
  • defective products;rejects;non-good parts
  1. 用于LED芯片和散热器导热连接,解决了散热膏,导热膏难操作,涂不均匀,溢胶造成不良品的难题。

    LED chip and heat sink for thermal connection to solve the thermal grease , thermal paste difficult operation , uneven coating , plastic overflow problem caused by defective products .

  2. 中速设计,能粉碎料枝和不良品;

    Design at middle speed , crush material and defective products ;

  3. 避免不良品的注射成型是很多成型工艺员努力想达到的理想

    Injection moulding without rejects is the ideal moulders try to attain .

  4. 对第一种不良品,分析发现由于FPC装成模块弯曲后的反弹力加上偏光片短差引起光泵LED偏离位置。

    To the first inferior goods , the analysis discovers because the FPC packs a mold piece flection behind of rebound the dint plus to be partial to light the slice is short bad cause light pump the LED deviate position .

  5. 为解决机加工生产线不良品率较高和设备故障率较高的问题,成立了精益生产(TPS丰田生产方式)导入及推广的项目小组。

    In order to solve the problem of higher product rejection rate and higher rate of equipment failures in machining production line , A Toyota Production System ( TPS ) implementing group has been set up .

  6. 不接受不良品,不制造不良品,不流转不良品。

    Do not accept , manufacture and transfer the NC products .

  7. 如何减少冻干粉针制品中的萎缩不良品

    How to reduce the shrinked product during the freeze-dry powder injection production

  8. 检查报告只有少量与螺丝有关不良品。

    Inspection report mentioned very few screw related non-conforming .

  9. 如果买方出具书面的不良品证明,卖方会提供上文承诺的保修服务。

    The foregoing warranty is given provided buyer gives written notice of any defect .

  10. 实际上,这两例不良品产生的原因完全不同。

    In fact , these two cases the cause of non-conformance is totally different .

  11. 不制造不良品。

    Do not make the defective products .

  12. 日用陶瓷工业企业降低工序不良品损失实用工作法

    The Working Metholds for Reducing Defective Products in the Industry of Pottery and Porcelain for Daily Use

  13. 边料和不良品实时回收利用,大大提高经济效益。

    Recycle and utilize leftover and defective products at real time , powerfully increase the economic benefit .

  14. 投资音像城根据合作方式不同而定。根据合同与供应商处理不良品及索赔。

    Depending on different cooperative methods . Deal with NCR issue and claim according to the contract .

  15. 铸造毛坯易出现气孔(缩松),该工艺选择了最佳浇口位置,将不良品率降至3%左右;

    Optimum cast gate is chosen , with reject rate reduced to 3 % and air pocket avoided .

  16. 品质是企业生命的源泉,不良品是制造出来的,不是检验出来的!

    Quality awareness : the quality of life of enterprises , non-performing goods are manufactured , not tested out !

  17. 该产品质量确实上乘,但万一有不良品请到所购商店联系,负责退还。

    If so , please get in touch with the store where you buy it and exchange a purchase .

  18. 在执行严格的品质控制之下,我们把不良品率控制在0.03%。

    In the implementation of strict quality control , we have bad product rate of0.03 % in the control .

  19. 品质方针:不导入不良品、不制造不良品、不流出不良品。

    Quality Policy : Do not import bad products , not create bad products , not out of bad products .

  20. 仓库不良品、呆滞品、报废品的报备及处理;

    Fully responsible for the turnover of the material , core product , finish products and tolling in the warehouse .

  21. 本实用新型具有可顺畅排料且可降低不良品产生率的功效。

    The utility model has efficiency that discharging can be smooth and generation rates of defective products can be reduced .

  22. 结果及结论确定最佳工艺处方和冻干曲线是减少萎缩不良品数量,提高制品合格率的关键。

    Results and conclusion The best procedure and freezing curve are the key to reduce the quality of bad production .

  23. 本产品不保证因粉尘、水滴、小虫进入,而影响寿命与不良品产生。

    No guarantee on the products against the safety problem or failure cover by power dust drop of water or insect .

  24. 下次当你买到不良品、在工作上不被重视、或遇到服务不佳时,说出来!

    The next time you buy a defective product , are underappreciated at work or experience poor service , speak up !

  25. 讨论了彩色显像管阴极发射参数测试的物理原理和不良品分析。

    This paper will briefly discuss the physical principle of measurement of cathode emission parameters of CPT and analyze the defective products .

  26. 不良品必须通过维修部门修整后确认为良品才能重投生产线正常产出。

    The " defective products " can re-enter the production line and be normally output after repaired and recognized OK by maintenance department .

  27. 返工过程后产生的不良品及在生产部门上线挑选后的不良品,应退回供应商或无偿换货。

    Disqualified products after the rework and those picked up from the production line should be returned to the supplier or exchanged free .

  28. 对不良品的投诉与退货之处理与调查、分析、回复改善及纠正预防措施。

    And those ways , complaint and return of non-qualified products , investigation , analysis and improvement of precautionary measures , are necessary .

  29. 因此,提高产品质量,降低不良品率,提高模具使用寿命,以降低产品成本是汽车零部件企业当务之急。

    Prolonging die set life-span , cutting down reject rate and product cost are the urgent matter for the enterprise of auto parts production .

  30. 致力于降低品质成本意味著减少入货时的检查及物料的不良品。

    Efforts to hold down the cost of quality mean eliminating both the inspection of incoming goods and the failures resulting from material defects .