
  • 网络non-performing Asset;Toxic Assets;NPL;Distressed Asset
  1. 在这种情况下,快速有效的处理不良资产成为金融改革的关键问题。

    Under this circumstance , how to dispose NPL quickly and efficiently becomes to the key issue for reforming the financial system .

  2. 金融资产管理公司近期的经营目标是:尽快有效地处置不良资产,尽量减少损失。

    The short operation target of AMCs is to dispose NPL as soon as possible and reduce the loss as little as possible .

  3. GECapital善于把握机会,整合不良资产。

    GE Capital is good at grasping any opportunities and dealing with bad debt .

  4. 3层模糊BP神经网络模型可以运用于不良资产债权价值评估。

    The 3-layer fuzzy back-propagation neural net model can accurately evaluate the NPL 's value relatively .

  5. 信达成立于上世纪90年代,该公司成立的初衷是为了买下中国建设银行(ChinaConstructionBank)的未偿债务。如今,信达买入的不良资产来自各个金融机构、房地产开发商以及工业集团。

    Founded in the 1990s to buy unpaid debts from China Construction Bank , Cinda now snaps up distressed assets from financial institutions , property developers and industrial groups .

  6. 包括国际货币基金组织(imf)在内的一些专家担心,若不能剥离银行的不良资产,银行放贷可能会受到抑制。

    Some experts , including the International Monetary Fund , worry that a failure to rid banks of bad assets could inhibit lending .

  7. AMC不良资产评估的会计处理思考

    Reflections on the Accountant Management in the Valuation of Non - performing Assets of AMC

  8. 因此,在加入WTO后的过渡期内,岳阳市商业银行从制度上建立和完善不良资产的增量防范机制,对处理存量不良资产尤为重要,甚至有决定性的意义。

    During the transition period between China 's WTO entry and full opening of banking sector to foreign competition , the Yueyang Commercial Bank should establish a mechanism to prevent further increase of bad loans .

  9. 并运用数据包络分析方法(DEA),对中国AMC处置不良资产的效率进行了度量。

    And it applies the data envelope analysis method ( DEA ) to measure to the China AMCs ' non-performing asset disposition efficiency .

  10. 同样的方式可能也适用于不良资产救助计划拍卖会:克伦佩雷尔和来自斯坦福大学(stanford)的3位经济学家一直在研究其中的细节。

    The same approach could work for a tarp auction , too ; Klemperer and three economists from Stanford have been working out the details .

  11. 1999年,国家成立了四大资产管理公司(AMC),专门负责接收、处置四大国有商业银行的不良资产。

    In 1999 China established four AMC to accept and deal with non-performing assets ( NPAs ) that stripped from four state-owned commercial banks .

  12. 在这其中,直接损害银行稳健与安全、导致银行危机产生的主要问题之一就是不良资产(NON-PERFORMINGASSETS)的产生。

    Among them , one of the reasons that damage the sanity and safety of the bank and lead to the bank crisis is that a lot of non-performing assets ( NPA ) have been produced directly .

  13. 分析了银行风险分析的一般理论和银行风险转移机制,并着重对我国现有金融体制下信贷风险的形成机理和银行不良资产结构变化的Markov过程进行了研究。

    The general theory about risk analysis and risk shift mechanism is also introduced . Especially , the formation mechanism of excess credit risk and the Markov process of structure transform of bad assets are discussed in detail .

  14. 第五部分:在XX公司不良资产证券化方案基础上,对资产管理公司债转股股权的证券化处置进行探讨,设计简单的证券化方案。

    Part five : According to XX company project of bad asset Securitization , it discusses the securitization treatment of reclaiming truck assets and stock changing from credit , and then designs simple Securitization project .

  15. 这一计划将创建两个实体来接收AIG部分不良资产的风险,包括在信贷衍生工具方面的风险敞口,创建资金主要来自美国政府,最高可达525亿美元。

    Two vehicles , funded largely by as much as $ 52.5 billion in government money , were created to take on risks from some of AIG 's souring assets , including exposure to credit derivatives .

  16. 保尔森称,即使在国会10月份批准7000亿美元不良资产救助计划(Tarp)之后,美国仍缺乏一些工具,如适用于非银行金融企业的充足的特殊破产制度。

    He said that even after Congress in October approved the $ 700bn troubled asset relief program , the US still lacked tools such as an adequate special bankruptcy regime for non-bank financial firms .

  17. 同时本文也对不良资产证券化中特设机构(SPV)的设立和信用增级设计提出了相应的对策。

    At the same time , the discourse also probes into the establishment of the special purpose vehicle ( SPV ) and the credit enhancement design in the securitization for the NPL , and puts forward the countermeasure correspondingly .

  18. 文章分析了我国金融资产管理公司的成立背景、特点、运作前景和我国FAMC在处置不良资产工作中遇到的问题及对策。

    The paper analyzes the inaugural background , distinguishing features and operating prospect of FAMC as well as the problems and countermeasures of FAMC in dealing with non-performing asset .

  19. 接着更详细的分析了不良资产证券化的运行机制及资产池的确定、SPV的设立等相关技术手段,由此提出不良资产证券化的整个流程设计。

    Fourthly , discusses detailedly about several technique methods , such as operational mechanism of non-performing assets securitization , determination of the assets pond , establishment of Special Purpose Vehicle , and then bring forward the whole flow design of non-performing assets securitization .

  20. 该方案的主要内容如下:将进入不良资产进行分组,然后利用KMV资产组合模型对各组资产进行组合,求得一定预期收益率水平下的资产池最小风险组合;

    The detail of the design of pool is : the given non-performing asset is first categorized and then each group of asset is combined according to KMV Portfolio model . The minimum risk combination of asset pool under certain expected yield will be obtained .

  21. 信用增级、公开操作原则、间接出售方式和完善的市场环境支持,是美国FDIC和RTC多样化出售不良资产的成功经验。

    So it is necessary to take innovation in the link of sale . Improvement of credit , open - operation principle , indirect selling way and support of market - environment are successful experience of American FDIC and RTC of selling bad assets .

  22. 国有商业银行不良资产管理和处置问题研究

    Bad Assets Management of the State-owned Commercial Banks and Its Handlings

  23. 中国建设银行不良资产问题研究

    Research on the Non - performing Asset in China Construction Bank

  24. 基于化解银行不良资产的利率手段实证分析

    Empirical Analysis of Interest Rate Tool Based on Cover Non-performing Loans

  25. 处理不良资产美国一行

    A travel to USA to see the dispose of bad assets

  26. 对银行不良资产问题的思考

    The thinking of the problem of the bad-assets in commercial banks

  27. 总结了国外化解银行不良资产所采取的措施以及对我国的经验借鉴。

    Concentrating the way of foreign bank 's non-performing assets disposal ;

  28. 对债转股和利用外资处置不良资产的研究

    A Study of Debt-Equity Swap And the Use of Foreign Funds

  29. 不良资产的产生和存在,在国际上是较为普遍的现象。

    It is a normal international phenomenon for appearance and existence .

  30. 通过资本市场处置不良资产的途径选择

    Choice of Paths to Dispose of Bad Assets through Capital Market