of the stock is positive related to the enterprise marginal investing yield ;

  16. 对外贸易对国民经济的促进作用与对外贸易乘数的大小有关,对外贸易乘数的大小与边际消费倾向、边际税率、边际投资倾向、边际政府购买支出倾向和边际进口倾向等经济参数有关。

    Foreign trade promoting effect on economy development depends on foreign trade multiplier . Foreign trade multiplier is closely related to marginal propensity to consume , marginal propensity to import , marginal tax rate , marginal propensity to government expenditure , and so on .