
  1. 银行不良信贷资产风险的形成与防范

    Formation and Avoidance of Bank ` s Improper Credit Assets Risk

  2. 不良信贷资产价格评估初探

    A Brief Approach to Price Appraisal of Non * performing Credit Assets

  3. 第三,增强对不良信贷资产的消化吸收能力。

    Third , strengthening the digestion absorbability to NPLs .

  4. 银行业不良信贷资产是诱发社会金融风险的重要原因。

    Banking bad credit assets are important reasons that bring out social financial risks .

  5. 我国商业银行不良信贷资产的成因、处置方式及其创新分析

    A Discussion on Formation , Reallocation and Operational Innovations of Default Credits of Commercial Banks in China

  6. 个人信用制度的建设、个人不良信贷资产的处置和我国个人信用安全体系的构建,已经成为摆在我们面前的现实问题。

    There are some important issues comes up now , such as the structuring personal credit system , disposing the personal bad loans and creating a safety system for the personal credit , etc.

  7. 对于中国银行实现3&5年内发展成为具有比较竞争优势的国际大银行的目标以及国有商业银行彻底解决不良信贷资产问题具有现实意义。

    Therefore , this paper provides a practical guide in solving the problems of bad loan thoroughly and bringing the Bank of China to be a competitive international bank within 3 to 5 years .

  8. 根据我国不良信贷资产的现状,提出增量防范重于存量化解,并对信贷风险的度量进行了理论上的探讨。

    In the light of present situations of the bad credit assets in China , this paper proposes that incremental prevention overweigh stock solution , and carries out theoretical discussion on the measurement of credit risk .

  9. 国有商业银行不良信贷资产的化解需要财政支持,但这不是要以政府的财政资金支出去替换国有商业银行的全部不良信贷资产。

    The solution of national commercial bank 's non-performing assets needs fiscal support . But this does not mean that government has to replace all of the bank 's non-performing assets with its fiscal funds payment .

  10. 根据当前面临的国际形势,结合我国经济金融的实际情况,国务院审时度势,决定从根本上解决我国商业银行存在的金融风险,主要是不良信贷资产风险问题。

    In light of existing international situations and China 's financial reality , State Department took measures to eradicate the financial crisis in our commercial banks , the main problem on the list is bad credit assets .

  11. 如何化解和防范我国商业银行不良信贷资产、促使贷款债权实现,最终避免金融危机的发生,是学者和金融工作者一直在研究的问题,并发表了许多看法。

    The question of how to avoid and eliminate unhealthy credit funds in Chinese commercial bank in order to realize creditor 's right and to avoid financial crisis has long been attracting the interest of scholars and financial workers ' study .

  12. 目前,商业银行的不良信贷资产问题引起了全世界的普遍关注,东南亚金融危机的发生,更使人们清楚地认识到不良信贷资产给银行和整个社会带来的恶果。

    At present , the question of unhealthy credit of the commercial bank has caused great concern , and the harm brought by unhealthy credit to the bank and the whole society has come to the light with the outbreak of the South-Asian financial crisis .

  13. 我国至今虽未发生大规模的银行危机,但银行业的风险因素却大量存在,尤其是多年积累的大量的银行不良信贷资产,直接威协着我国银行体系的稳健运行。

    Though by far large-scale banking crises have not broken out in China , there are a lot of risk factors existing in banking , especially the large amount of accumulated bad credit assets in banks , which are threatening the stable operating of our bank system directly .

  14. 从宏观上分析,银行信贷决策与评价的研究有利于商业银行控制信贷风险,减小不良信贷资产规模,提高银行整体收益,从而保证国家经济社会的稳定运行。

    From the macroscopic analysis , this way about assessment and decision of commercial bank personal credit risk is useful to control risk of bank , reduce the bad credit asset scaling , improve the overall benefits , so as to ensure the stable operation of the national economy .