
  • 网络marginal propensity to save;MPS;MPC
  1. 迅速推进的医疗、住房、教育等各项改革,使人们的预期支出增加,造成居民边际储蓄倾向上升,边际消费倾向相应下降。

    All bonds of reform carried forward such as medical treatment , housing and education raise the expected expenditure , which cause marginal propensity to save to rise and marginal propensity to consume to decrease .

  2. 短时期内,农户的边际储蓄倾向依然较高。

    In the short period of time , the MPS is still relatively high .

  3. 从变化趋势看,农户边际储蓄倾向呈现下降趋势,这与凯恩斯认为的居民边际储蓄倾向会随收入增加而递增的观点相反。

    From the change in trend , the MPS has a downward trend , which is contrary to the view that the MPS will increase as incomes is rising .