
  • 网络constant price;a fixed price
  1. ,保土70.2亿t,累计增产粮食329.1亿kg,以及枝条等实物,五项产品按当时或1980年不变价格计,增产总效益分别为195.07和172.68亿元。

    According to the constant price of that time or the year of 1980 , the output of 5 kinds of products increased by 19.507 billion yuan or 17.268 billion yuan respectively .

  2. 分地区工业总产值(按90年不变价格计算)

    Gross Value of Industrial Output ( at 1990 constant price )

  3. 以不变价格计算,中国的GDP自1994年以来年均增长了9%,推动更多的人跻身中产阶级。

    China 's constant value gross domestic product has risen 9 per cent a year since 1994 , pulling more people into the middle classes .

  4. 尽管贸易增速已放慢至“与全球GDP增长率相仿”的水平,但作为全球经济中的一个组成部分,贸易仍保持稳定。以2005年不变价格计算,商品出口仍稳稳占据全球产出的三分之一。

    While growth in trade has slowed to " mimic global GDP " it remained stable as a component of the global economy , with merchandise exports accounting for a steady third of global output when measured in constant 2005 prices .

  5. 方法:选取1994年~1999年上海市医院用药分析系统中以上4类药物数据资料,每种药品的费用按1994年的不变价格计算,每种药品的用量折算成DDDs。

    METHODS : The data of above-mentioned 4 sorts of drugs were collected from analysis system of drug-use of Shanghai in 1994 ~ 1999.The cost of each sort of drug was calculated in term of fixed price of 1994 and the amount of consumption was discount to DDDs .

  6. 不变价格国民核算手册;

    Manual on national accounts at constant prices ;

  7. 以不变价格计算按经济活动划分的按季本地生产总值

    Quarterly Constant Price GDP by Economic Activity

  8. 这需要在一段时期内,以不变价格计算,出口增速快于进口。

    That would require a period during which exports grew faster than imports , in real terms .

  9. 按不变价格核算的国民帐户

    National Accounts at Constant Prices

  10. 以生产因素的不变价格计算

    Constant factor prices , in

  11. 以不变价格计算,美国的经常帐户赤字虽然仍处于非常高的水平,但最终因此而稳定了下来。

    In real terms , the current account deficit is consequently stabilising at last , albeit at a very high level .

  12. 按不变价格计算的产品价值消除了价格变动因素,不同时期对比可以反映生产的发展速度。

    As the output value at constant prices removes the factor of price changes , it reflects the trend of production development over time .

  13. 本文以不变价格实证分析了改革开放以来,江苏省13个行政区域间人均生计指标与产出指标的绝对差异和相对差异的变迁趋势,并对地区差异变动之悖论进行了实证检验。

    Adopting the fixed price , the paper measured absolute disparity and comparative disparities of economic development between 13 administrative regions in Jiangsu province since the opening policy .

  14. 产值结构受到价格结构的影响,如果价格结构的变动幅度很大,以当年价格计算的产值结构与以不变价格计算的产值结构就会表现出十分不同的变动态势。

    In ease price structure changes greatly , the output structure expressed by priees of the current year and the output structure expressed by fixed priees will have different results .

  15. his认为,若在经过通胀调整的不变价格基础上计算,美国保住制造业榜首地位的时间还要略长一些。

    If the figures are calculated in inflation-adjusted , constant price terms , then I HS believes that the US will keep its top role in manufacturing for a little longer .

  16. 这是个大变化,因为在此前的8年,同样以不变价格计算,美国的出口增幅仅为31%,而同期进口则增长了80%。

    This is a big change : over the previous eight years , US exports rose by a mere 31 per cent , while imports rose by 80 per cent , again in constant prices .

  17. 为了使各年度的全员劳动生产率数字可以比较,1990年以前各年的全员劳动生产率均指数换算成1990年不变价格。

    For the purpose of comparison of the overall labour productivity among different years , the data on the overall labour productivity of the years prior to1990 have been adjusted on the basis of1990 constant prices .

  18. 按照1990年不变价格计算,改革以来的28年间(1978~2006年)物质资本存量年均增长率超过10%,并成为中国经济高速增长的主要动因之一。

    According to the fixed price in 1990 , the annual growth rate of physical capital stock is more than 10 percent in the period from 1978 to 2006 , and thus leads to high economic growth .

  19. 美国的出口增长也终于达到了与进口大致相当的水平:2003年第三季度至今年第三季度,以不变价格计算,美国的商品和服务出口增长了27%,同期进口增长了26%。

    US exports are also at last growing at roughly the same rate as imports : between the third quarter of 2003 and the third quarter of this year exports of goods and services grew 27 per cent , in constant prices , while imports rose 26 per cent .

  20. 最新的设计,不变的价格

    The latest design with constant price

  21. 京晶:对。随着种猪存量的减少,只要需求不变,价格还会上涨并持续走高。

    With depleted breeding stock , prices will go up and stay up as long as demand remains the same .

  22. 第二选项(复杂)是针对那些非固定不变的价格(如$24.95)。

    The second option ( complex ) is for pricing that is anything other than a single static price ( such as $ 24.95 ) .

  23. 首先,全球经济的实际规模将增长一倍,而发展中国家的总产出将增长两倍,其在全球经济产出中所占份额从23%提高至33%(以不变市场价格计算)。

    First , the size of the global economy would double , in real terms , while the developing countries ' aggregate output would triple , raising their share in the total from 23 to 33 per cent ( at constant market prices ) .

  24. 早先有迹象显示,欧佩克成员国可能会保持产量不变。石油价格最近几个月来有所下降,主要由于美元止跌反弹,全球经济发展普遍减缓。

    Earlier indications suggested members might hold production steady , despite plummeting oil prices in recent months , partly because of a restrengthening dollar and tough economic times .

  25. 即使标的证券市场价格维持不变,权证价格仍有可能随着时间的变化而下跌甚至会变得毫无价值。

    Even though the marketing prices of the subject-matter securities maintain unchanged , the warrant prices may decline , even may have no value along with the change of the time .

  26. 若现行原料价格不变,我方价格是有效的。

    The prices are valid only if the current prices of raw materials do not change .

  27. 按不变价值美元计算不变价格国民核算手册

    In constant dollar value Manual on National Accounts at Constant Prices

  28. 式样翻新,但价格不变。最新的设计,不变的价格

    The pattern is new , But the price remains unchanged . the latest design with constant price