
  • 网络marginal productivity;Marginal Productive
  1. 新古典边际生产率理论把生产要素同任何商品一样对待。

    The neoclassical marginal productivity doctrine freats the factors of production like any commodity .

  2. 经济学家们引用“边际生产率理论”(marginalproductivitytheory)为此类差异提供理由,该理论用更大的社会贡献来解释更高的收入。

    Economists have justified such disparities by citing " marginal productivity theory " , which explains higher incomes through greater societal contributions .

  3. 工资边际生产率理论

    Marginal productivity theory of wages

  4. 分析表明,纳税人的逃税方式取决于“关系努力”的边际生产率。

    The analysis shows that the effect depends on the marginal productivity of " relationship efforts " .

  5. 人力资本、要素边际生产率与地区差异&基于全要素生产率视角的研究

    Human Capital , Marginal Productivity of Factors and Regional Inequality : A Theoretical Framework and Empirical Study

  6. 边际生产率决定利息的理论

    Marginal produtivity theory of interest

  7. 经济非均衡意味着劳动和资本在不同产业部门间的边际生产率是不同的。

    Non-balanced economy means that labor and capital in different sectors of the marginal productivity is different .

  8. 最后,本文对从边际生产率角度实现经济收敛提出了简要的政策建议。

    Finally , this paper raises some brief countermeasures to how to achieve economic convergence from marginal product .

  9. 还可促进储蓄向投资转化和提高社会资本的边际生产率等。

    It will accelerate the transformation from the saving to the investment and improve marginal productivity of social capital etc.

  10. 四大商业银行信息技术资本的边际生产率小于中小规模商业银行;

    Marginal productivity of IT capital of the four big commercial banks is smaller than that of small-and-medium sized banks ;

  11. 边际生产率理论、社会比较理论、组织政治学理论及分配偏好理论也证实了组织收入分配政策中的公平因素的重要性,联合产权更是从产权角度奠定企业内公平收入的产权基础。

    Marginal productivity theory , social comparative theory , institutional politics theory and bias distribution theory also prove the import of fairness in institutional distribution .

  12. 而它们的资本利用效率或者技术创新水平至少是没有明显提升(或是下降),还不足以抵消其资本边际生产率下降的趋势。

    Their capital utilization rate or technical innovation level has not been promoted obviously and it is insufficient to offset the drop of capital limit productivity .

  13. 另一种理论是,人们的收入反映他们的边际生产率,也就是他们自身为商品和服务增加的价值。

    The alternative theory is that what people earn reflects their marginal productivity – how much they personally add to the value of goods and services .

  14. 农村剩余劳动力是指在一定条件下,农村劳动力供给超过需求的那一部分劳动力,其边际生产率为零。

    Surplus rural labor force is under certain conditions , the rural labor supply over demand that part of the labor force , its marginal productivity is zero .

  15. 但是,如果像斯密描述的那样,一个人负责对铁进行锻造,一个人负责对铁进行拉伸,谁能说出他们各自的边际生产率是多少呢?

    But if , as Smith described , one man wrought the iron and another stretched it , who could say what was the marginal productivity of each ?

  16. 在最优监督水平下,作业公司的边际生产率越高,边际成本越低,越容易监督,监督带来的边际收益越高。

    In the optimal supervision level , when contractor 's marginal productivity is high and marginal cost is low , it is easier to supervise and the marginal revenue of supervision is high .

  17. 讨论了地区差距与均衡状态下的资本边际生产率(利率),投入劳动的时间,消费-资本比,物质资本与人力资本比,以及产出-资本比等经济量的关系。

    We educe the relationship between the regional disparity and the marginal production of the physical capital , the ratio of the consumption and capital , the ratio of the production and capital .

  18. 第二部分与第三部分研究了金融发展与经济增长相互作用机理,建立了金融发展通过储蓄率、储蓄-投资的转化比率以及资本的边际生产率影响经济增长的内生机制模型。

    Section II and III present models of endogenous growth . Mechanism between economic growth and financial development lie on three aspects : saving , the ratio of investment and capital marginal productivity .

  19. 他说道:开头几页有三处错误。他指的是萧伯纳对边际生产率理论的误解。萧伯纳以为,自己能够在这一领域为读书没他多的费边社同僚提供一些指导。

    There are three mistakes in the first few pages , he said , referring to Shaw 's excursion into marginal productivity theory in which he thought he could instruct his less well-read fellow Fabians .

  20. 边际生产率理论有很大的吸引力,尤其是对那些收入不错的人来说:如果他们的收入是自身努力的结果,那他们当然配得上获得这样的报酬。

    The marginal productivity theory has many attractions , especially to those who are well paid : if what they receive is a product of their own efforts , their rewards are surely well deserved .

  21. 我国省份之间的要素流动和边际生产率的差异分析有利于城乡统筹发展的生产要素流动及激励措施探析&以重庆为例

    Factor Mobility and Dispersion in Marginal Products : A Case on China ; Analysis of Production Factors Mobility and Incentives to be Conducive to the Co-ordinate Development between City and Countryside Taking Chongqing as an Example

  22. 由于生产要素在不同产业间存在边际生产率的差异,通过将生产要素由低生产率部门向高生产率部门的再配置,将会促进经济增长。

    Due to the differences of marginal productivity of factor of production in different industries , if transfers factors of production from the department with low productivity to the department with high productivity , then it will promote economic growth .

  23. 分析表明:我国股市存在微弱的正财富效应;储蓄率、储蓄-投资转化率及资本边际生产率构成了我国经济增长的决定因素,影响这三个变量的任何因素都将影响经济增长。

    The result present : our country stock market exist a weak positive wealth effect ; the decisional factors of economic growth are saving rate , saving-investing translation rate and marginal rate of production . Any factors which change three factors all influence economic growth .

  24. 教育投资是一种生产性投资,通过开发人力资源,来增加产品的科技含量、文化含量乃至于艺术含量,增加物质资本的边际生产率,直接引起国民生产总值的增长。

    Investment in education is a productive investment , through the development of human resources , to increase scientific and technological content of products , cultural content and even artistic content , increasing the marginal productivity of physical capital , a direct result of the gross national product growth .

  25. 问题是货币市场的非均衡不仅意味着名义利率的偏高或偏低,重要的是会直接影响实际利率相对于资本的边际生产率的高估或低估,进而影响到投资、储蓄等经济总量的变动。

    The problem is that the disequilibrium in the money market not only predicate the nominal interest being on the high side or on the low side , more affect the investment and save , but also indirect affect price level and economics boom short-term movement and long-term movement trend .

  26. 利用数年边际土地生产率数据,测算了实行各种形式生产经营责任制提高土地生产率的效果。

    On the basis of the data of the land productivity in several years , they make an appraisal of the increase of such productivity under different patterns of responsibility system .

  27. 林区剩余劳动力的鉴定标准有:边际劳动生产率标准、劳比例标准、有效工时不足标准、产业结构演变标准、比较利益标准等。

    There are several criteria for identifying surplus labor in forest region , including criteria for marginal labor productivity , labor scales , insufficient effective man-hour , transformation of industrial structure , comparative profits , etc.

  28. 根据内生经济增长理论,影响经济增长的决定因素主要是社会边际资本生产率、储蓄&投资转化率和储蓄率。

    According to the theory of endogenous economic growth , the decisive factors of economic growth are chiefly the social marginal capital productivity , the convertibility of savings rate into investment and the savings ratios .