
  1. 本文从强化质量管理部门、加强中间控制,不合格品管理,原始记录和标签管理等五个方面,对加强药厂的软件管理,提出几点看法。

    The article puts forword some views on strengthening the management of soft ware in pharmaceutical enterprises in following respects : Quality assurance unit , quality control in production process , management for substandard products , records and labels .

  2. 制造业企业不合格品的管理

    Enterprise of the Manufacturing Industry to Manage the Reject

  3. 提出了不合格品可视化管理、去除返工动作、采用防错装置、作业标准化等供应商质量改善措施。

    Suggest nonconforming product visualization management , removal rework action , use error-proofing device , standardized operations .